Publishing History > Painting, Colour, History (Skira) - Book Series List
Painting, Colour, History
(also published as: Painting, Color, History)
Publisher: Skira. Country: Switzerland. Date: 1949- .

Matisse, Munch, Rouault: Fauvism, Expressionism
Text by Maurice Reynaud, Jacques Lassaigne, Hans Bolliger, Arnold Rüdlinger.
Translated by Stuart Gilbert and Douglas Cooper. Introduction by Georg Schmidt.
Geneva, Albert Skira, Geneva, 1950
(Painting, Colour, History series, vol. 2; History of Modern Painting series, vol. 2).
Hardback. xxii, 151 pages. Illustrated. Size: 35 cm.
Series Note:
Published by: Albert Skira, Geneva; Albert Skira, Lausanne. Skira, New York. Certain volumes in the series were jointly published by: A. Zwemmer, London. Rizzoli, New York. Macmillan, London, etc.
This series has the "notable achievement" of having all the illustrations in each volume being in colour and for the "quality of the colour and of the paper and typography".
-- Frank Davis, "A Page for Collectors", in: The Illustrated London News, 16 August 1952, Vol. 221, Issue 5913, p.258.
Serial Number / Title / Author / Date and Other Information
History of modern painting from Baudelaire to Bonnard : the birth of a new vision, the Honfleur School, Impressionism, Neo-Impressionism, Symbolism /_ text by Maurice Raynal ; introduction by Herbert Read ; historical and biographical notes Jean Leymarie ; translated by Stuart Gilbert.
Also titled: From Baudelaire to Bonnard.
Geneva : Albert Skira and London: Zwemmer, c. 1949/1950.
xxi, 150 p. : ill. ; 35 cm.
Bibliography: p. 144-147. Index.
Contents: Bazille.- Bonnard.- Cezanne.- Courbet.- Cross.- Degas.- Denis.- Gauguin.- Jongkind.- Manet.- Monet.- Pissarro.- Redon.- Renoir.- Roussel.- Serusier.- Seurat.- Signac.- Sisley.- Toulouse-Lautrec.- Vallotton.- Van Gogh.- Vuillard.
History of modern painting, Matisse, Munch, Rouault : Fauvism, expressionism, Matisse, Marquet, Vlaminck, Derain, Dufy, Friesz, Braque, Modersohn, Kirchner, Schmidt, Rottluff, Kandinsky, Jawlensky, Munch, Hodler, Ensor, Rouault, Nolde, Weber, Kokoschka, Chagall, Soutine /_ text and documentation by Maurice Raynal ... [et al.] ; translated by Stuart Gilbert ; introduction by Georg Schmidt ; translated by Douglas Cooper.
Contributors: Maurice Raynal, Jacques Lassaigne, Hans Bolliger, Arnold Rüdlinger. Geneva : Albert Skira, c. 1950.
xxii, 151 p. : ill. ; 35 cm.
History of modern painting from Picasso to surrealism : cubism, futurism, The Blue Rider, metaphysical painting, dada, abstract art, purism, The Realist Reaction, The Bauhaus, poetic painting, surrealism /_ texts and documentation Maurice Raynal ... [et al.] ; translated by Douglas Cooper.
Contributors: Maurice Raynal, Jacques Lassaigne, Werner Schmalenbach, Arnold Rüdlinger, Hans Bolliger. London : A. Zwemmer, c. 1950. On bookjacket; Albert Skira. Geneva - Paris - New York.
209 p. : col. ill. ; 35 cm. Index. Bibliography.
4, 5, 7.
Italian painting ... : Critical studies /_ by L. Venturi ; Historical surveys by Rosabianca Skira-Venturi. Tr. by S. Gilbert.
Geneva : Skira, c. 1950. London : Zwemmer, 1950-52.
3 v. : illus. in colour ; 34 cm.
1 - The creators of the Renaissance. 2 - The Renaissance. 3 - From Caravaggio to Modigiani.
