Pleasures and Treasures
Publisher: Weidenfeld & Nicolson. Country: United Kingdom. Date: 1959-67.
Joint Publisher: G. P. Putnam's Sons. Country: United States. Date: 1960-68.

Fine Books by Alan G. Thomas
London, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1967 (Pleasures and Treasures series)
Hardback. Dust wrapper. 120 pages. Size: Square octavo.
Series Note: Format: Hardbacks with dust wrappers. Size: Square octavo. Colour and black-and-white plates.
Arranged alphabetically by title
Arms and Armour - Vesey Norman.
Bronzes - Jennifer Montagu.
Carriages - Jacques Damase.
Chessmen - A. E. J. Mackett-Beeson.
Chinese Porcelain - Anthony du Boulay.
Clocks - Simon Fleet.
Coins - John Porteous.
Dolls - Antonia Fraser.
Early Cars - Michael Sedgwick.
Early Railways - J. B. Snell.
English Furniture of the Eighteenth Century - David Nickerson.
Fine Books - Alan G. Thomas.
Firearms - Howard Ricketts.
French Eighteenth-Century Furniture - Genevieve Souchal.
French Porcelain - Hubert Landais.
Gardens - Miles Hadfield.
Glass - George Savage.
Grand Prix Championship - Anthony Pritchard.
Historic Motor Racing - Anthony Pritchard.
Italian Porcelain - Francesco Stazzi.
Ivory - O. Beigbeder.
Jewellery: From the Renaissance to Art Nouveau - Claude Fregnac.
Model Railway Engines - J. E. Minns.
Model Soldiers - Henry Harris.
Old Musical Instruments - Rene Clemencic.
Oriental Rugs and Carpets - Stanley Reed.
Playing Cards - Roger Tilley.
Rare Stamps - L. N. and M. Williams.
Rocks and Minerals - E. P. Bottley.
Roses - Peter Coats.
Shells - Roderick Cameron.
Silver - Richard Came.
Sporting Guns - Richard Aklehurst.
Tartans - Christian Hesketh.
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Author: David Paul Wagner
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