Writers and Their Work
Publisher: Longmans, Green for the British Council and the National Book League. Country: U.K. Date: 1950- .

Robert Graves by Martin Seymour-Smith
London, Longmans, Green & Co., 1956. 32 pages.
(Writers and Their Work, no. 78)
Series Note: This series has gone through four periods:
(1) It began in 1950 under the title of Bibliographical Series of Supplements to 'British Book News' on Writers and Their Work. The publisher was Longmans, Green.
(2) It was then (from the early 1950s) published under the title of Writers and Their Work. The publisher was still Longmans, Green, which published the series on behalf of the British Council and the National Book League.
(3) In 1982 Profile Publications took over the series, publishing just six titles.
(4) In 1994, the Writers and Their Work series was relaunched by the educational publishers, Northcote House. For currently available titles, visit: http://writersandtheirwork.co.uk/
Format: Octavo sized saddle-stapled paperback booklets, containing between 26 and 64 pages. Each volume featured a select bibliography and a frontispiece photograph.
The booklet covers were originally very plain, just mustard/buff coloured with red and black text (see image of E. M. Forster volume below). Then in 1953 onwards the front covers of buff-coloured card printed with borders incorporating British symbols (thistle, rose, shamock, leek, acorns and leaves) (see Robert Graves volume above). In the 1970s some of the cover designs featured bold background colour superimposed with two large capital letter Ws in white (see Tennyson volume below). Each currently in print volume (published by Northcote House) features a colour photograph on the front cover.
The general editors of this series:
