The Phoenix Living Poets
Publisher: Chatto & Windus. Country: U.K. Date: 1960-83.

A Common Grace by Norman MacCaig
London, Chatto and Windus with the Hogarth Press, 1960
(The Phoenix Living Poets)
Hardback with dustjacket. 46 pages.
"A poet who divided his life and the attention of his poetry between Assynt in the West
Highlands, and the city of Edinburgh, Norman MacCaig combined precise observation with creative wit, and wrote with a passion for clarity." -- Publisher's blurb
The dustjacket design was by "Enid Marx who was selected by the London Passenger Transport Board to design the moquette seat fabrics for use on the seats of London buses and tube trains and later also worked for Penguin and for Faber" --
Series Note: A series of slim books of poetry from a cross-section of poets of the period.
The series had its origins in poetry books published by The Hogarth Press that had been established in 1917 by Leonard and Virginia Wolff. In 1946 the Hogarth Press became part of Chatto & Windus. Typically the title pages of The Phoenix Living Poets series state joint publication by Chatto & Windus and The Hogarth Press.
Poet's Name/Title/Date
James Aitchison
Alexander Baird
Alan Bold
R H Bowden
Frederick Broadie
Michael Burn
Philip Callow
Hayden Carruth
Robert Conquest
John Cotton
Jennifer Couroucli
Patric Dickinson
Tom Earley
D J Enright
Gloria Evans Davies
Irene Fekete
John Fuller
David Gill
Peter Gruffydd
D J Hall
J C Hall
Molly Holden
John Horder
Peter Howe
P J Kavanagh
Richard Kell
Laurie Lee
Laurence Lerner
Christopher Levenson
Edward Lowbury
Norman MacCaig - A Common Grace (1960)
Gordon Mackay Brown
Roy McFadden
Diana McLoghlen
James Merrill
Ruth Miller
Leslie Norris
Richard Outram
Robert Pack
Rodney Pybus
Arnold Rattenbury
Adrienne Rich
Hardiman Scott
Anne Sexton
Jon Silkin
John Smith
Jon Stallworthy
Gillian Stoneham
Edward Storey
David Sutton
Terence Tiller
Sydney Tremayne
Jon Manchip White
John Hartley Williams
Lotte Zurndorfer
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Author: David Paul Wagner
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