Studio Vista | Dutton Picturebacks
Publisher: Studio Vista. Country: United Kingdom.
Co-Publisher: E. P. Dutton & Co. Country: United States.
Date: 1963-73

Movie monsters by Denis Gifford Studio Vista, 1970. (Studio Vista | Dutton Picturebacks).
Series Note: This series was edited by David Herbert.
European domestic architecture by Sherban Cantacuzino
Great modern architecture by Sherban Cantacuzino
Modern houses of the world by Sherban Cantacuzino
African sculpture by William Fagg and Margaret Plass
European sculpture by David Bindman
Florentine sculpture by Anthony Bertram
Greek sculpture by John Barron
Indian sculpture by Philip Rawson
Michelangelo by Anthony Bertram
Modern sculpture by Alan Bowness
The Aesthetic Movement by Robin Spencer
Art deco by Bevis Hillier
Art nouveau by Mario Amaya
The Bauhaus by Gillian Naylor
Cartoons and caricatures by Bevis Hillier
Dada by Kenneth Coutts-Smith
De Stijl by Paul Overy
Futurism by Jane Rye
Indian art by Philip Rawson
An introduction to Optical art by Cyril Barrett
Lovers in art by G. S. Whittet
Modern graphics by Keith Murgatroyd
Modern prints by Pat Gilmour
Pop art: object and image by Christopher Finch
The Pre-Raphaelites by John Nicoll
Surrealism by Roger Cardinal and Robert Stuart Short
Symbolists and Decadents by John Milner
1000 years of drawing by Anthony Bertram
William Blake : the artist by Ruthven Todd
Modern ballet by John Percival
Modern ceramics by Geoffrey Beard
Modern furniture by Ella Moody
Modern glass by Geoffrey Beard
The story of cybernetics by Maurice Trask
Toys by Patrick Murray
The world of Diaghilev by John Percival
Andy Warhol by Peter Gidal
Charlie Chaplin: early comedies by Isabel Quigly
The films of Alfred Hitchcock by George Perry «
French film by Roy Armes
The great funnies by David Robinson
Greta Garbo by Raymond Durgnat and John Kobal
Marlene Dietrich by John Kobal
Movie monsters by Denis Gifford
New cinema in Britain by Roger Manvell
New cinema in Eastern Europe by Alistair Whyte
New cinema in Europe by Roger Manvell
New cinema in the USA by Roger Manvell
Science fiction film by Denis Gifford
The silent cinema by Liam O'Leary
Source: The above list comes from Indian Art by Philip Rawson (Studio Vista / Dutton Picturebacks, 1972), p. 160.
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Author: David Paul Wagner
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