The World of Art Library
Publisher: Thames and Hudson. Country: U.K. Date: 1960s- .

Gauguin by Georges Boudaille
London, Thames and Hudson, 1964
(The World of Art Library)
Paperback (pictorial card cover). 274 pages. 61 B&W and 64 colour plates.
Translation of the 1963 French original translated by Alisa Jaffa.
THE WORLD OF ART LIBRARY (Thames and Hudson)
Series Note: xxxx
History of Art
Prehistoric Art - T. G.E. Powell
Ancient Arts of the Americas - G. H. S. Bushnell
Art of the Ancient Near East - Seton Lloyd
Ancient Arts of Central Asia - Tamara Talbot Rice
Greek Art - John Boardman
Roman Art and Architecture - Mortimer Wheeler
Art of the Byzantine Era - David Talbot Rice
Islamic Art - David Talbot Rice
Early Medieval Art - John Beckwick
The Art of the Renaissance - Petter & Linda Murray
Baroque and Rococo - Germain Bazin
Rococo to Revolution - Michael Levey
Art of the Romantic Era - Marcel Brion
Impressionism - Phoebe Pool
A Concise History of Modern Painting - Herbert Read
A Concise History of Modern Sculpture - Herbert Read
European Sculpture - H. D. Molesworth
A Concise History of Russian Art - Tamara Talbot Rice
A Concise History of English Painting - William Gaunt
Art of China, Korea and Japan - Peter Swann
The Dresden Gallery - Henner Menz
Dutch Museums - R. Van Luttervelt
The Hermitage - Pierre Descargues
The Louvre - Germain Bazin
Impresionist Paintings in the Louvre - Germain Bazin
The National Gallery London - Sir Philip Hendy
The National Gallery Washington - John Walker
The Prado - Sanchez Canton
The School of Paris - Bernard Dorival
The Tate Gallery - Sir John Rothenstein
The Uffizi and Pitti - Filippo Rossi
Chagall - Jean Cassou
Degas - Jean Bouret
Durer - Marcel Brion
Gauguin - Georges Boudaille
Goya - Jean-François Chabrun
Klee - G. de San Lazzaro
Michelangelo - Rolf Schott
Henry Moore - Herbert Read
Picasso - Pierre Daix
Renoir - François Fosca
Rubens - Pierre Cabanne
Seurat - John Russell
Toulouse-Lautrec - Jean Bouret
Van Gogh - Frank Elgar
Elements of the Art of Architecture - William Muschenheim
Encyclopaedia of Modern Architecture - W. Pehnt
The English Garden - Edward Hyams
Italian Gardens - Georgina Masson
Italian Villas and Palaces - Georgina Masson
Cubism - Edward Fry
Surrealism - Patrick Waldberg
Dada: Art and Anti-Art - Hans Richter
Pop Art - Lucy R. Lippard
The Arts of Man - Eric Newton
The Arts of Spain - Jose Gudiol
A Concise History of Ballet - F. Reyna
A Concise History of Interior Decoration - George Savage
A Concise History of Painting from Giotto to Cezanne - Michael Levey
A Concise History of Photography - Helmut and Alison Gernsheim
Encyclopaedia of the Cinema - Ian Cameron, ed.
Graphic Art of the 18th Century - Jean Ademhar
Graphic Art of the 19th Century - Claude Roger-Marx
Masters of the Japanese Print - Richard Lane
Primitive Art - Douglas Fraser
A Concise History of Art - Germain Bazin
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Author: David Paul Wagner
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