Series Note: The cover designs of the Teach Yourself Books series have evolved over the years. Seven covers of Teach Yourself German books published in the period from 1946 to 2003 are reproduced below to illustrate this point.
Serial No./Title/Author
2 Advertising and Publicity
3 Algebra
4 Amateur Acting
5 Anatomy
6 Arabic
7 Archaeology
8 Banking
9 Bee-keeping
10 Biology
11 Book-keeping
12 Botany
13 Brickwork
14 Bringing Up Children
15 Business Organisation
16 Calculus
17 Carpentry
18 Chemistry
19 Chess
20 Chinese
21 Commercial Arithmetic
23 Commercial Correspondence
24 Jazz
25 To Compose Music
26 Constructional Details
27 Contract Bridge
28 Cooking
29 Cricket
30 Cycling
31 Mechanical Draughtsmanship
32 Drawing
33 Dressmaking
34 Dutch
35 Economics
36 Electricity
37 Electricity in the House
38 Bell's Standard Elocutionist
39 Embroidery
40 English Grammar
41 History of English Literature: Literary Appreciation
42 History of English Literature: English Renascence
43 History of English Literature: Engilsh Renascence to Romantic Revival
44 History of English Literature: Romantic Revival
45 History of English Literature: Victorian Age
46 History of English Literature: Contemporary Literature
48 Everyday French
49 To Express Yourself
50 Fishing
51 Flying
52 French
54 French Phrase Book
55 Gardening
56 Gas in the House
57 Geology
58 Geometry
59 German
60 German Grammar
61 German Phrase Book
62 Golf
63 Farming: Good Control of Insect Pests
64 Farming: Good Control of Plant Diseases
65 Farming: Good Farm Accounting
67 Farming: Good Farming
68 Farming: Good farming by Machine
69 Farming: Good Farm Workmanship
70 Farming: Good Fruit Farming
71 Farming: Good Grassland
75 Farming: Good Pig Keeping
76 Farming: Good Poultry Keeping
77 Farming: Good Sheep Farming
78 Farming: Good Soil
79 Good English
80 Greek
81 Guidebook to the Bible
82 Urdu
83 Hockey
84 Home Nursing
85 Horse Management
86 The Household Doctor
87 Household Electricity
88 House Repairs
89 Italian
90 Italian Phrase Book
91 Joinery
92 Joinery
93 Latin
94 Letter Writer
95 Malay
96 Management
97 Mathematics
98 Mathematical Engineering: Volume I - Hand Tools
99 Mathematical Engineering: Volume II - Engineering Compnents
100 Mathematical Engineering: Volume III - Workshop Practice
101 Mechanics
102 Meteorology
103 Modern Dancng (Ballroom)
104 More German
105 Mothercraft
106 Freelance Writing
107 Music
108 Norwegian
109 Personal Efficiency
110 Philosophy
111 Photography
112 Physics
113 Physiology
114 Pitman's Shorthand
116 Plumbing
117 Polish
118 Political Thought
119 Portuguese
120 Psychology
122 Public Speaking
123 Quantity Surveying
124 Ready Reckoner
125 Roofing
126 Rugby Football
127 Russian
128 Russian Phrase Book
129 Sailing
130 Salesmanship
131 Secretarial Practice
132 Sex: Its Meaning and Purpose
134 Soccer
135 Spanish
136 Speaker and Debater
137 Spelling
138 Stamp Collecting
139 Statistics
140 Student's Guide
141 To Study
142 Swedish
143 Swimming
144 Teaching
145 Lawn Tennis
146 Thinking
147 Trigonometry
148 Typewriting
149 Writing
150 Motoring
151 Motor Cycling
152 Motor Boating
153 Dutton Speedwords
154 Modelcraft
155 Swahili
156 Commercial Travelling
157 Local History
158 Astronomy
159 Canasta
161 Handweaving
162 Money
163 Turkish
164 Teach Yourself Anthology of English Verse (The Way to Poetry)
165 Writing for Pleasure and Profit
166 A Concise Guide to Teach Yourself
501 A.B.C. of Bulbs and Cactus
502 A.B.C. of Flower Growing
503 A.B.C. of Fruit Growing
504 A.B.C. of Gardening
505 A.B.C. of Garden Pests and Diseases
506 A.B.C. of the Greenhouse
507 A.B.C. of Rock Garden and Pool
507 A.B.C. of Vegetable Gardening
509 Abraham Lincoln
510 Alexander the Great
513 Bolivar
514 Botha, Smuts and South Africa
515 Catherine the Great
516 Chatham
517 Cleamenceau
518 Constantine
519 Cook
520 Cramner
521 Oliver Cromwell and the Puritan Revolution
522 Erasmus
524 Gladstone
526 Henry V
528 Joan of Arc
529 Ohn Wycliffe
530 Lenin
531 Livingstone
532 Louis XIV
534 Marx, Proudhon and European Socialism
535 Milton
536 Pericles
537 Peter the Great
540 Raleigh
541 Richelieu
542 Thomas Jefferson
543 The Use of History
544 Warren Hastings
546 Woodrow Wilson
547 [Junior Teach Yourself Books] Britsh Railways
548 [Junior Teach Yourself Books] Cookery
549 [Junior Teach Yourself Books] Dogs as Pets
550 [Junior Teach Yourself Books] Modelmaking
551 [Junior Teach Yourself Books] Needlework
552 [Junior Teach Yourself Books] Photography
553 [Junior Teach Yourself Books] Riding
554 [Junior Teach Yourself Books] Stamp Collecting
555 [Junior Teach Yourself Books] Woodwork
556 German Dictionary
557 [Junior Teach Yourself Books] Camping
558 [Junior Teach Yourself Books] Sailing and Small Boats
559 [Junior Teach Yourself Books] Ballet
560 [Junior Teach Yourself Books] Radio
561 [Junior Teach Yourself Books] Soccer
563 [Junior Teach Yourself Books] Knitting
566 Indoor Aquaria
567 Science Examinations, Pass
568 Painting for Pleasure
569 Singing
570 Ethics
571 Card Games for Two
572 Athletics
573 Seamanship
574 Judo
575 Spanish Phrase Book
576 Costing
577 Anthropology
578 To Study Art
579 Biochemistry
580 Conjuring
581 Practical Concreting
582 Danish
584 Budgerigars
583 Hebrew
585 Psychical Research
586 Grocery for Beginners
587 Arithmetic
588 [Junior Teach Yourself Books] Handicrafts
589 [Junior Teach Yourself Books] The Seashore
590 [Junior Teach Yourself Books] Geography
591 Law
592 Slide Rule
593 To Live
594 Handwriting
595 Catering
596 Forestry
597 Billiards and Snooker
599 Television Viewers' Handbook
600 Preaching
601 Economic Geography
602 Historical Geography
603 Geography of Living Things
604 Physical Geography
605 The Use of Geography
606 French Dictionary
612 Napoleon
614 Robespierre
615 Whitgift and the English Church
616 Washington and the American Revolution
650 Perpective Drawing
651 Local Government
652 Songwriting
653 Christian Faith
654 Brief History of the United States
655 Finnish
656 Afrikaans
657 History of Relgiions
658 Esperanto
659 Swedish Phrase Book
660 Concise Encyclopedia of General Knowledge
661 Heraldry and Genealogy
662 Shopkeeping
663 [Junior Teach Yourself Books] Glove Puppetry
664 [Junior Teach Yourself Books] The Orchestra
665 [Junior Teach Yourself Books] Gardening
666 Printing for Pleasure
667 New Testament in Modern English
668 Self-Defense
669 Guidebook to Western Thought
670 Christian Theology
671 Czech
673 Insurance
674 Japanese
675 To Play the Piano
676 Everyday Spanish
677 Russian Dictionary
678 Travelling Abroad
679 Dutch Dictionary
680 To Study Sculpture
681 Window Display
683 Bowls
684 Fly Fishing
685 Navigation
686 The Organ
687 Etiquette and Good Manners
688 Logic
690 Mountain Climbing
698 A Short History of Russia
708 A.B.C. of Garden Flowers
709 A.B.C. of the Herbaceous Border
710 A.B.C. of Cacti and Succulents
711 A.B.C. of Roses
711 [sic] A.B.C. of Soils
No Serial Number Identified
English for Swahili-Speakng People
History of Painting (10 volumes):
- Italian School I
- Italian School II
- Flemish School
- Spanish School
- German School
- Dutch School
- French School
- British School
- XIXth Century
- XXth Century
Changes in the Cover Design of Teach Yourself German (1946-2003)

