Publishing History > Pan Books - Book Series List

Pan Books
Publisher: Pan Books. Country: U.K. Date: 1945- .

Ten Stories (by Rudyard Kipling) (Pan Books) (image)

Ten Stories (by Rudyard Kipling), Pan Books #1

Series Note:
These are the earliest Pan Books (with the first being published in 1945)

Serial No./Title/Author

1. Ten Stories - Rudyard Kipling
2. Lost Horizon - James Hilton
3. The Small Back Room - Nigel Balchin
4. Ten Little Niggers - Agatha Christie
5. Haven's End - John P. Marquand
6. Trilby - George du Maurier
7. Three Time Plays - J. B. Priestley
8. Some People - Harold Nicolson
9. Above The Dark Circus - Hugh Walpole
10. Fire Over England - A. E. W. Mason

11. The Nutmeg Tree - Margery Sharp
12. So Many Loves - Leo Walmsley
13. Journey Without Maps - Graham Greene
14. The Thirty-Nine Steps - John Buchan
15. The Enchanted April - E. Russell
16. The Four Million - O.Henry
17. The Lodger Lowndes - Mrs. Belloc
18. Greenmantle- John Buchan
19. Alive - Alive Oh - Osbert Sitwell
20. These Foolish Things - Michael Sadleir

Further Reading

Pan Paperback Collectors Website

Pan Books 1945-1966: A Bibliographical Checklist With a Guide to Their Value
by Richard Williams (Dragonby Press, 1994)

"Collecting Pan Books". In: Book and Magazine Collector, no. 79, October 1990

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Author: David Paul Wagner
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