Series Note: The titles listed below, targeted at the secondary and tertiary student and educated reader markets, were widely available in the period 1960-80.
Serial No./Title/Author
P1 The Structure of Politics at the Accession of George III Sir Lewis Namier
P3 Introduction to the Study of the Law of the Constitution Albert Venn Dicey
P7 An Introduction to Greek Theatre Peter Arnott (foreword by H. D. F. Kitto)
P9 Greek Philosophy: Thales to Plato John Burnet
P14 Lectures on the Republic of Plato Richard Lewis Nettleship
P15 Oxford Lectures on Poetry A. C. Bradley
P22 Jurisprudence and Legal Essays Sir Frederick Pollock/A. L. Goodhart
P23 International Monetary Policy W. M. Scammell
P29 A Short History of English Literature George Saintsbury
P34 R. G. D. Allen's Mathematical Analysis for Economists R. G. D. Allen
P35 The Capetian Kings of France Robert Fawter/Lionel Butler/R. J. Adam
P36 Shelley: His Thought and Work Desmond King- Hele
P39 Price Theory William James Louden Ryan
P40 A History of France Lucien Romier (A. L. Rowse, tr.)
P42 Social Life at Rome in the Age of Cicero W. Warde Fowler
P43 Technology and the Academics: An Essay on Universities and the Scientific Revolution Eric Ashby
P51 Robbery Under Arms Rolf Boldrewood
P52 Shakespearean Tragedy: Lectures on Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth A. C. Bradley
P53 Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass Lewis Carroll (with all the original illustrations by Sir John Tenniel)
P54 The Golden Bough: A Study in Magic and Religion Sir James George Frazer
P58 The Return of the Native Thomas Hardy
P61 The Trumpet-Major Thomas Hardy
P63 The Woodlanders Thomas Hardy
P70 The Second Jungle Book Rudyard Kipling
P71 Just So Stories for Little Children Rudyard Kipling
P72 Kim Rudyard Kipling
P76 Puck of Pook's Hill Rudyard Kipling
P84 Five One-Act Plays Sean O'Casey
P85 Three Plays Sean O'Casey
P91 Readings in St. John's Gospel (First and Second Series) William Temple
P97 Selected Poetry W. B. Yeats
P100 Creative Evolution Henri Bergson (Arthur Mitchell, tr.)
P101 Heroic Poetry C. M. Bowra
P102 Oxford Lectures on Poetry, with an Introduction by M. R. Ridley Andrew Cecil Bradley
P108 A Victorian Boyhood L. E. Jones
P118 Pathans, 550 B.C.-A.D. 1957 Olaf Caroe
P120 The Dynasts: An Epic-Drama of the War with Napoleon Thomas Hardy
P124 The Growth of British Industrial Relations 1906-1914 E. H. Phelps Brown
P128 Archbishop Laud H. R. Trevor-Roper
P130 The Life of Thomas Hardy 1840-1928 Florence Emily Hardy
P136 Elizabethan Taste John Buxton
P138 Spain in Decline 1621-1700 R. Trevor Davies
P143 The Philosophical Theory of the State Bernard Bosanquet
P144 Essays on Literature and Ideas John Wain
P145 The Prince Consort Roger Fulford
P154 Dickens and Education Philip Collins
P157 Selected Shorter Poems of Thomas Hardy (John Wain, ed.)
P 158 Selected Stories of Thomas Hardy
P161 The Theory of Wages J. R. Hicks
P171 The Nature of Metaphysical Thinking D. M. Emmet
P174 Selected Letters of Beethoven Emily Anderson, tr.; Alan Tyson, ed.
P179 Prelude to the Partition of West Africa John D. Hargreaves
P183 Thomas Hardy Edmund Blunden
P196 The Battle of London and Other Old English Poems Kevin Crossley-Holland and Bruce Mitchell
P197 Hawthorne Henry James (Tony Tanner, ed.)
P201 Economics and Industrial Efficiency: An Introduction to Managerial Economics H. Speight
P223 Essays in Modern History: Selected from the Transactions of the Royal Historical Society on the Occasion of its Centenary Royal Historical Society (Ian R. Christie, ed.)
P234 The Arabs: A Short History Philip Khuri Hitti
P239 An Introduction to Econometrics A. A. Walters
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Author: David Paul Wagner
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