The Young Historian Books
Publisher: Weidenfeld & Nicolson (Educational) Ltd. Country: U.K. Date: 1961-69.

The Ancient Maya by C. A. Burland
London, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1967 (The Young Historian Books)
Hardback with dustjacket. Octavo. 112 pages.
"In this well-illustrated book the author gives a vivid and informative account of a civilisation which survived strongly for over two thousand years, and which has given so much to mankind, for it was the Maya who discovered rubber, cocoa, and vanilla."
Series Note: "This series part of the new Young Enthusiast Library which is designed to present an attractive library of informative books for young people from thirteen to fifteen. The intention is to provide inquiring young minds with broad outline introductions to a wide range of extra curricula subjects in an entertaining and easily assimilable form. Each book is written by an established authority on the subject and contains numerous line drawings as well as eight pages of photographs." -- Publisher blurb
The Young Historian Books series was edited by Patrick Moore.
Arranged alphabetically by title
Ancient China - Cornelia Spencer. 1963.
Ancient Crete - F. Wilkins. 1966.
Ancient Egypt - Roger Lancelyn Green. 1963.
Ancient Greece - Roger Lancelyn Green. 1962.
Ancient India - Edgar Royston Pike. 1961.
Ancient Japan - J. E. Kidder.
The Ancient Maya - C. A. Burland. 1967.
Ancient Persia - Edgar Royston Pike.
Ancient Russia - Melvin C. Wren. Illustrated by Elizabeth Wren. 1965.
The Aztecs - C. A. Burland. 1961.
Carthage - H. E. L. Mellersh [Harold Edward Leslie Mellersh]. 1963.
Lands of the Bible - Edgar Royston Pike.
Modern Japan: A Brief History from A.D. 800 to the Present Day - Brian Powell. Illustrated by Elizabeth Hammond. 1969.
Our Celtic Heritage - Jack Lindsay. 1962.
Republican Rome - E. Royston Pike. Illustrated by Elizabeth Hammond. 1966.
Saxon Britain - H. E. L. Mellersh [Harold Edward Leslie Mellersh].
Weidenfeld & Nicolson's Young Enthusiast Library comprises the following book series:
- The Young Engineer
- The Young Explorer
- The Young Historian
- The Young Scientist
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Author: David Paul Wagner
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