Publishing History > Princeton Paperbacks and Princeton/Bollingen Paperbacks - Book Series List
Princeton Paperbacks & Princeton/Bollingen Paperbacks
Publisher: Princeton University Press. Country: United States. Date: c. 1963- .

Renaissance Thought and the Arts: Collected Essays.
Paul Oskar Kristeller.
Princeton University Press, 1980 (Princeton Paperbacks).
Paperback. 256 pages.
"Written by an eminent authority on the Renaissance, these classic essays deal not only with Paul Kristeller's specialty, Renaissance humanism and philosophy, but also with Renaissance theories of art. The focus of the collection is on topics such as humanist learning, humanist moral thought, the diffusion of humanism, Platonism, music and learning during the early Renaissance, and the modern system of arts in relation to the Renaissance. For this volume the author has written a new preface, a new essay, and an afterword." -- Publisher's blurb.
Series Note: _______
Arranged by serial number
1. Courage, The Adventures & The False Messiah - Von Grimmelshausen.
2. On the Accuracy of Economic Observations - Morgenstern.
3. The Press and Foreign Policy - Cohen.
4. Shakepeare and Christian Doctrine - Frye.
5. Poland Between East and West, 1919-1933 - Kobbel.
6. ____
7. A Short Life of Kierkegaard - Lowrie.
8. American Scientists and Nuclear Weapons Policy - Gilpin.
9. The Contraction, 1929-33 - Friedman and Schwartz.
10. The Ancient Near East: An Anthology of Texts and Pictures - Pritchard.
11. Strategy in the Missile Age - Brodie.
12. Men and Nations - Halle.
13. Change, Hope and the Bomb - Lilienthal.
14. The Appeals of Communism - Almond.
15. Communism and Revolution - Black and Thornton.
16. The Communist Subversion of Czechoslovakia, 1939-1948 - Korbel.
17. Politics and Social Change in the Middle East and North Africa - Halpern.
18. _____
19. The Continuity of American Poetry - Pearce.
20. The Archeology of World Religions, Vol. I, Primitivism, Zoraoastrianism, Hinduism & Jainism - Finegan.
21. ____
22. The Archeology of World Religions, Vol. III, Shinto, Islim, Sikhism - Finegan.
23. Prefaces to Shakespeare, "Hamlet" - Granville-Barker.
24. Prefaces to Shakespeare, "King Lear," "Cymbeline," "Julius Caesar" - Granville-Barker.
25. Prefaces to Shakespeare, "Antony and Cleopatra," "Coriolanus" - Granville-Barker.
26. Prefaces to Shakespeare, "Love's Labour Lost," "Romeo and Juliet," "The Merchant of Venice," "Othello" - Granville-Barker.
27. Shelley's Major Poetry - Baker.
28. ____
29. ____
30. Elizabethan Revenge Tragedy, 1587-1642 - Bowers.
31. Newton Demands the Muse: Newton's "Opticks" and the 18th Century Poets - Nicolson.
32. The Poetical Works of Edward Taylor - Johnson.
33. The Deed of Life - Moynahan.
34. The Economic Development of Japan: Growth and Structural Change, 168-1938 - Lockwood.
35. Catholics and Unbelievers in Eighteenth Century France - Palmer.
36. The Crisis of the Early Italian Renaissance - Baron.
37. Tocqueville and the Old Regime - Herr.
38. The Origins of Soviet-American Diplomacy - Browder.
39. Politics and Culture in International History - Bozeman.
40. Restoration, Revolution, Reaction: Economics and Politics in Germany, 1815-1871 - Hamerow.
41. Churchill, Roosevelt, Stalin - Feis.
42. Danger in Kashmir - Korbel.
43. Strategic Intelligence - Kent.
44. The Dynamics of Communism in Eastern Europe - Burks.
45. From Caligari to Hitler: A Psychological History of the German Film - Kracauer.
46. The Rise of American Naval Power, 1776-1918 - Sprout.
47. Foreign Influences in American Life: Essays and Critical Bibliographies - Ed., Bowers.
48. Near Eastern Culture and Society - Ed., Young.
49. ____
50. As Unions Mature: An Analysis of the Evolution of American Unionism - Lester.
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Author: David Paul Wagner
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