Publishing History > Sarasvati Vihara Series (International Academy of Indian Culture) - Book Series List
Sarasvati Vihara Series
Publisher: International Academy of Indian Culture. Country: India. Date: 1936- .

Sankhayana Srautasutra, being a major yajñiika text of the Rgveda
Translated in to English for the first time by the late Prof. W. Caland, University of Utrecht (Holland). Edited with an introduction by Dr. Lokesh Chandra, M.A., D.Litt.
Nagpur, The International Academy of Indian Culture, 1953 (Sarasvati Vihara Series, 32).
Series Note: The Sarasvati Vihara Series was continued by the Satapitaka Series (International Academy of Indian Culture).
Arranged by Serial Number
1. Vedas. Atharvadeda. Athar-vaveda of the Paippaladas, ed. by Raghu Vira. Bks. 1-13. 1936.
2. Jaiminiya Brahama. Jaimini-ya-Brahmana of the Sama-veda, ed. by Raghu Vira. Pt. 1. 1937.
3. Samaveda of the Jaiminiyas, ed. by Raghu Vira. 1938.
4. Uddhara-kosa of Daksina-murti, ed. by Raghu Vira and Taki. 1938.
5. Raghu Vira and Yamamoto, C. The Budda and the Bodhisattva in Indian sculpture. Pt. 1. 1938.
6. Raghu Vira. Vedic mysticism. 1938.
7. Valmiki. Ramayana of Valmiki, ed. by Raghu Veda. Pt. 1. 1938.
8. Ramayana in China, tr. by K'ang-Seng-Hui, ed. by Raghu Vira. 1938.
9. Vedas. Atharvadeda. Athar-vaveda of the Paippaladas, ed. by Raghu Vira. Bks. 14 18. 1940.
10. Raghu Vira and Yamamoto, C. The Budda and the Bodhisattva in Indian sculpture. Pt. 2. 1939.
11. Raghu Vira and Yamamoto, C. The Budda and the Bodhisattva in Indian sculpture. Pt. 3.. 1941.
12. Vedas. Atharvadeda. Athar-vaveda of the Paippaladas, ed. by Raghu Vira. Bks. 19-20. 1941.
13. Alikalibijaharam. Ali-kali-bija-haram, ed. by Raghu Vira. 1941.
14. Tripitaska. Fan-Fan-Yu, ed. by Raghu Vira. 1943.
15-18. Raghu Vira. The great English-Indian dictionary. 4 v. 1944.
19. The consolidated great English-Indian dictionary of technical terms. 1950.
20. Raghu Vira and Dave, K. N. Indian scientific nomenclature of birds of India, Burma and Ceylon. 1949.
21. Jaiminiya Brahama. Jaimini-ya-Brahmana of the Sama-veda, ed. by Raghu Vira. Pt. 2. 1950.
22. Raghu Vira. Elementary English-Indian dictionary of scientific terms. 1950.
23. Raghu Vira and Gupta, G. S. A dictionary of English-Indian terms of administration. 1950.
24. Raghu Vira and Tamaskar, B. G. Indian (Hindi) conventional signs for topographical maps of the survey of India. 1950.
25. Raghu Vira. Hindi-English dictionary of technical terms. 1951.
26. Nobel, J. Central Asia. 1951.
27. Raghu Vira and Londhe, D. G. A glossary of logic. 1951.
28. Gonda, J. Sanskrit in Indonesia. 1952.
29. Raghu Vira and others. Khanija abhijñaña. 1952.
30. Indian scientific nomenclature of the mammals of India, Burma and Ceylon. 1953.
31. Jaiminiyabrahama. Jaimini-ya-Brahmana of the Sama-veda, ed. by Raghu Vira and Chandra. 1954.
32. Sunahsepa. Sankhayana Srautasutra, A. Caland, tr., L. Chandra, ed. 1953.
33. Raghu Vira. Swarawyanjana. 1956.
34. Chinese poems and pictures on Ahimsa. 1955.
35. Raghu Vira and others, eds. A comprehensive English-Hindu dictionary of governmental & educational words and phrases. 1955.
36. Gulik, R. H. van. Siddham. 1956.
37. Slokantara, ed. by Sharada Rani. 1956.
38. Wrhaspati-tattwa, ed. by Devi. 1956.
39. Raghu Vira and others, eds. English-Pali dictionary. 1957.
40. Raghu Vira and Chandra, L. An exhaustive English-Sanskrit dictionary. 1957.
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Author: David Paul Wagner
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