Publishing History > Left Book Club (Victor Gollancz Ltd.) - Book Series List

Left Book Club
Publisher: Victor Gollancz Ltd. Country: U.K. Date: 1936-48.

The Road to Wigan Pier - Orwell (Left Book Club/Victor Gollancz) (image)

The Road to Wigan Pier
by George Orwell.
With a foreword by Victor Gollancz.
London: Victor Gollancz, London, 1937 (Left Book Club).
Orange limp cloth. Front cover and spine lettered in black. xxiv, 264 pp. 32 black and white photographic plates. Size: Octavo [217 x 140 mm].

Series Note:
The Left Book Club was a "British book club created by [Victor] Gollancz in 1936 to combat the rise of Fascism and create the basis for a ‘popular front’ through the marketing and large-scale international distribution of left-wing books. (...) Subscribers received one publication monthly for 5s. 6d., along with the newsletter Left Book News."

-- Kate Longworth, "Left Book Club" (entry) in: The Oxford Companion to the Book, O.U.P. (online version).

Further Reading

John Lewis, The Left Book Club: An Historical Record, London, Victor Gollancz, 1970. Foreword by Dame Margaret Cole. John Lewis was the Convener of the L.B.C. Groups in the years 1936-40.

See also:
Right Book Club

Arranged in order of date of publication

Cripps, Stafford (1936). The Struggle for Peace.
Malraux, André (1936). Days of Contempt.
Noel-Baker, Philip (1936). The Private Manufacture of Armaments.
Olden, Rudolf (1936). Hitler the Pawn.
Salvemini, Gaetano (1936). Under the Axe of Fascism.
Strachey, John (1936). The Theory and Practice of Socialism.

Attlee, C. R. (1937). The Labour Party In Perspective.
Brady, Robert A. (1937). The Spirit and Structure of German Fascism.
Cole, G. D. H.; Cole, M. I. (1937). The Condition of Britain.
Cole, G. D. H. (1937). The People's Front.
Collard, Dudley (1937). Soviet Justice and the Trial of Radek and Others. [1]
Cox, Geoffrey. Defence of Madrid.
Koestler, Arthur (1937). Spanish Testament.
Odets, Clifford (1937). Waiting for Lefty.
Orwell, George (1937). The Road to Wigan Pier.
Sloan, Pat (1937). Soviet Democracy. [2]
Snow, Edgar (1937). Red Star Over China.
Spender, Stephen (1937). Forward from Liberalism.
Strachey, John (1937). The Coming Struggle for Power.
Tawney, R. H. (1937). The Acquisitive Society.
Webb, Sidney; Webb, Beatrice (1937). Soviet Communism: A New Civilisation.

Haldane, J. B. S. (1938). A. R. P.
Jones, F. Elwyn (1938). The Battle for Peace.
Smedley, Agnes (1938). China Fights Back: An American Woman with the Eighth Route Army.
Strachey, John (1938). What Are We to Do?
Strachey, John (1938). Why You Should Be A Socialist.
Vigilantes (1938). Why the League has Failed.

Addison, Lord (1939). A Policy for British Agriculture.
Barnes, Leonard (1939). Empire or Democracy?
Campbell, J. R. (1939). Soviet Policy and its Critics. [3]
Cole, G. D. H. (1939). War Aims.
Gedye, G. E. R. (1939). Fallen Bastions: The Central European Tragedy.
Kuczynski, Jürgen (1939). The Condition of the Workers in Great Britain, Germany and the Soviet Union 1932-1938.
Johnson, Hewlett (1939). The Socialist Sixth of the World.
Swingler, Stephen (1939). An Outline of Political Thought Since the French Revolution.
Vigilantes (1939). Why We Are Losing the Peace: The National Government's Foreign Policy: Its Causes, Consequences and Cure.
Wilkinson, Ellen (1939). The Town That Was Murdered: The Life Story of Jarrow.

Constantine, Murray (1940). Swastika Night.
Strachey, John (1940). Federalism or Socialism?
Strachey, John (1940). A Programme for Progress.
Frölich, Paul (1940). Rosa Luxemburg.

Cole, G. D. H. (1941). Europe, Russia and the Future.
Edelman, Maurice (1941). Production for Victory, Not Profit!
Koestler, Arthur (1941). Scum of the Earth.
The Pied Piper (1941). Rats!
Snow, Edgar (1941). Scorched Earth.
Strachey, John (1941). A Faith to Fight For.

Smith, Aubrey Douglas (1942). Guilty Germans?
Cole, G. D. H. (1942). Great Britain in the Post-War World.
Mallalieu, J. P. W. (1942). Passed to You, Please: Britain's Red-Tape Machine at War.
Neumann, Franz (1942). Behemoth. The Structure and Practice of National-Socialism.

Cole, G. D. H. (1943). The Means to Full Employment.
Braunthal, Julius (1943). Need Germany Survive?
Burger, John (1943). The Black Man's Burden.
Hagen, Paul (1943). Will Germany Crack? A Factual Report on Germany from Within.

Laski, Harold J. (1944). Faith, Reason and Civilisation: An Essay in Historical Analysis.
Smedley, Agnes (1944). Battle Hymn of China.
Sturmthal, Adolf (1944). The Tragedy of European Labour 1918-1939.
Zilliacus, Konni (1944). The Mirror Of The Past: Lest it Reflect the Future.

Anderson, Evelyn (1945). Hammer or Anvil: The Story of the German Working-Class Movement.
Braunthal, Julius (1945). In Search of the Millenium.
Mosley, Leonard O. (1945). Report from Germany.

Blum, Léon (1946). For All Mankind.
Brockway, Fenner (1946). German Diary.
Roth, Andrew (1946). Dilemma In Japan.

Hill, Russell (1947). Struggle for Germany.
Keppel-Jones, Arthur (1947). When Smuts Goes.
Schlotterbeck, Friedrich (1947). The Darker the Night, the Brighter the Stars.
Schuschnigg, Kurt (1947). Austrian Requiem.

Cole, G. D. H. (1948). The Meaning of Marxism.
Braunthal, Julius (1948). The Tragedy of Austria.
Haag, Lina (1948). How Long the Night.
Lingens-Reiner, Ella (1945). Prisoners of Fear.
Walker, Oliver (1948). Kaffirs are Lively.

[1] A defence of the first two Moscow Trials.
[2] Praising the 1936 Soviet Constitution.
[3] Defending the Popular Front and criticizing Trotsky.

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Author: David Paul Wagner
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