(1950-54) T. O. [Thomas Owen] Beachcroft
(1954-64) Bonamy Dobrée
(1964-69) Geoffrey Bullough
(1969-82) Ian Scott-Kilvert
(1994- ) Isobel Armstrong
Writers and Their Work (Longman, Green) - 1950-79
Serial Number / Title / Author / Publication Date
1. Bernard Shaw A. C. Ward. 1966.
2. Joseph Conrad Oliver Warner. 1954.
3. G. K. Chesterton Christopher Hollis. 1954.
4. The Bronte Sisters Phyllis Bentley. 1950, 1954.
5. Henry James Ian Jack. 1957.
6. John Keats Edmund Blunden. 1954.
7. E. M. Forster Rex Warner. 1954.
8. T. S. Eliot M. C. Bradbrook. 1953.
9. Arnold Bennett Frank Swinnerton. 1961.
10. Byron Herbert Read. 1955.
11. Tobias Smollett Laurence Brander. 1965.
12. William Blake Kathleen Raine. 1951.
14. G. M. Trevelyan J. H. Plumb. 1951, 1971.
15. George Eliot Lettice Cooper. 1951.
16. Osbert Sitwell Roger Fulford. 1951.
17. Jane Austen Sylvia Townsend Warner. 1951.
18. Sheridan W. A. Darlington. 1951.
19. Rudyard Kipling Bonamy Dobree. 1965.
20. I. Compton-Burnett Pamela Hansford Johnson. 1951.
21. Thomas Hardy R. A. Scott-James. 1951.
22. Somerset Maugham John Brophy. 1958.
23. Thomas Carlyle David Gascoyne. 1963.
24. John Masefield L. A. G. Strong. 1952.
25. Edith Sitwell John Lehman. 1952.
26. Milton E. M. W. Tillyard. 1952.
27. Robert Louis Stevenson G. G. Stern. 1961.
28. Elizabeth Bowen Jocelyn Brooke. 1952.
29. Shelley Stephen Spender. 1952.
30. Samuel Butler G. D. H. Cole. 1951.
31. D. H. Lawrence Kenneth Young. 1966.
32. William Morris Philip Henderson. 1969.
33. Virginia Woolf Bernard Blackstone. 1952
34. Wordsworth Helen Darbishire. 1954.
35. Hilaire Belloc Renee Haynes. 1953.
36. Walter de la Mare Kenneth Hopkins. 1953.
37. Charles Dickens K. J. Fielding. 1954 (rev. ed.)
38. John Galsworthy R. H. Mottram. 1953.
39. George Orwell Tom Hopkinson. 1953.
40. H. G. Wells Montgomery Belgion. 1953.
41. Joyce Cary Walter Allen. 1954.
42. R. G. Collingwood E. W. F. Tomlin. 1953.
43. Coleridge Kathleen Raine. 1963.
44. Swinburne H. J. C. Grierson. 1953.
45. Herbert Read Francis Berry. 1961.
46. Evelyn Waugh Christopher Hollis. 1954.
47. Samuel Johnson S. C. Roberts. 1954.
49. Katherine Mansfield Ian A. Gordon. 1954.
50. W. B. Yeats G. S. Fraser. 1952.
51. Defoe James Sutherland. 1965.
52. Laurence Sterne D. W. Jefferson. 1959.
53. Oscar Wilde James Laver. 1954.
54. Christopher Fry Derek Stanford. 1954, 1962.
55. Aldous Huxley Jocelyn Brooke. 1954.
56. Charles Lamb Edmund Blunden. 1954.
57. Fielding John Butt. 1959, 1965.
58. Shakespeare C. J. Sisson. 1959.
59. Gerard Manley Hopkins Geoffrey Grigson. 1959.
60. Matthew Arnold Kenneth Allnott. 1955.
61. Swift J. Middleton Murray. 1955.
62. C. Day Lewis Clifford Dyment. 1955.
63. Charles Williams John Heath-Stubbs. 1954.
64. Wyndham Lewis E. W. F. Tomlin. 1955.
65. Lytton-Strachey R. A. Scott-James. 1955.
66. Edward Gibbon C. V. Wedgwood. 1955.
67. Graham Greene Francis Wyndham. 1962.
68. Izaak Walton Margaret Bottrall. 1955.
69. A. E. Housman Ian Scott-Kilvert. 1969.
70. John Dryden Bonamy Dobree. 1956.
71. Edwin Muir J. C. Hall. 1956.
72. John Henry Newman J. M. Cameron. 1956.
73. John Bunyan Henri A. Talon. 1956.
74. Ford Maddox Ford Kenneth Young. 1956.
75. George Crabbe R. A. Brett. 1956.
76. John Ruskin Peter Quennell. 1956.
77. James Boswell P. A. W. Collins. 1956.
78. Robert Graves Martin Seymour-Smith. 1956.
79. Geoffey Chaucer Neville Coghill. 1969.
80. Winston Churchill John Connell. 1965.
81. Christopher Marlowe Phillip Henderson. 1956.
82. Norman Douglas Ian Greenlees. 1957.
83. Tennyson F. L. Lucas. 1961.
84. J. B. Priestley Ivor Brown. 1957.
85. Dante Gabriel Rossetti Oswald Doughty. 1963.
86. John Donne Frank Kermode. 1957.
87. Edmund Burke T. E. Utley. 1957.
88. Robert Burns David Daiches. 1958.
89. Edmund Spenser Rosemary Freeman. 1957.
90. Dylan Thomas G. S. Fraser. 1957.
91. James Joyce J. I. M. Stewart. 1954.
92. Horace Walpole Hugh Honour. 1957.
93. Edmund Blunden Alec M. Hardie. 1958.
93. [sic] W. H. Auden Richard Hoggart. 1961.
95. Sir Thomas Mallory M. C. Bradbrook. 1958.
96. Lewis Carroll Derek Hudson. 1958.
97. English Travellers in the Near East R. Fedden. 1958.
98. Andrew Marvell John Press. 1958.
99. John Stuart Mill Maurice Cranston. 1968.
100. War Poets 1914-1918 Edmund Blunden. 1964.

E. M. Forster by Rex Warner
London, Longmans, Green & Company, 1954 (1960 reprint). 37 pages.
(Writers and Their Work, no. 7)