Teach Yourself German by John Adams and Sydney W. Wells
English Universities Press, 1946 (Teach Yourself Books)
Hardback with dustjacket. 12mo.

Teach Yourself German by John Adams et al.
English Universities Press, 1963 (Teach Yourself Books).
Hardback with blue and yellow dustjacket. 195 pages.
"A book of self-instruction in German based on the work by Sir John Adams . completely revised and enlarged by Sydney W. Wells and further revised by E. S. Jenkins". Originally published in 1938.

Teach Yourself German
by Sir John Adams, Sidney W. Wells & Edward Stanley Jenkins
London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1973. Paperback.
New York: David McKay Co., 1973. Paperback.

Teach Yourself German by John Adams
London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1975

Teach Yourself German: A Complete Course
by Paul Coggle
Paperback. 2nd edition. 1991.

Teach Yourself German: A Complete Course For Beginners by Paul Coggle
Teach Yourself, 1992. 2nd Revised edition edition.

Teach Yourself German by Paul Coggle and Heiner Schenke
Teach Yourself, 2003. 4th revised edition. 368 pages
American Reissues of Teach Yourself Titles
Selected titles of the Teach Yourself Books series were republished by the David McKay Company Inc., 750 Third Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10017.

German by John Adams, Sydney W. Wells, and E. S. Jenkins.
New York, David McKay Company Inc., 1971 (Teach Yourself Books series). Revised and reset edition. This edition was also published in London, U.K., by Teach Yourself Books, 1971. The first edition of this book was published as Teach Yourself German in London by the English Universities Press in 1938.
Hardback (cloth) with dustjacket. 12mo.

Verso page of German by John Adams, Sydney W. Wells, and E. S. Jenkins.
New York, David McKay Company Inc., 1971. Revised and reset edition. (Same volume as depicted in the image above.)
Credit: The two images above were supplied by Mr. Tracey R. Lane, of Texas, United States.