Series Note: "This series will provide a picture of man's social life -- accurate, vivid, readable, free from cosmic theories, concerned with the diversity of human experience, analytic yet evocative, and charged with that sense of reality which only the finest scholarship can create. Its aim will be twofold -- to bring a full understanding of the societies described and to illustrate the growth of man's control over the physical universe."
Source of the above quotation: The First Great Civilizations - Jacquetta Hawkes. New York, Alfred A. Knopf, 1973 (The History of Human Society series)..
Series editor: J. H. Plumb, Fellow of Christ's College, Cambridge.
Format: Hardback with dust wrapper.
Title / Author / Publication Year
Prehistoric Societies - Grahame Clark and Stuart Piggott. 1965.
The Dutch Seaborn Empire: 1600-1800 - Charles R. Boxer. 1965.
Pioneer America - John R. Alden. 1966.
The Spanish Seaborn Empire - J. H. Parry. 1966.
The Greeks - Antony Andrewes. 1967.
The Portuguese Seaborn Empire: 1415-1825 - C. R. Boxer. 1969.
The Romans: 850 B.C.-A.D. 337 - Donald B. Dudley. 1970.
The First Great Civilizations: Life in Mesopotamia, the Indus Valley and Egypt - Jacquetta Hawkes. 1973.
A History of Africa - J. D. Fage. 1978.
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Author: David Paul Wagner
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