The Bodley Head Series
Publisher: The Bodley Head. Country: United Kingdom. Date: c. 1967-79.

The Bodley Head Henry James
Volume One: The Europeans; Washington Square.
by Henry James. With an introduction by Leon Edel.
London, The Bodley Head Ltd., 1967 (The Bodley Head Series).
Hardback. Dust wrapper. 392 pages.
Series Note: ____
Arranged by author and title
The Bodley Head Max Beerbohm
Edited and introduced by Lord David Cecil
The Bodley Head Ford Maddox Ford
Edited by Graham Greene
Volume I (with an introduction by Graham Greene)
The Good Soldier and Selected Memories
Volume II The Fifth Queen trilogy
Volume III (with an introduction by Graham Greene)
Parade's End Part I
Volume IV Parade's End Parts II and III
The Bodley Head Henry James
Edited and with introductions by Leon Edel
Volume I The Europeans and Washington Square
Volume II The Awkward Age
Volume III The Bostonians
Volume IV The Spoils of Poynton
Volume V The Portrait of a Lady
Volume VI What Maisie Knew
Volume VII The Wings of the Dove
Volume VIII The Ambassadors
Volume IX The Golden Bowl
Volume X The Princess Casamassima
Volume XI The Turn of the Screw
The Bodley Head Leacock
Edited and with an introduction by J. B. Priestley
The Bodley Head Jack London
Edited and with introductions by Arthur Calder-Marshall
Volume I The Call of the Wild and a selection of short stories
Volume II John Barleycorn, The Cruise of the Dazzler and The Road
Volume III Martin Eden
Volume IV The Klondike Dream: Short Stories
The Bodley Head Saki
Edited and with an introduction by J. W. Lambert
The Bodley Head Scott Fitzgerald
Volume I (with an introduction by J. B. Priestley)
The Great Gatsby and The Last Tycoon
Volume II Tender is the Night
Volume III This Side of Paradise
Volume IV The Beautiful and the Damned
Volume V and VI Short Stories selected and with an introduction by Malcolm Cowley
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Author: David Paul Wagner
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