Publishing History > Topical Books (Selwyn & Blount)

Topical Books

Publisher: Selwyn & Blount.
Place: London, United Kingdom. Dates: 1934-1935.

Young Oxford and War
by Michael Foot, Richard Gavin Freeman, Frank Hardie and Keith Steel-Maitland. Preface by Harold Laski.
London: Selwyn & Blount, 1934 (Topical Books)

"Before departing Selwyn and Blount, Krishna Menon edited a collection of essays from Oxford graduates on war, in response to the Oxford Union’s 'King and Country' debate of February 1933. One of the debate’s participants, future Labour Party leader Michael Foot, contributed an essay, beginning a long collaboration with Krishna Menon which drew Foot into anticolonial politics." -- Mark Reeves, The League Against Imperialism (Leiden University Press, 2020)


Series Note: Series editor: V. K. Krishna Menon (1896-1974), who would later be known for being an Indian nationalist and champion of India's anticolonialism and neutralism.

Further reading: Jack Bowman, "The Early Political Thought and Publishing Career of V. K. Krishna Menon, 1928-1938", The Historical Journal, Cambridge University Press, 2 February 2023, and Mark Reeves, "Two Leagues, One Front? The India League and the League Against Imperialism in the British Left, 1927-1937", in: The League Against Imperialism, Leiden University Press, 2020.

Title / Author / Year of Publication

I Will Not Rest
by Romain Rolland
Translated by Krishnarao Shivarao Shelvankar
Translation of Quinze ans de combat (1919-1934) by Romain Rolland

Crisis in Europe
by George Slocombe
My England
by George Lansbury

by Ernest H. Robinson

Why Fascism?
by Ellen Cicely Wilkinson and Edward Conze

Young Oxford and War
by Michael Foot, Richard Gavin Freeman, Frank Hardie and Keith Steel-Maitland
Preface by Harold Laski

Announced Titles

Design in Civilisation
by Noel Carrington
Announced but not published

This Film Business
by R. S. Lambert
Date: ?
This title was listed as being published in this series but no record has been found of it actually being in this series.