Psychanalytike Seira
Publisher: Ikaros. Country: Greece. Date: 1999- .

He gynaika tes Zakynthos kai he poietike diaphonia
by E. G. Aslanides
Athens, Ikaros, 2000 (Psychanalytike Seira [= Psychoanalytical Series]).
The Greek language title in English means "The Woman of Zakynthos and the Poetic Disagreement". The Greek language cover blurb in English means" "It is a new study that relates psychoanalysis to culture. The author not only attempts a personal reading of the whole of Solomic work, but also correlates parameters of the text (role, theatricality, stage, performance, representation, dream and delusion) with the corresponding concepts in the practice of psychoanalysis. The work of E. G. Aslanidis in a dynamic and original way feeds the dialogue between psychoanalysis and poetry."
The author, E. G. Aslanidis, was a psychiatrist, teaching analyst and author. In the field of psychoanalysis, he created the first university department of psychodynamic psychotherapy (Aeginiteion, 1980). He was elected president of the Hellenic Society of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy in 1989. He published poems and essays.
Series Note: The titles, authors, etc. in this series list have transliterated from Greek letters to Roman letters. The series title "Psychanalytike Seira" means "psychoanalytical series" in English. The series editor was Athanasios Alexandridis. In 2012 Ikaros was named as one of the three longest-operating publishing houses in Greece, the other two being Hestia and Kedros. Ikaros (English, "Icarus") was the figure in ancient Greek mythology who perished after flying too close to the sun with wings of wax.
Title / Author / Year of Publication
He gynaika tes Zakynthos kai he poietike diaphonia
by E G Aslanides; Athanasios Alexandrides
Psychanalyse kai Homerika epe : mia psychanalytike akroase tou Homerou
by Konstantinos I Arvanitakis; Maria Athetake; Athanasios Alexandrides
Glossa, enormese, symvolismos
by Nicos Nicolaidis; Athanasios Alexandrides
Ho Petros einai ho lykos : melete tes ennoias tes paidikes symviotikes psychoses
by Athanasios Alexandrides
Ho Holderlin kai to zetema tu patera
by Jean Laplanche
Author of this page:
David Paul Wagner