Publishing History > Republics (or: Elzevirian Republics) (Elzevir) - Book Series List
(original series name in Latin: Respublicae Elzevirianae)
(also known as: Elzevirian Republics; Petites Républiques)
Publisher: Officina Elzeviriana (or: Elzevir).
Country: Netherlands. Date: 1625-49.

Respublica, sive status regni Poloniae, Litvianiae, Prussiae, Livoniae, etc. diversorum autorum
Lugd. Batavorum [Leiden], Ex officina Elzeviriana, 1642.
Series Note: "Between 1625 and 1649, the Leiden publishing house Elzevir issued a series of thirty-five descriptions of all European, select non-European, and three ancient states, Greece, Israel and Rome. (...) Each volume depicted the respective country's geography, is landscape and various regions, its people and mores, its government, its economy, its kings and noble families, and, in some cases, its arts and sciences as well. (...) Owing to their small size, they caused a stir among early modern printers and quickly became famous as the first pocketbook series in history."
-- Sina Rauschenbach, "Elzevirian Republics, wise merchants, and new perspectives on Spain and Portugal in the seventeenth-century Dutch Republic" (De Zeventiende Eeuw 29 (2013), pp. 81-100.
"Bonaventure and Abraham Elzevir launched another bestselling series, the Republics, published in Latin between 1626 and 1649. Each volume gave information on the geography, inhabitants, economy and history of a country in Europe, Asia, Africa or the Near East. The Republics were the ancestors of modern travel guides."
-- Martyn Lyons, Books: A Living History, London, Thames & Hudson, 2011, p. 80.
Arranged by year of publication
Respublica Galliae. Elzevir, 1626.
Subject: France.
Respublica, sive Status Regni Scotiae et Hiberniae. Lugd. Bat. [= Leiden], Elzevir, 1627.
Subject: Scotland and Ireland.
Helvetiorum Respublica. Lugd. Bat. [= Leiden], Elzevir, 1627.
Subject: Swiss Republic.
Contraremi (Casp.) de Republica Venetorum. Lugd. Bat. [= Leiden], Elzevir, 1628.
Subject: Venetian Republic.
Respublica Romana. Lugd. Bat. [= Leiden], Elzevir, 1629.
Subject: Ancient Roman Republic.
Gallia sive de Francorum Regis Dominiis et opibus Commentarius. Lugd. Bat. [= Leiden], Elzevir, 1629.
Hispania sive de Regis Hispaniae regnis et Opibus, Commentarius. Lugd. Bat. [= Leiden], Elzevir, 1629.
Subject: Spain.
Tractatus Varii de Regno Daniae et Norwegiae, etc. Lugd. Bat. [= Leiden], Elzevir, 1629.
Subject: Denmark and Norway.
Respublica Hollandiae et Urbes. Lugd. Bat. [= Leiden], Elzevir, 1630.
Subject: Dutch Republic.
Respublica Moscoviae. Elzevir, 1630. 3 vols.
Subject: Muscovy.
Moscoviae et Urbes. Lugd. Bat. [= Leiden], Elzevir, 1630.
Russia, seu Moscovia itemque Tartaria. Lugd. Bat. [= Leiden], Elzevir, 1630.
Subject: Russia...
Belgii Confoederati Respublica, seu Gelriae, Hollandiae, etc. Descriptio. Lugd. Bat.[= Leiden], Elzevir, 1630.
Subject: Belgium.
Chinensis Regni Descriptio. Lugd. Bat. [= Leiden], Elzevir, 1630.
Subject: Kingdom of China.
Commentarius de Imperio Magni Mongolis sive India vera. Lugd. Bat. [= Leiden], Elzevir, 1631.
Subject: Mongol Empire.
Smithi (T.) de Republica Anglorum. lib. III. Lugd. Bat. [= Leiden], Elzevir, 1631.
Subject: England.
Tractatus Varii de Principatibus Italiae. Lugd. Bat. [= Leiden], Elzevir, 1631.
Subject: Principalities of Italy.
Cunaei (Petri) de Republica Hebraeorum. lib. III. Lugd. Bat. [= Leiden], Elzevir, 1632..
Subject: Ancient Israel.
Emmii (Ubbonis) Graecorum Respublicae, 2 vols in one. Lugd. Bat. [= Leiden], Elzevir, 1632-44.
Subject: Ancient Greece.
Suecia, sive Suecorum Regis Dominiis et Opibus Commentarius. Lugd. Bat. [= Leiden], Elzevir, 1633.
Subject: Sweden.
Sabaudiae Respublica et Historia. Lugd. Bat. [=Leyden], Elzevir, 1634.
Subject: ___
Turcici Imperii Status, accedit de Regno Algeriano atque Tunetano Commentarius. Lugd. Bat. [= Leiden], Elzevir, 1634.
Subject: Turkey, Algeria, Tunis.
Respublica et Status Regni Hungariae. Lugd. Bat. [= Leiden], Elzevir, 1634.
Subject: Hungary.
Respublica et Status Imperii Romano-Germanici, 2 vols. Lugd. Bat. [= Leiden], Elzevir, 1634-40.
Subject: Holy Roman Empire.
Respublica Lutzenburgensis, Hannoniae et Namurcensis. Amsterdam, 1635.
Subject: Republics of Lucerne, Hannover, Namur.
Bertramus (Bonav. Corn.) de Republica Ebraeorum. Lugd. Bat. [= Leiden], Elzevir, 1641.
Subject: Ancient Israel.
T. Smithi de Republica Anglorum. Elzevir, 1641.
Subject: England.
Respublica, sive Status Regni Poloniae, Liuanae, Prussiae, Livoniae, etc. Lugd. Bat. [= Leiden], Elzevir, 1642.
Subject: Poland, Latvia, Prussia, Lithuania, etc.
Respublica Poloniae. Elzevir, 1642.
Subject: Poland.
Stranskii (M. Pauli) Respublica Bohemiae. Lugd. Bat. [= Leiden], Elzevir, 1643.
Subject: Bohemia.
Persia seu Regni Persici Status variaque Itinera in atque per Persiam, cuts. Lugd. Bat. [= Leiden], Elzevir, 1647.
Subject: Persia.
Varenii (Bern.) Descriptio Regni Japoniae, 2 vols. in 1. Amsterdam, Elzevir, 1649.
Subject: Kingdom of Japan.
Werdenhagen (Jo. Angelii) de Rebuspublicis Hanseaticis Tractatus generalis et specialis, 4 vols. in 3. Lugd. Bat. [= Leiden], Elzevir, 1631.
Subject: Hanseatic Republic.
Werdenhagen. Introductio Universalis in omnes Republicas, sive Politica Generalis. fine portrait. Amsterdam, 1632.
Subject: Universal Introduction to All Republics, or General Politics.
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Author: David Paul Wagner
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