Italian painting : the creators of the Renaissance /_ critical studies by Lionello Venturi ; historical surveys by Rosabianca Skira-Venturi ; translated by Stuart Gilbert.
London [England] : A. Zwemmer, Geneva, Editions Albert Skira, 1950.
205 p. : mounted ill. (chiefly col.) ; 35 cm.
Italian painting : the Renaissance /_ critical studies by Lionello Venturi ; historical surveys by Rosabianca Skira-Venturi ; translated from the Italian by Stuart Gilbert.
Editions Albert Skira; Zwemmer, 1951.
168 p. : ill. (mostly col.) ; 35 cm.
6 and 8.
Spanish painting /_ text by Jacques Lassaigne ; translated by Stuart Gilbert.
Gene_ve : Skira, c1952.
2 v. : mounted col. ill., map.
[1] From the Catalan frescos to El Greco
[2] From Velazquez to Picasso.
"Biographical and bibliographical notices by A. Busuioceanu": v. 1, p. [125]-[135]; v. 2, p. [135]-146.
Spanish painting : from Velazquez to Picasso /_ text by Jacques Lassaigne ; translated by Stuart Gilbert.
Geneva, Skira, c. 1952.
147 pages : mounted colour illustrations ; 35 cm. Includes index. Bibliography: pages 144-[146]. English language text.
6. [sic]
Spanish painting from the Catalan frescos to El Greco /_ text by Jacques Lassaigne ; translated by Stuart Gilbert.
Geneva, Switzerland : Skira, [1952]
137 pages : mounted colour illustrations ; 35 cm.
6. [sic]
La peinture espagnole /_ texte de Jacques Lassaigne.
Geneva : Skira, 1952-.
2v. : ill.
v. 1. Des tresques romances au Greco.
v. 2. De Valasques a Picasso.
Includes indexes and bibliograpies.
Italian painting from Caravaggio to Modigliani : critical studies /_ by Lionello Venturi ; historical surveys by Rosabianca Skira-Venturi ; translated by Stuart Gilbert.
Geneva ; New York : A. Skira, 1952.
"Bibliography compiled by Eugenio Battisti, comprising a selected list of publications relating to the three volumes in the author's series devoted to Italian painting -- The creators of the renaissance, The renaissance, and From Caravaggio to Modigliani: p. 161-170."
See above.
Volume Numbers to be Identified
American painting / Edited by Alexis Gregory.
Geneva, Skira, c. 1970.
2 volumes.
Modern painting : contemporary trends /_ text by Nello Ponente ; translated from the Italian by James Emmons.
Also titled (on spine): Contemporary trends.
[Paris] : Editions d'Art Albert Skira, [1960]
Distributed: Cleveland, Ohio : The World Publishing Company.
214 pages : colour illustrations ; 34 cm.
Includes index. Bibliography: pages 179-[180]
Language: English and Italian.
French painting, from Le Nain to Fragonard [by] Jacques Thuillier [and] Albert Châtelet. [Translated from the French by James Emmons.
Geneva] Skira; [distributed in the U.S. by World Pub. Co., Cleveland 1964
275 p. Bibliography: p. 259-[262].
The painters of reality
The founders of the academy
The painters of Louis XIV
From the grand monarch to Louis XV
The age of the pompadour
Under the eye of Diderot.
Painting in Italy from the origins to the thirteenth century. Critical studies by Amedeo Maiuri and Lionello Venturi. Historical surveys by Bianca Maiuri and Eugenio Battisti. [Translated from the Italian by James Emmons.
New York, Skira, 1959.
Includes bibliographies.
German painting : the late Middle Ages (1350-1500) /_ text by Hanspeter Landolt ; translated by Heinz Norden.
[Geneva] : Skira, [1968]. "Distributed in the United States by the World Publishing Company ... Cleveland."
167 pages : illustrations (chiefly color) ; 35 cm. English language.
