Publishing History > Satapitaka Series (International Academy of Indian Culture) - Book Series List
Satapitaka Series
Publisher: International Academy of Indian Culture. Country: India. Date: 1957-.

Life of Lord Buddha: Compiled by Monk Pao-ch'eng from Chinese Sutras and illustrated in Woodcuts in the Ming Period
Translated by Lokesh Chandra & Sushama Lohia
International Academy of Indian Culture and Aditya Prakashan, 2010 (Satapitaka Series, Vol. 627). 463 pages.
Publisher blurb: "This Life of Lord Buddha is a reproduction of the Shih-chia ju-lai ying-hua shih-chi, a collection of important episodes in the life of Lord Buddha, cited from different Sutras translated into Chinese from the 3rd to the 13th century. The citations are illustrated on opposite pages, so that the pious could visualise the Dharma of the Tathagata. They are 'Visual Dharma'. The Chinese has been translated into English. It was compiled by monk Pao-ch'eng during the Ming period. It was revised by Prince Yung-shan the grand nephew of Emperor K'ang-hsi. He had new woodcuts done in 1787-93. The landscape, buildings, persons, city layouts, gardens, etc are styled as was done in the 18th century. The simple lines, athirst for the beauty of the beyond, were to deepen the spiritual tone. A Chinese proverb says: "a picture is a voiceless poem, a poem is a vocal picture". The hieratic art of this volume is an evocation of the Chinese proverb in its powerful lines and in its tranquil sunyata of minimal art. It has been translated into English for the first time. It is of interest to scholars of Buddhist art, thought, social life, and hagiography."
Series Note: The Satapitaka Series was preceded by the Sarasvati Vihara Series (International Academy of Indian Culture).
Arrangement by Serial Number
1. Wrhaspati-tattwa. An old Javanese philosophical text, ed. by Devi. 1957.
2. Rani, S. Slokantara. 1957.
3. Chandra, L. Tibetan-Sanskrit dictionary. 3 v. 1959.
4. Devi, S. Samantabhadra-carya-Pranidhanaraja. 1959.
5. Raghu Vira. Monogol-Sanskrit dictionary. 1958.
6. Singhal, S. D. Ganapati-Tattwa. 1958.
7. Zienseniss, A. Studien zur Geschichte des Sivaismus.1958.
8. Chandra, L. Dpag-Bsam-Ljon-Bzan. 1959.
9. _____. Mkhas-Pahi-Dgah-Ston. 1959.
10. Raghu Vira and Chandra, L. Gilgit Buddhist manuscript. 1959.
11. Rinchen. Four Mongolian historical records. 1959.
12. Chandra, L., ed. Vai-durya-serpo. 1960.
13. Bawden, C. Tales of King Vikramaditya and the thirty-two wooden men. 1960.
14. Chandra, L. The Samye monastery. 1961.
15. Raghu Vira, ed. Araji Booji. 1962.
16. Ye-ses-thabs-mkhas. Eminent Tibetan polymaths of Mongolia. 1961.
17. Gelder, J. M. van, ed. Manavasrautasutram. 1961.
18. Mañjusri. Mañjusri-nama-sarigiti in Mongolian, Tibetan, Sanskrit and Chinese.. ., ed. by Raghu Vira. 1962.
19. Mahavyupatti. Pentaglot dictionary of Buddhist terms in Sanskrit, Tibetan, Manchurian, Mongolian and Chinese, ed. by Raghu Vira. 1961.
20. Vratisasana. Wratisasana, ed. by Sharoda Rani. 1961.
21. Raghu Vira and Chandra, L., eds. A new Tibeto-Mongol pantheon. 11 v. 1961.
22. Bawden, C. R. Vikra-maditya tales from Mongolia. 1962.
23. Tattvajnana. Tattwajnana and Mahajnana, ed. by Singhal. 1962.
24. Vararuci. Sara samuc-caya, ed. by Raghu Vira. 1962.
25-26. Kochanowski, J. Gypsy studies. 2 v. 1963. S276
27. Van Gelder, J. M. Man-ava-srauta-sutra. 1963.
28-30. Chandra, L., ed. Materials for a history of Tibetan literature. 3 v. 1963.
31. Raghu Vira, ed. Indo-Asian studies. V. 1. 1963.
32. _____. Sarasvati vihara. 1964.
33. Rinchen, B. Catalogue du Tanjur Mongol imprimé. V. 1. 1964.
34. Chandra, L. The golden annals of Lamaism. 1964.
35. International Academy of Indian Culture. Raghuvira-sraddhañjali. 1965.
36. Raghu Vira. India's national language. 1965.
37. Raghu Vira, ed. Indo-Asian studies. 1965.
38. _____. The Amarakosa in Tibet. 1965.
39. Raghu Vira and Chandra, L. Sanskrit Bijas and Mantras in Japan. 1965.
40. Shastri, P. N. Jaiminiya-sraut-asutra-vrtti. 1965.
41.-68 Bu-ston. Collected works, ed. by Chandra. 28 parts. 1966.
69-70. Raghu Vira, and Chandra, L., eds. The Kalacakra-tantra and other texts. 2 v. 1966.
71. Chandra, L., comp. Sanskrit texts from the Imperial Palace at Peking. 1966.
72. _____. Yuthok's Treatise on Tibetian medicine. 1966.
73. _____ and Namdak, T. Bon-po Nispanna-yoga. 1967.
74. Sinor, D. Studies in South, East and Central Asia. 1967.
75. Chandra, L. Tibetan chronicle of Padma-dkar-po. 1967.
76. _____ and Singhal, S. D. Professor Raghuvira's expedition to China. 1968.
77. Chandra, L. The autobiography and diaries of Si-tu Panchen. 1968.
78. _____. A 15th century Tibetan compendium of knowledge. 1969.
79. _____. The life of the Saint of Gtsan. 1969.
80. _____. Kongtrul's Encyclopedia of Indo-Tibetan culture. 1971.
81. _____. Sanskrit manuscripts from Tibet. 1971.
82. _____. An illustrated Tibeto-Mongolian materia medica of Ayurveda. 1971.
83-91. Grinstead, E. The Tangut tripitaka. 9 pts. 1971.
92. Chandra, L. The esoteric iconography of Japanese mandales. 1972.
93-94. _____. Sanskrit manuscripts from Japan. 2 v. 1972.
95-96. Ratnam, P. Studies in Indo-Asian art and culture. 2 v. 1972.
97. Chandra, L. Buryat annotations on the Lam-rim. 1972.
98. _____. Buddha in Chinese woodcuts. 1973.
99. Gonda, J. Sanskrit in Indonesia. 1973.
100. Lama, L. The collected works of Longdol Lama, ed. by Lokesh Chandra. 2 pts. 1973.
101-108 Chandra, L., ed. Mongolian Kanjur. 108 v. 1973.
109. Same as no. 95-96. V. 3. 1974.
110-11. Chandra, L. Sadhana-mala of the Panchen Lama. 2 pts. 1974.
112. _____. The blue annals. 1974.
* * *
627. Lokesh Chandra & Sushama Lohia, tr. Life of Lord Buddha: Compiled by Monk Pao-ch'eng from Chinese Sutras and illustrated in Woodcuts in the Ming Period. 2010.
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Author: David Paul Wagner
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