Series Note:
This series was launched by the London bookseller Christina Foyle in part as a counter-balance to the Left Book Club operated by the publisher Victor Gollancz..
A Call to Action!
Today, more than ever before, it is essential that we equip ourselves with a comprehensive knowledge of world affairs. The books selected by the 'Right' Book Club show a sound sense of judgment as well as a keen appreciation of the best instincts of humanity. These books point out courageous new measures for the upbuilding of our country. They deal with the problems of industry and agriculture. They hammer home the significance of the Imperial Commonwealth in relation to the modern world. And they expose false political doctrines. Because 'Right' Book Club authors enjoy complete freedom of expression, these books present a vital call to action, voicing the true opinions of the British people on all the most important questions of these momentous times. Remember the 'Right' Book Club brings these books to you at only a fraction of the normal cost. Now is the time to join.
No Membership Fee - No Subscription
It costs nothing to belong to the 'Right' Book Club. There is no membership fee or subscription. A member's sole responsibility is an agreement to accept the monthly choice of the 'Right' Book Club for a minimum period of four months, to pay for same on receipt, and to give not less than four weeks' notice of termination of membership. (Postage is extra outside the London postal area but will not exceed sixpence.)
From the Late Sir Austen Chamberlain, K.G., P.C., M.P.
"I welcome the appearance of the 'Right' Book Club. I have learned to trust the judgment of our people when the truth is made available to them."
From the Rt. Hon. Lord Lloyd of Dolobran, P.C., G.C.S.I., G.C.I.E., D.S.O.
"I am glad to learn of the popularity and progress of the 'Right' Book Club. A great responsibility as well as an opportunity of doing work of last national importance lies before the Club."
From the Rt. Hon. the Lord Sempill
"The work which you doing deserves the support of all thinking men and women."
Sir Harry Brittain, K.B.E., C.M.G., LL.D.
Sir Frederick Kenyon, G.B.E., K.C.B.
Sir Ernest J. P. Benn, Bt., C.B.E.
Sir Lawrence Wensley Chubb.
The Hon. Sir J. Langdon Bonython, K.C.M.G.
The Rt. Hon. L. S. Amery, P.C., M.P.
Col. the Rt. Hon. John Gretton, P.C., M.P.
John E. Crowder, Esq., M.P.
Major F. Yeats-Brown, D.F.C.
Vice-Admiral E. A. Taylor, C.M.G., C.V.O., M.P.
Hamilton Kerr, Esq., M.P.
Air Vice-Marshall J. E. Baldwin, D.S.O., O.B.E.
Rear-Admiral T. P. H. Beamish, C.P., D.L., M.P.
Sir C. M. Barclay-Harvey, M.P.
Lt.-Com. Peter Agnew, R.N., M.P.
Sir Reginald Dorman Smith, M.P.
A. Lennox-Boyd, Esq., M.P.
Lt.-Col. Sir T. C. Moore, C.B.E., M.P.
Charles Taylor, Esq., M.P.
Richard K. Law, Esq., M.P.
Brig.Gen. R. J. Kentish, C.M.G., D.S.O.
Herbert Wragg, Esq., M.P.
Gordon C. Touche, Esq., M.P.
The Hon. W. W. Astor, M.P.
A. Beverley Baxter, Esq., M.P.
Duncan Sandys, Esq., M.P.
Maxwell Fyfe, Esq., M.P.
E H. Keeling, Esq., M.C., M.P.
Eric Errington, Esq., M.P.
Major Ralph Rayner, M.B.E., F.R.G.S, M.P.
E. L. Fleming, Esq., K.C., M.P.
The (Book) Selection Committee
Lt.-Col. Norman Twaites, C.B.E., M.V.O., M.C.
Capt. Anthony Ludowici.
Collinson Owen, Esq.
Trevor Blakemore, Esq.
Derek Walker-Smith, Esq.
Source of the above information:
Right Book Club publicity flyer printed in early 1939.
(Note: "Members bought these books for 2/6 each".)
Right Book Club Publication Date / Title / Author / Description / Original Publisher and Price
June 1937
The English Heritage by Rex Welldon Finn.
It breathes the very air of England. and in its pages, her rich history comes to life.
Originally published by Heinemann at 7/6.
July 1937
Victoria Regina by Laurence Housman.
A dramatic biography of a great Queen.
Originally published by Jonathan Cape at 10/6/
August 1937
A False Utopia by W. H. Chamberlain.
An "inside" picture of Communism and Fascism.
Originally published by Duckworth at 7/6/
September 1937
Kingdoms in Partnership by C. J. M. Alport.
The story of the Imperial Commonwealth in relation to the modern world.
Originally published by Lovat Dickson at 10/6.
October 1937
I Know These Dictators by G. Ward Price.
A vivid "close up" of Herr Hitler and Signor Mussolini.
Originally published by Harrap at 10/6.
November 1937
The March of a Nation by Harold Cardozo.
Authoritative account of the Spanish War by an English war correspondent of unrivalled experience.
Originally published by Eyre & Spottiswoode at 10/6.
December 1937
Georgian Adventure by Douglas Jerrold.
A personal record of the years of George V's reign.
Originally published by Collins at 15/-.
January 1938
Word from Nowhere by Fred E. Beal.
A striking indictment of the despotism and inefficiency of the Communist system.
Originally published by Robert Hale at 12/6.
February 1938
The Chamberlain Tradition by Sir Charles Petrie
A joint biography of Joseph, Austen and Neville Chamberlain.
March 1938
Japan Over Asia by W. H. Chamberlain.
A masterly interpretation of Japan's foreign policy.
Originally published by Duckworth at 15/-.
April 1938
Famine in England by Viscount Lymington.
A plea for the health and well-being of our people based on a constructive social policy.
Originally published by Witherby at 7/6.
May 1938
Why Britain Prospers by William Teeling.
An authoritative, up-to-the-minute study of current political and economic conditions.
Originally published by John Gifford at 10/6.
June 1938
Thoughts and Talks by Sir Arnold Wilson.
The diary of a Member of Parliament.
Originally published by Longmans at 12/6/
July 1938
This England by W. S. Shears.
A splendid guide to England's shires and counties.
Originally published by Hutchinson at 7/6/
August 1938
Assignment in Utopia by Eugene Lyons.
A devastating criticism of the Soviet regime.
Originally published by Harrap at 15/-.
September 1938
Ordeal in England by Sir Philip Gibbs.
A brilliant commentary on the momentous times in which we live.
Originally published by Heinemann at 7/6.
October 1938
Memoirs by H.R.H. Prince Christopher of Greece.
Originally published by Hurst & Blackett at 12/6.
November 1938
Propaganda Boom by A. J. Mackenzie.
A forthright, factual study of propaganda methods in the Totalitarian states
Originally published by Gifford at 10/6.
December 1938
Spanish Arena by William Foss and Cecil Gerahty.
An account of the Spanish Civil War.
Originally published by Gifford at 18/-.
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Author: David Paul Wagner
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