Periods of European Literature
Publisher: William Blackwood & Sons. Country: United Kingdom. Date: c. 1897- c. 1927.
Republished by: Charles Scribner's Sons. Country: United States: Date: c. 1899-1902.

The Flourishing of Romance and the Rise of Allegory. (12th and 13th Centuries.)
by George Saintsbury
London, William Blackwood & Sons, 1897.
(Periods of European Literature series)
Hardback in dark red cloth. No dust wrappers (as issued). Gilt lettering to spine. xvii, 429 pages. Size: 20 cm.
Series Note:
William Blackwood & Sons promoted this series with the following slogan: "A Complete and Continuous History of the Subject."
This series was edited by George Saintsbury, M.A., Professor of Rhetoric and English Literature in Edinburgh University.
The series appeared as 12 "crown 8vo" [crown octavo sized] volumes, priced each at 5s. [five shillings] net.
Checklist - Arranged Alphabetically by Title and Author
The Dark Ages - Prof. W. P. Ker.
The Flourishing of Romance and the Rise of Allegory. (12th and 13th Centuries.) By George Saintsbury.
The Fourteenth Century. By F. J. Snell.
The Transition Period - By G. Gregory Smith.
The Earlier Renaissance - By George Saintsbury.
The Later Renaissance. By David Hannay.
The First Half of the Seventeenth Century - By Prof. H. J. C. Grierson.
The Augustan Ages. By Oliver Elton.
The Mid-Eighteenth Century - By J. Hepburn Millar.
The Romantic Revolt - By Prof. C. E. Vaughan.
The Romantic Triumph - By T. S. Omond.
The Later Nineteenth Century - By George Saintsbury.
Sources of the above list:
With Kitchener to Khartum by G. W. Steevens. Edinburgh and London, William Blackwood & Sons, 1898. Publisher's catalogue in final pages.
(2) Robert Browning - C. H. (Charles Harold) Herford
Hamburg (Germany), tredition GmbH, n.d. (Tredition Classics)
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Author: David Paul Wagner
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