Publishing History > The Wonder Books (Ward, Lock & Co.) - Book Series List
The Wonder Books
Publisher: Ward, Lock & Co. Country: United Kingdom. Date: c. 1906 - 2008.

The Wonder Book of Motors: The Romance of the Road.
London and Melbourne, Ward, Lock & Co., Limited, no date [c. 1950]
(The Wonder Books series). Fifth edition.
Hardback with illustrated boards and a green cloth spine and black titles. No dust wrapper. 256 pages. Eight colour plates and almost 300 illustrations (both colour and black and white photos and drawings). Illustrated endpapers (black and white cartoon drawings). Size: 24.5 cm. No author attribution.
Series Note:
Ideal Gifts for Young People
The Wonder Books
Each 10" x 7 1/2". Varnished Picture Boards. 8 Colour Plates. 200-250 Illustrations.
These popular and well-known gift books are appropriate to every season of the year and to every occasion -- birthdays, prize-givings, Christmas, etc. They are both entertaining and instructive and constantly revised and brought up-to-date. (...)
From all Booksellers.
Ward, Lock & Co., London and Melbourne.
Source of above Publisher's advertisement: one of final pages of DP held copy of: The Cub by Ethel Turner, London and Melbourne, Ward, Lock & Co., Limited, n.d. [c. 1950]
* * *
The publisher of this series was listed in different volumes and in different editions of the volumes as follows:
- Ward, Lock & Co., Limited, London, Melbourne and Cape Town
- Ward, Lock & Co., Limited, London and Melbourne
- Ward, Lock & Co., Limited, London
The majority of the volumes were republished in more than one edition (and sometimes in many different editions) with most new editions having different cover art.
Series editor: Harry Golding.
Further Reading:
Wonder Books - Collecting Books and Magazines website edited by John Tipper
1950s Books Non-fiction Series - Facebook page edited by John Tipper
also: image of The Wonder Book of Daring Deeds here
List in Publishers Trade List Annual (1970 edition)
Edward Living, Adventure in Publishing: The House of Ward, Lock 1854-1954, London, Ward, Lock & Co., 1954, pp. 81-82, 93.
Title / Annotation
The Wonder Book of the Farm
All aspects of modern farming and food production are fully described.
The Wonder Book of Aircraft
Describing and illustrating the wonderful strides made in civil aviation.
The Wonder Book of the R.A.F.
All about the boys in the Air Force Blue and their marvellous machines.
The Wonder Book of Railways
Scores of interesting articles about railways and locomotives the world over.
The Wonder Book of Ships
All about the great liners and other vessels of the Merchant Navy.
The Wonder Book of Science
Many famous living authorities tell of modern discoveries and theories.
The Wonder Book of Motors
The Romance of the Road. "The Rolls-Royce of gift books."
The Wonder Book of Why & What?
Answers to children's questions on all sorts of subjects, finely illustrated.
The Wonder Book of the Army
Romance and adventure of the modern soldier.
The Wonder Book of Nature
Will interest boys and girls of every age.
The Wonder Book of Bible Stories
From Old and New Testaments, re-told for children. 33 Colour Plates, 100 Drawings
The Wonder Book of the Navy
All about the wonderful Navy of to-day.
The Wonder Book of Animals
A Zoo in every home.
The Wonder Book of Wonders
The most wonderful things in the world fascinatingly described and illustrated.
The Wonder Book of Do You Know?
Answers to many puzzling questions that begin: How? Why? and Where?
The Wonder Book of Tell Me Why
A fascinating companion volume on similar lines to Do You Know?
The Wonder Book of How It's Done
Describes many interesting things we see, how they work, where they come from, or how they are made.
The Wonder Book of Would You Believe It?
Tells of many strange and wonderful things that are nevertheless true!
The Wonder Book of Things to Do
Numerous things to make, puzzles, tricks, competitions, hobbies, games, etc.
The Story Wonder Book
Delightful Pictures and Stories for youngsters of every age.
Source of the above series list and descriptions:
Publisher's advertisement in one of the final pages of :
The Cub by Ethel Turner, London and Melbourne, Ward, Lock & Co., Limited, no date (but later than 1940)
Further titles in the Ward, Lock's Wonder Book series:
- The Wonder Book of Adventure
- The Wonder Book of Children of all Nations and the People They Live With
- The Wonder Book of Daring Deeds
- The Wonder Book of Empire for Boys and Girls
- The Wonder Book Of Engineering Wonders
- The Wonder Book of Machinery
- The Wonder Book of Pets and How to Keep Them
- The Wonder Book Of Ships and the Sea
- The Wonder Book of Wonders
- Ward, Lock & Co.'s Wonder Book: A Picture Annual for Boys and Girls - volumes of this title appeared annually in the years 1905-28
- The Wonder Book Dictionary
- The New Wonder Book Encyclopedia
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Author: David Paul Wagner
(David Paul Wagner on Google+)