Translation of Die deutsche Malerei: das Spa_tmittelalter (1350-1500). Geneva, Skira, c. 1968.
Also translated from German into French as: La peinture allemande : le Moyen Age tardif (1350-1500). /_ Texte de Hanspeter Landolt. (Traduit de l'allemand par Philibert Secretan). Geneva, Skira, 1968.
Dutch painting /_ text by Jean Leymarie ; [translated by Stuart Gilbert].
Geneva, Skira, 1956.
213 pages : mounted color illustrations ; 34 cm. English language.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 201-204) and index.
Performer: Gabriel Metsu.
The primitives. Albert van Ouwater ; Geertgen tot Sint Jans ; Hieronymus Bosch ; After Geertgen tot Sint Jans
The sixteenth century. Cornelis Engebrechtsz ; Lucas van Leyden ; Jan van Scorel ; Anthonis Mor ; Maerten van Heemskerck ; Pieter Aertsen ; The Academy of Haarlem
From mannerism to realism. Utrecht and intercourse with Italy ; Terbrugghen and the northern Caravaggeschi ; Haarlem, home of autochthonous Dutch art ; Seghers and the Dutch landscape
Frans Hals and the portrait
The growth of landscape painting. Jan van Goyen and the poetic landscape ; Jacob van Ruisdael and the heroic landscape ; Categories of landscape
Rembrandt and the world within
Everyday life and its setting. Architectural painting ; Genre painting and scenes of home life ; The still life
Vermeer and the school of Delft. Carel Fabritius ; Vermeer ; Pieter de Hooch.
American painting : the 20th century /_ text by Barbara Rose.
[Lausanne] : SKIRA, [1969]. Distributed in the U.S. by: The World Publishing Company, Cleveland.
125 p. : col. ill. ; 35 cm. English language.
Includes index. "Select bibliography": p. 119-122.
Flemish painting /_ text by Jacques Lassaigne.
Geneva : Skira, 1961.
2 v. : illus. (color)
Vol. 1. The century of Van Eyck.
Vol. 2. Hieronymus Bosch to Rubens.
Text in Italian.
Republished as:
Flemish painting /_ text by Jacques Lassaigne ; [translated from the French by Stuart Gilbert].
New York : Rizzoli Internationl, 1977.
2 v. : col. ill. (mounted) ; 35 cm.
[1] The century of Van Eyck.
[2] From Bosch to Rubens.
Vol. 2: Text by Jacques Lassaigne and Robert L. Delevoy.
Includes bibliographies.
Flemish painting from Bosch to Rubens /_ text by Jacques Lassaigne and Robert L. Delevoy ; translated by Stuart Gilbert.
[Lausanne] : Skira, [1958]
204 p. : ill. Includes bibliography.
Also published as:
Flemish Painting : from Bosch to Rubens /_ text by Jacques Lassaigne and Robert L. Delevoy.
New York : Rizzoli, 1977.
201 pages.
Flemish painting. Text by Jacques Lassaigne. Translated by Stuart Gilbert.
New York, A. Skira, 1957.
Includes bibliographies. Vol. 2: Text by Jacques Lassaigne and Robert L. Delevoy.
Republished as:
Flemish painting : the century of Van Eyck /_ text by Jacques Lassaigne. Other authors: Robert L. (Robert-Leon) Delevoy and Stuart Gilbert.
New York : Rizzoli, 1977.
Includes bibliographies.
[1] The century of Van Eyck.
[2] From Bosch to Rubens.
Republished as:
Flemish painting : the century of Van Eyck /_ text by Jacques Lassaigne ; [translated from the French by Stuart Gilbert].
Geneva : Skira ; London [etc.] : Macmillan, 1978.
182p (8 fold) : col ill. tipped in, col ports tipped in ; 35cm. Bibl.: p.171-173. - Index.
Translation of: La peinture flamande. Geneva : Skira, 1957.
Modern painting /_ text by Maurice Raynal ; translated by Stuart Gilbert.
