The Story of Civilization
Publisher: Simon & Schuster. Country: United States. Date: 1935-75.

The Age of Louis XIV.
by Durant, Will and Ariel.
New York, Simon & Schuster, 1963 (The Story of Civilization, Part VIII).
Series Note: _______
Volume Number / Title / Year of Publication
I. Our Oriental Heritage (1935)
II. The Life of Greece (1939)
III. Caesar and Christ (1944)
IV. The Age of Faith (1950)
V. The Renaissance (1953)
VI. The Reformation (1957)
VII. The Age of Reason Begins (1961)
VIII. The Age of Louis XIV (1963)
IX. The Age of Voltaire (1965)
X. Rousseau and Revolution (1967)
XI. The Age of Napoleon (1975)
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Author: David Paul Wagner
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