101. Samuel Richardson R. F. Brissenden. 1958.
102. John Middleton Murry Philip Mairet. 1958.
103. Sir Walter Scott Ian Jack. 1958.
104. Thomas Gray R. W. Ketton-Cremer. 1958.
105. English Maritime Writing: Hakluyt to Cook Oliver Warner. 1958.
106. Robert Browning John Bryson. 1959.
107. Oliver Goldsmith Jeffares A. Norman. 1959.
108. Sir Thomas Browne Peter Green. 1959.
109. Steele, Addison and Their Periodical Essays A. R. Humphreys. 1959.
110. Thackeray Laurence Brander. 1959.
111. Gissing A. C. Ward. 1959.
112. Ben Jonson J. B. Bamborough. 1959.
113. George Berkeley T. E. Jessop. 1959.
114. Walter Pater Iain Fletcher. 1959.
115. C. P. Snow [Charles Percy Snow] William Cooper. 1959.
116. Macaulay G. R. Potter. 1959.
117. Cavalier Poets Robin Skelton. 1960.
118. Trollope Hugh Sykes Davies. 1960.
119. Thomas Henry Huxley William Irvine. 1960.
120. Sir Philip Sidney Kenneth Muir. 1960
121. William Cowper Norman Nicholson. 1960.
122. William Hazlitt J. B. Priestley. 1960.
123. English Hymns Arthur Pollard. 1960.
124. Elizabeth Gaskell Miriam Allott. 1960.
125. Edward Fitzgerald Joanna Richardson. 1960.
126. Walter Savage Landor G. Rostrevor Hamilton. 1960.
127. Poets of the 1939-1945 War R. N. Currey. 1960.
128. John Skelton H. J. C. Grierson. 1953.
129. Shakespeare: The Early Comedies - Derek Traversi. 1964.
130. Thomas Hobbes T. E. Jessop. 1960.
131. Francis Bacon J. Max Patrick. 1961.
132. Herrick John Press. 1961.
133. Shakespeare: The Great Tragedies - Kenneth Muir. 1964.
134. Three Metaphysical Poets Margaret Willy. 1967.
135. Locke Maurice Cranston. 1961.
136. Christopher Smart Geoffrey Grigson. 1961.
137. Roy Campbell David Wright. 1961.
138. Disraeli Paul Bloomfield. 1961.
139. Sir Thomas Wyatt Sergio Baldi. 1961.
140. Shakespeare: The Problem Plays Peter Ure. 1961.
141. Francis Thompson Peter Butler. 1961.
142. English Translators and Translations J. M. Cohen. 1962.
143. Shakespeare: The Later Comedies G. K. Hunter. 1969.
144. L. P. Hartley and Anthony Powell - Paul Bloomberg and Bernard
Bergonzi. 1962.
