Series Note: This series of paperbacks was mostly nonfiction - religion, philosophy, psychiatry, history, art, education. etc. - as well as some fiction, including the works of Franz Kafka. The majority of titles related to Jewish life and religion.
Serial number / Title / Author, Editor, etc. / Year(s) of Publication
SB1. Tales of the Hasidim: The Early Masters - Martin Buber; Olga Marx. 1961.
SB2. Tales of the Hasidim: The Later Masters - Martin Buber; Olga Marx. 1961.
SB3. The Holy Roman Empire - James Bryce Bryce, Viscount. Introduction by Hans Kohn. 1961.
SB4. The Penal Colony: Stories and Short Pieces - Franz Kafka. 1967.
SB5. Major Trends in Jewish Mysticism - Gershom Scholem. 1967, 1989.
SB6. The Essence of Judaism - Leo Baeck; Irving Howe; Victor Grubwieser. 1970.
SB7. Renaissance to Revolution: The Rise of the Free State, Lectures on Modern History - John Emerich Edward Dalberg Acton [Baron Acton]. 1961.
SB8. A History of the Jewish People in the Times of Jesus - Emil Schurer. Introduction by Nahum Norbert Glatzer. 1961.
SB9. A History of the Jews: From the Earliest Times Through the Six Day War - Cecil Roth. 1970, 1974.
SB10. The Heritage of Symbolism - C. M. Bowra. 1961.
SB11. Evolutionary Socialism: A Criticism and Affirmation - Eduard Bernstein. 1972.
SB12. Parables and Paradoxes, in German and English - Franz Kafka. 1975.
SB13. Democracy in America - Alexis de Tocqueville. With a critical appraisal of each volume by John Stuart Mill. Vol. 1. 1961.
SB14. Democracy in America - Alexis de Tocqueville. With a critical appraisal of each volume by John Stuart Mill. Vol. 2. 1961.
SB15. Aspects of Rabbinic Theology - S. Schechter; Louis Finkelstein. 1961.
SB16. A Jewish Reader: In Time and Eternity - Nahum Norbert Glatzer. 1961, 1975.
SB17. Non-Violent Resistance (Satyagraha) - M. K Gandhi. 1961.
SB18. Ten Rungs: Hasidic Sayings - Martin Buber; Olga Marx. 1947, 1968.
SB19. The Groundwork of Modern Geography - Albert Wilmore. Announced in SB24 but not published.
SB20. Life is with People: The Culture of the Shtetl - Mark Zborowski; Elizabeth Herzog; Margaret Mead. 1971.
SB21. Franz Rosenzweig: His Life and Thought, Presented by Nahum N. Glatzer - Franz Rosenzweig; Nahum Norbert Glatzer. 1961, 1970.
SB22. Social Organization: A Study of the Larger Mind - Charles Horton Cooley. 1962, 1963.
SB23. The Ethics of the Talmud: Sayings of the Fathers - R. Travers Herford. 1962, 1975.
SB24. Letters to Milena - Franz Kafka; Milena Jesenska. 1970.
SB25. The American Business Creed - Francis X. Sutton [Francis Xavier Sutton] et al. 1962.
SB26. Guide to Jewish Holy Days: History and Observance - Hayyim Schauss. 1962.
SB27. The People of Aristophanes: A Sociology of Old Attic Comedy - Viktor Ehrenberg. 1962.
SB28. Amerika - Franz Kafka. Translated by Willa and Edwin Muir. 1963.
SB29. The Sense of Quality: Study and Criticism of Italian Art - Bernard Berenson. 1962.
SB30. Imperial Rome - Martin P. Nilsson. 1962.
SB31. Picasso: His Life and Work - Roland Penrose. 1962.
SB32. Hammer on the Rock: A Short Midrash Reader - Nahum N. Glatzer. Translated by Jacob Sloan. 1962.
SB33. The Theory of Economic Progress: A Study of the Fundamentals of Economic Development and Cultural Change - Clarence Edwin Ayres. 1962.
SB34. Russia: Between Reform and Revolution - Bernard Pares; Francis B. Randall. 1962.
SB35. Burning Lights - Bella Chagall; Norbert Guterman. 1962.
SB36. Ezra to the Last of the Maccabees: Foundations of Post-Biblical Judaism - E. J. Bickerman [Elias Joseph Bickerman]. 1962.
SB37. Rudiments of Connoisseurship: Study and Criticism of Italian Art - Bernard Berenson. 1962.
SB38. Judaism: A Way of Life - Samuel Solomon Cohon. 1962.
SB39. The Non-Religion of the Future : A Sociological Study - Jean-Marie Guyau. Introduction by Nahum N. Glatzer. 1962.
SB40. Exclusiveness and Tolerance: Studies in Jewish-Gentile Relations in Medieval and Modern Times - Jacob Katz. 1962.
SB41. Shakespeare and His Critics - F. E. Halliday. 1963.
