Penguin African Library
Publisher: Penguin Books. Country: United Kingdom. Date: 1962-75.

Front and back covers of
Which Way Africa? The Search for a New Society by Basil Davidson.
Harmondsworth, Penguin Books, 1964 (Penguin African Library, AP13).
Paperback. 215 pages.
Series Note: "The Penguin African Library began in 1962 and ran until the mid-seventies. The majority of the titles are designed with the Marber grid, with a heavy brown headline, although some of the later titles from 1972 on lose the grid and move toward a white background. The prefix for this series is "AP". Note: certain numbers (AP4, AP38, AP43, and AP45) were never issued." (source)
Series editor: Ronald Segal.
Serial Number / Title / Author / Year of Publication
AP1. African Profiles - Ronald Segal. 1962.
AP2. A Short History of Africa - Roland Oliver and J. D. Fage. 1962.
AP3. Portugal in Africa - James Duffy. 1962.
AP4. ---
AP5. The Politics of Partnership: The Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland - Patrick Keatley. 1963.
AP6. The Arab Role in Africa - Jacques Baulin. 1962.
AP7. Modern Poetry From Africa - Gerald Moore and Ulli Beier, eds. 1963..
Poets: Jean-Joseph Rabearivelo; Flavien Ranaivo; Leopold Sedar Senghor; David Diop; Birago Diop; Lenrie Peters; Kwesi Brew; Ellis Ayitey Komey; G. Awoonor-Williams; John Pepper Clark; Gabriel Okara; Okigbo, etc.
AP8. South Africas Hostages: Basutoland, Bechuanaland and Swaziland - Jack Halpern. 1965.
AP9. South Africa: The Peasants Revolt - Govan Mbeki. 1964.
AP10. South West Africa - Ruth First. 1963.
AP11. East Africa: The Search for Unity: Kenya, Tanganyika, Uganda and Zanzibar - A. J. Hughes. 1963.
AP11. East Africa (Revised) - A. J. Hughes. 1969.
AP12. The Rise of the South African Reich - Brian Percy Bunting. 1964.
AP13. Which Way Africa? The Search for a New Society - Basil Davidson. 1964.
AP14. The New States of West Africa - Ken Post. 1964.
AP15. 'Mau Mau' Detainee - Josiah Mwangi Kariuki. 1964.
AP16. Nassers Egypt - Peter Mansfield. 1964.
AP17. African Outline: A General Introduction - Paul Bohannan. 1966.
AP18. South Africa: The Struggle for a Birthright - Mark Benson. 1966.
AP19. African Trade Unions - Ioan Davies. 1966.
AP20. The African Past: Chronicles from Antiquity to Modern Times - Basil Davidson . 1966.
AP21. The Development of Modern Nigeria - Okoi Arikpo. 1967.
AP22. Africa in Social Change: West African Societies in Transition - P. C. Lloyd [Peter Cutt Lloyd]. 1967.
AP23. Unity or Poverty? The Economics of Pan-Africanism - Reginald Green and Ann Seidman . 1968.
AP24. Africa in Prose - O.R. Dathorne and Willfried Feuser. 1969.
AP25. Class and Color in South Africa 1850-1950 - H. J. Simons and R. E. Simons. 1969.
AP26. Religion in Africa - Geoffrey Parrinder [Edward Geoffrey Parrinder]. 1969.
AP27. The Liberation of Guiné: Aspects of an African Revolution - Basil Davidson. 1969.
AP28. The Struggle for Mozambique - Eduardo Mondlane. 1969.
AP29. The Maghreb in the Modern World: Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco - Samir Amin. 1970.
AP30. Conflict in the Congo: The Rise and Fall of Lumumba - Thomas Kanza. 1972.
AP31. Portuguese Africa and the West - William Minter. 1972.
AP32. The Discarded People: An Account of African Resettlement in South Africa - Cosmas Desmond. 1971.
AP33. The Barrel of a Gun: Political Power in Africa and the Coup d'Etat - Ruth First. 1972.
AP34. The High Price of Principles: Kaunda and the White South - Richard Hall. 1973.
AP35. Neo-Colonialism in West Africa - Samir Amin. 1973.
AP36. The Africans: An Entry to Cultural History - Basil Davidson. 1973.
AP37. The South African Connection: Western Investment in Apartheid - Ruth First, Jonathan Steele and Christabel Gurney . 1973.
AP38. ---
AP39. In The Eye of the Storm: Angola's People - Basil Davidson. 1975.
AP40. Libya: The Elusive Revolution - Ruth First. 1974.
AP41. Rhodesia: White Racism and Imperial Response - Martin Loney. 1969.
AP42. Minding Their Own Business: Zambia's Struggle Against Western Control - Anthony Martin. 1975.
AP43. ---
AP44. South Africa: An Historical Introduction - Freda Troup. 1969.
AP45. ---
AP46. Mozambique: Memoirs of a Revolution - John Paul. 1975.
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Author: David Paul Wagner
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