145. The Detective Story in Britain Julian Symons. 1962.
146. Shakespeare: The Chronicles Clifford Leech. 1962.
147. Robert Bridges John Sparrow. 1962.
148. Arthur Hugh Clough Isobel Armstrong. 1962.
149. J. M. Synge and Lady Gregory Elizabeth Coxhead. 1962.
150. The Powys Brothers R. C. Churchill. 1962.
152. George Herbert T. S. Eliot. 1962.
153. Ronal Firbank and John Betjeman Jocelyn Brook. 1962.
154. The English Bible Donald Coggan. 1963.
155. Shakespeare: The Final Plays Frank Kermode. 1963.
156. Thomas Love Peacock J. I. M. Stewart. 1963.
157. Shakespeare: The Roman Plays T. J. B. Spencer. 1963.
158. English Sermons Arthur Pollard. 1963.
159. Thomas Hood Laurence Brander. 1963.
160. Walter Bagehot Norman St. John-Stevas. 1963.
161. George Meredith Phyllis Bartlett. 1963.
162. English Diarists: Evelyn and Pepys Margaret Willy. 1963.
163. Edward Thomas Vernon Scannell. 1963.
164. William Congreve Bonamy Dobree. 1963.
165. Shakespeare: The Poems F. T. Prince. 1968.
166. Andrew Young and R. S. Thomas Leonard Clarke and R. George Thomas.
167. Thomas De Quincey Hugh Sykes Davies. 1964.
168. The English Short Story (I) T. O. Beachcroft. 1964.
169. The English Short Story (II) T. O. Beachcroft. 1964.
170. John Ford Clifford Leech. 1964.
171. John Gay Oliver Warner. 1964.
172. William Collins Oswald Doughty. 1964.
173. Three Women Diarists Margaret Willy. 1964.
174. Langland: Piers Plowman Neville Coghill. 1964.
175. John Webster Ian Scott-Kilvert. 1964.
176. Robert Southey Geoffrey Carnall. 1964.
177. Sir Walter Raleigh Agnes M. C. Latham. 1964.
178. Sir Thomas More E. E. Reynolds. 1965.
179. William Wycherley P. F. Vernon. 1965.
180. George Moore A. Norman Jeffares. 1965.
181. David Hume Mongomery Belgion. 1965.
182. Elizabeth Barrett Browing Aletha Hayter. 1965.
183. Four Realist Novelists Vincent Brome. 1965.
184. Edward Lear Joanna Richardson. 1965.
185. Susan Ferrier and John Galt W. M. Parker. 1965.
186. The Restoration Court Poets Vivan de Sola Pinto. 1965.
187. Louis Macneice John Press. 1965.
188. English Verse Epigram G. Rostrevor Hamilton. 1965.
189. Christina Rossetti Georgina Battiscombe. 1965.
190. Patrick White R. F. Brissenden. 1966.
191. The English Sonnet Patrick Cruttwell. 1961.
192. Thomas Kyd and Early Elizabethan Tragedy Philip Edwards. 1966.
193. George Farquhar A. J. Farmer. 1966.
194. Kenneth Slessor Clement Semmler. 1966.
195. Richard Hooker Arthur Poland. 1966.
196. Three 14th Century Mystics Phyllis Hodgson. 1967.
197. Sir John Vanbrugh Bernard Harris. 1967.
198. Sean O'Casey William A. Armstrong. 1967.
199. Beaumont and Fletcher Ian Fletcher. 1967.
200. Creevey and Greville Joanna Richardson. 1967.

Tennyson by B. C. Southam
London, Longmans, Green, 1971
(Writers and Their Work, no. 218)
201. Two Scots Chaucerians H. Harvey Wood. 1967.
202. Compton Mackenzie Kenneth Young. 1968.
203. Pamela Hansford Johnson Isabel Quigley. 1968.
204. Dickens: The Early Novels Trevor Blount. 1968.
205. Dickens: The Later Novels Barbara Harris. 1968.
206. Lyly and Peele G. K. Hunter. 1968.
207. Leslie Stephen Phyllis Grosskurth. 1961.
208. Angus Wilson K. W. Gransden. 1969.
209. Chinua Achebe Arthur Ravenscroft. 1969.
211. Gower and Lydgate Derek Pearsall. 1969.
212. Harold Pinter John Russell Taylor. 1969.
213. John Osborne Simon Trussler. 1969.
215. Byron I: Lyric and Romance Bernard Blackstone. 1970.
216. Lawrence Durrell G. S. Fraser. 1970.
218. Tennyson B. C. Southam. 1971.
219. Byron II: Literary Satire, Humour and Reflection Bernard
Blackstone. 1971.
220. Ivy Compton-Burnett - Rosalie Glynn Grylls. 1971.
221. Anthony Powell - Bernard Bergonzi and Ian Scott Kilvert. 1971.
222. Anthony Burgess - Carol M Dix and Ian Scott-Kilvert. 1971.
224. R. K. Narayan William Walsh and Ian Scott-Kilvert. 1971.
225. Arnold Wesker Glenda Leeming and Ian Scott-Kilvert. 1972.
227. Ted Hughes Keith Sagar. 1972.
229. Muriel Spark Patricia Stubbs. 1973.
230. Doris Lessing Michael Thorpe and Ian Scott-Kilvert. 1973.
231. Prose Writers of World War I M. S. Greicus. 1973.
234. Samuel Beckett Jean-Jacques Mayoux and Ian Scott-Kilvert. 1974.
235. P. H. Newby George Sutherland Fraser and Ian Scott-Kilvert. 1974.
235. P. H. Newby E. C. Bufkin. 1975.
237. John Betjeman John Press and Ian Scott-Kilvert. 1974.
239. David Storey John Russell Taylor and Ian Scott-Kilvert. 1974.
240. Christopher Isherwood Francis Henry King and Ian Scott-Kilvert.
241. Jane Austen B. C. Southen and Ian Scott-Kilvert. 1979.
242. V. S. Naipul Michael Thorpe and Ian Scott-Kilvert.. 1976.
244. Peter Shaffer John Russell Taylor and Ian Scott-Kilvert. 1974.
246. Wilfred Owen Dominic Hibberd. 1975.
249. Edward Bond Simon Trussler and Ian Scott-Kilvert. 1976.
250. Tom Stoppard - Christopher William Edgar Bigsby and Ian Scott
Kilvert. 1976.
251. Iris Murdoch Antonia Susan Byatt and Ian Scott-Kilvert.1976.
252. The Golden Treasury of Scottish Poetry Hugh MacDiarmid. 1948.
262. Thomas Carlyle Ian Campbell. 1978.
263. Marston and Tourneur R. A. Foakes. 1978.
265. Francis Bacon Brian Vickers. 1978.
266. F. R. Leavis Edward Greenwood. 1978.
267. The Gothic Novel Brendan Hennessy. 1978.
268. Thomas Middleton - James Ronald Mulryne. 1979.
270. Henry James Paul Antony Tanner. 1979.
275. John Fowles Michael Thorpe. 1982.
278. Paul Scott Patrick Swinden. 1982.
281. Nadine Gordimer Christopher Heywood. 1983.
Further Information
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