SB42. Art of the Italian Renaissance: A Handbook for Students and Travellers - Heinrich Wolfflin. 1963.
SB43. Landscape, Portrait, Still-Life: Their Origin and Development - Max J. Friedlander. Translated by R. F. C. Hull. 1963.
SB44. Persuasion and Healing: A Comparative Study of Psychotheraphy - Jerome D. Frank. 1963.
SB45. Zohar: The Book of Splendor - Gershom Scholem, ed. 1963.
SB46. The Hasidic Anthology - Louis Israel Newman; Samuel Spitz. 1963.
SB47. Franz Kafka: A Biography - Max Brod. 1963.
SB48. Abraham Lincoln - D. W. Brogan [Denis William Brogan]. 1963.
SB49. Eschatology: The Doctrine of a Future Life in Israel, Judaism, and Christianity - R. H. Charles. 1963.
SB50. Yiddish Proverbs - Hanan Ayalti, Isidore Goldstick and Bernard Reder. 1963.
SB51. Memoirs of My People: Jewish Self-Portraits from the 11th to the 20th Centuries - Leo W. Schwarz. 1963.
SB52. The Family Among the Australian Aborigines: A Sociological Study - Clarence Edwin Ayres. 1963.
SB53. The Trial: A Dramatization Based on Franz Kafka's Novel - Andre Gide; Jean-Louis Barrault. 1963.
SB54. The Old Masters of Belgium and Holland - Eugene Fromentin. Introduction by Meyer Schapiro. Translated by Mary C. Robbins. 1963; 1964
SB55. Treatment of the Neuroses - Ernest Jones; Philip Rieff. 1963.
SB56. Faith and Reason: An Introduction to Modern Jewish Thought - Samuel Hugo Bergman. Translated by Alfred Jospe. 1972.
SB57. The Chinese on the Art of Painting: Translations and Comments. - Osvald Siren. 1963.
SB58. The World of the Talmud - Morris Adler. 1979.
SB59. Outlines of Mahayana Buddhism - Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki; Alan Wilson Watts. 1977.
SB60. Human Nature in the Light of Psychopathology - Kurt Goldstein. 1971.
SB61. The Future of Socialism - Anthony Crosland. 1967.
SB62. The Bible: A Modern Jewish Approach - Bernard J. Bamberger. 1974.
SB63. Kibbutz: Venture in Utopia - Melford E. Spiro. 1971.
SB64. Cromwell and Communism: Socialism and Democracy in the Great English Revolution - Eduard Bernstein. 1963.
SB65. Art for Art's Sake - Albert Leon Guerard. 1963.
SB66. Israel and the World: Essays in a Time of Crisis - Martin Buber. 1963.
SB67. On Religion - Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. 1964.
SB68. The Men Who Ruled India: The Founders. - Philip Woodruff. 1964.
SB69. The Men Who Ruled India: The Guardians. - Philip Woodruff. 1964.
SB70. Form in Gothic - Herbert Read. 1964.
SB71. What Is this Jewish Heritage? - Ludwig Lewisohn. 1967.
SB72. Human Nature and the Social Order - Charles Horton Cooley, Philip Rieff, George Herbert Mead. 1967.
SB73. Troublemakers: Rebellious Youth in an Affluent Society - T. R. Fyvel. 1966.
SB74. Puritanism and Revolution: Studies in Interpretation of the English Revolution in the 17th Century - Christopher Hill. 1964.
SB75. The Kuzari : (Kitab al Khazari); An Argument for the Faith of Israel - Ha-Levi Judah. 1964.
SB76. Psychoanalytic Explorations in Art - Ernst Kris. 1964.
SB77. The Story of Judaism - Bernard J. Bamberger. 1970.
SB78. The Mystery of the Kingdom of God: The Secret of Jesus' Messiahship and Passion - Albert Schweitzer; Walter Lowrie. 1964.
SB79. Paul and His Interpreters: A Critical History - Albert Schweitzer; William Montgomery. 1964.
SB80. Basic Theory of Psychoanalysis - Robert Waelder. 1970.
SB81. To Hell With Culture and Other Essays on Art and Society - Herbert Read. 1964.
SB82. Mystics of the Church - Evelyn Underhill. 1964.
SB83. Jews and Arabs: Their Contacts through the Ages - S. D. Goitein. 1979.
SB84. Psychoanalytical Treatment of Children: Lectures and Essays - Anna Freud; Nancy Proctor-Gregg. 1964.
SB85. Moral Indignation and Middle Class Psychology: A Sociological Study - Svend Ranulf; Harold D. Lasswell. 1964.
SB86. The Legends of Genesis: The Biblical Saga and History - Hermann Gunkel; William Herbert Carruth. 1964.
SB87. Guide for the Jewish Homemaker - Shonie B. Levi; Sylvia R. Kaplan. 1964.
SB88. The Montessori Method - Maria Montessori; Joseph McVicker Hunt; Anne E. George. 1966.
SB89. The Romantic Rebellion - Eric Newton. 1964.