Geneva : Skira, 1953.
339 p. : ill. (some col.) ; 35 cm.
Includes an index. "Biographical and bibliographical notices": p. 293-[323] Bibliography: p. 324-326.
Republished as:
Modern painting /_ text by Maurice Raynal ; [translated by Stuart Gilbert].
Geneva : Skira, 1960. Rev. (i.e. 2nd) ed.
343 p. : ill. (col.)
French painting, from Fouquet to Poussin /_ Albert Chatelet, Jacques Thuillier.
Translated from the French by Stuart Gilbert.
Geneva : Skira ; Cleveland, Ohio : distributed in the United States by World Pub. Co., c1963.
243 p. : col. ill. ; 35 cm.
Includes index. Bibliography: p. 269-[232].
The Ducal workshops
A perfect equipoise: the secret and the strength of Fouquet
Provenc_al painting from Charonton to Froment
The resistance to Italy
The Italians at Fontainebleau
The portrait from the Clouets to the Dumonstiers
French and Flemish artists at Fontainebleau
The great generation of the seventeenth century.
Goya, the frescoes in San Antonio de la Florida in Madrid /_ Historical and critical study by Enrique Lafuente Ferrari ; [Tr. by Stuart Gilbert.
Geneva : Skira, 1955.
149 p. : col. ill. ; 34 cm.
Includes index.
Also published as:
The frescos in San Antonio de la Florida in Madrid : historical and critical study /_ by Enrique Lafeunte Ferrari.
New York : Albert Skira, 1955.
[151] p. : ill. ; 34 cm.
Published under the patronage of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando
Originally published as:
Goya : les fresques de San Antonio de la Florida à Madrid - Enrique Lafuente Ferrari.
Geneva : Skira, 1955 (Peinture, couleur, histoire series)
Includes bibliographical references and index.
French painting the nineteenth century. [Translated from the French by James Emmons.
Geneva, Skira, 1962. Distributed in the U.S. by World Pub. Co., Cleveland.
229 pages. Bibliography: p. 215-[218].
German painting, from Durer to Holbein /_ text by Otto Benesch ; translated from the German by H.S.B. Harrison.
Geneva : Skira, 1966. Distributed in the U.S. by the World Pub. Co.
197 pages : mounted color illustrations ; 35 cm.
"Select bibliography by Eva Benesch": pages 183-188.
Chiliasm 1490-1500
The search for the new form and the microcosm
The age of the great altarpieces
The spell of nature
The formation of the character portrait
Cosmic perspectives.
American painting : from its beginnings to the Armory Show. /_ Introd. by John Walker.
Jules David Prown and Barbara Rose.
[Geneva] : Skira, 1969. Distributed in the U.S. by World Pub. Co.
2 volumes. 144 p. : col. illus. ; 35 cm.
v. 1. From its beginnings to the Armory Show, by Jules David Prown.
v. 2. The 20th century, by Barbara Rose.
Also published as:
American painting, from the Colonial period to the present /_ by Jules David Prown and Barbara Rose.
New York : Rizzoli, 1977.
Bibl.: p.135-139. - Index.
Also published as:
American painting, from its beginnings to the Armory Show /_ introduction by John Walker ; text by Jules David Prown.
Geneva : Skira ; London [etc.] : Macmillan, 1980. New edition.
146 p. : col ill., col ports ; 33cm.
The Colonial period
The Federal period: Americans at home and abroad
The search for identity
Art for the people
From art for the sake of art to the Ashcan School.
The history of modern painting /_ by Maurice Raynal, and others.
Geneva : Albert Skira, 1949-1950.
3v. : mounted col. illus. ; 35cm. [v1] From Baudelaire to Bonnard; [v2] Matisse, Munch, Rouault, Fauvism & Expressionism; [v3] From Picasso to Surrealism.
Includes bibliographies.
Vols.1-2 translated by Stuart Gilbert; v.3 by Douglas Cooper.
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Author: David Paul Wagner
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