New! Harper's Perennial Library, 1964-1990 by Peter Coveney
Old and new book series from publishers in many lands
British book series
American book series
French book series
German book series
Books series from other countries
Articles on books, book series, publishers, publishing houses, and more
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Series of the Month
Ballantine's Illustrated History of the Car (Ballantine Books, Inc.)
Ballantine's Illustrated History of World War II (Ballantine Books, Inc.)
Ballantine Walden Edition (Ballantine Books, Inc.)
Comstock Editions (Ballantine Books, Inc.)
Mockingbird Books (Ballantine Books, Inc.)
The Pan/Ballantine's Illustrated History of the First World War (Ballantine Books and Pan Books)
Great Ages of Man (Time-Life Books)
LIFE History of the United States (Time-Life Books)
LIFE Nature Library (Time-Life Books)
LIFE Science Library (Time-Life Books)
LIFE World Library (Time-Life Books)
Time Life Library of America (Time-Life Books)
Time Life Library of Art (Time-Life Books)
Colección Antares (Libresa)
Arab Background Series (Longman; Librairie du Liban)
Arada Guides (Arada Books)
Archeia (National Archives, South West Africa; then: Namibia)
Capricorn Giants (G. P. Putnam's Sons)
Children's Library (Ghana Publishing Corporation)
Colecção Estudos e orientações (FRELIMO)
Colección Clásica (Biblioteca Ayacucho)
Coles Notes for Students (Coles Publishing Co. Ltd.)
Collection Mafundisho-Mateya (Presses universitaires de Zaire)
The Cresset Library (Century Hutchinson; Ebury Press; David & Charles)
Dandaro Readers (Mambo Press)
Ensayos para repensar el país (Hisbol)
Fiji Museum Special Publication (Fiji Museum)
Khayats Oriental Reprints (Khayats)
Israel Pocket Library (Keter Books)
Kitabha-i Talai (Golden Library) (Amir Kabir)
Leisure Moment Series (Henry Holt & Co.)
Malawian Writers Series (Popular Publishers)
Masters of Art (Harry N. Abrams, Inc.)
Mémoires de l'Institut français d'Afrique noire (Larose; I.F.A.N.)
Monarch Notes and Student Guides (Monarch Press, Inc.)
Collection Mosaïque (Editions Sedia)
Plaisir de lire (Nouvelles Editions Ivoiriennes)
Profil d'une oeuvre (Hatier)
Oasis Travel Series (Oasis Oil Company of Libya)
Occasional Papers (Sudan Antiquities Service)
Our Heritage Series (Fountain Publishers)
Patrimoines (Presses de l'Université du Bénin; then: Presses de l'Université du Lomé)
Peradeniya Manuals (H. C. Cottle, Government Printer, Colombo)
Portugal maior (Edição da "Casa da Metrópole")
Praeger World of Art (Frederick A. Praeger, Inc.)
Rigby Opal Books (Rigby Limited)
Serie del Río Hablador (Peisa)
South African Yesterdays (David Philip)
Zambia Past and Present (NECZAM)