SB90. Distinctive Ideas of the Old Testament - Norman H. Snaith. 1964.
SB91. Charles Dickens - G. K. Chesterton, Introduction by Stephen Marcus. 1965.
SB92. The World of Sholom Aleichem - Maurice Samuel. 1967.
SB93. Children of the Kibbutz - Melford E. Spiro. 1969.
SB94. Mannerism and Anti-Mannerism in Italian Painting - Walter Friedlaender; Donald Posner. 1966.
SB95. Churches in North America: An Introduction - Gustave Weigel. 1971.
SB96. The Book of Genesis: A Jewish Interpretation - Julian Morgenstern. 1965.
SB97. Spontaneous Activity in Education - Maria Montessori. Introduction to John J. McDermott. 1965.
SB98. Dr. Montessori's Own Handbook - Maria Montessori; Nancy McCormick Rambusch. 1965.
SB99. Royte Pomerantsen : Jewish Folk Humor Gathered - Immanuel Olsvanger. 1965.
SB100. Days of Awe: Being a Treasury of Traditions, Legends and Learned Commentaries Concerning Rosh ha-Shanah, Yom Kippur and the Days Between Culled from Three Hundred Volumes Ancient and New - Shmuel Yosef Agnon; Judah Goldin. 1965.
SB101. Uncle Remus - Joel Chandler Harris. Illustrated by A. B. Frost. 1967.
SB102. Anti-Semite and Jew - Jean-Paul Sartre. 1972.
SB103. The Diaries of Franz Kafka: 1910-1913 - Franz Kafka. 1971.
SB104. The Diaries of Franz Kafka: 1914-1923 - Franz Kafka. 1971.
SB105. Icon and Idea: The Function of Art in the Development of Human Consciousness - Herbert Read. 1962.
SB106. Race: History of an Idea in America - Thomas F. Gossett. 1971.
SB107. Disappearance of God: Five Nineteenth-Century Writers - J. Hillis Miller. 1965.
SB108. Israeli Stories: A Selection of the Best Contemporary Hebrew Writing - Robert Alter; Joel Blocker. 1973.
SB109. Sigmund Freud and Jewish Mystical Tradition - David Bakan. 1965.
SB110. The Problem Plays of Shakespeare : A Study of Julius Caesar, Measure for Measure, Antony and Cleopatra - Ernest Schanzer. 1965.
SB111. On Jewish Learning - Franz Rosenzweig; Nahum N. Glatzer, ed. 1965.
SB112. Communistic Societies of the United States - Charles Nordhoff. 1965.
SB113. Just So Stories for Little Children - Rudyard Kipling. 1965.
SB114. The Montessori Revolution in Education - Edwin Mortimer Standing. 1970.
SB115. Nonviolence: A Christian Interpretation - William R. Miller. 1966.
SB116. Trial and Error: The Autobiography - Hayim Vaitsman. 1966.
SB117. A Background to Chinese Painting - Soame Jenyns. 1972.
SB118. What Is a Picture? - George Boas; Henry H. Wrenn. 1966.
SB119. The Pre-Raphaelite Dream - William Gaunt. 1966.
SB120. Hamlet - John Russell Brown; Bernard Harris. 1966.
SB121. Early Shakespeare: A Reading and Playing Guide - John Russell Brown; Bernard Harris. 1966.
SB122. The Pharisees and Other Essays - Leo Baeck. 1966.
SB123. Hillel, the Elder: The Emergence of Classical Judaism - Nahum Norbert Glatzer. 1970.
SB124. Maternal Care and Mental Health - John Bowlby; Mary D. Salter Ainsworth. 1966.
SB125. Intellectual Growth in Young Children - Susan Isaacs; Nathan Isaacs. 1972.
SB126. Historical Manual of English Prosody - George Saintsbury. 1966.
SB127. Letter to His Father = Brief an den Vater - Franz Kafka. 1966.
SB128. The Spirit of the Ghetto: Studies of Jewish Quarter of New York - Hutchins Hapgood, Harry Lewis Golden. 1966.
SB129. Soviet Attitudes Toward Authority: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Problems of Soviet Character - Margaret Mead. 1966.
SB130. Instinct in Man: In the Light of Recent Work in Comparative Psychology - Ronald Fletcher. 1966.
SB131. ____
SB132. Art and Society - Herbert Read. 1966.
SB133. The Collective Dream in Art: A Psycho-historical Theory of Culture Based on Relations Between the Arts, Psychology, and the Social Sciences - Walter Abell. 1966.
SB134. The Architecture of the Italian Renaissance - Peter Murray. 1966.
SB135. The Negro Church in America - Edward Franklin Frazier. 1964.
SB136. The Power of Nonviolence - Richard Bartlett Gregg. 1966.
Sources of the above list (SB1 to SB136):
(1) Publisher's list in Letters to Milena by Franz Kafka, New York: Schocken Books, 1970 (Schocken Paperbacks, SB24)
Author of this page:
David Paul Wagner