Oxford Paperbacks
Publisher: Oxford University Press. Country: United Kingdom. Date: 1960- .

The Roman Revolution
by Ronald Syme
Oxford University Press, 1960 (Oxford Paperbacks, No. 1)
Series Note: The readers of books in this quality paperback series were students and teachers at universities, colleges and secondary schools and the educated public. These books covered history, literature, philosophy and other topics in the humanities.
Thanks to Mr. John A. Mellman for bibliographic information supplied on this series.
Serial Number / Title / Author / Publication Date / Other Details
No. 1. The Roman Revolution - Ronald Syme. 1960.
No. 2. The Rise of the Greek Epic: Being a Course of Lectures Delivered at Harvard University - Gilbert Murray.
No. 3. Eighteenth-Century Europe , 1713-1789 - M. S. Anderson. 1966.
No. 4. A Critique of Welfare Economics - Ian Malcolm David Little. 1973.
No. 5. St Johns Gospel - Robert Henry Lightfoot. 1972.
No. 6. The Seventeenth Century - G. N. Clark. 1961.
No. 7. Mozart's Operas: A Critical Study - Edward Joseph Dent. 1975.
No. 8. Three Plays - Christopher Fry. 1960.
No. 9. The Dickens World - Arthur Humphry House. 1960.
No. 10. A Preface to "Paradise Lost" - C. S. Lewis. 2002.
No. 11. The Problem of Style - John Middleton Murry. 1977.
No. 12. Victorian England: Portrait of an Age - G.M. Young. 1960. Cover design by Edward Ardizzone.
No. 13. The Greek Commonwealth: Politics and Economics in Fifth-Century Athens - Alfred Zimmern. 1961.
No. 14. Mysticism Sacred and Profane: An Inquiry into Some Varieties of Praeternatural Experience - R. C. Zaehner. 1961.
No. 15. Novels of the Eighteen-Forties - Kathleen Tillotson. 1962.
No. 16. Byzantium: An Introduction to East Roman Civilization - Norman H. Baynes; H St L B Moss. 1969.
No. 17. A Study of Goethe - Barker Fairley. 1961.
No. 18. The Old Testament and Modern Study. Edited by H. H. Rowley; Society for Old Testament Study. 1961.
No. 19. The Romantic Imagination - C. M. Bowra. 1961.
No. 20. The Individual and the Universe - Sir Alfred Charles Bernard Lovell. 1961.
No. 21. Selected Writings - Charles Williams. 1961.
No. 22. The Listener's Guide to Music, with a Concert Goer's Glossary - Percy A Scholes. 1972.
No. 23. Don Quixote : An Introductory Essay in Psychology - Salvador de Madariaga. 1966.
No. 24. The Reformation in England - Maurice Powicke. 1973.
No. 25. English Ancestry - Sir Anthony Richard Wagner. 1961.
Further TItles:
No. 40. Juvenal the Satirist: A Study - Gilbert Highet. 1962.
No. 55. Victorian Essays - G. M. Young. 1962. Chosen and introducted by W. D. Handcock.
No. 60. The Birth of the Middle Ages, 395-814 - H. St. L. B. Moss. 1963.
No. 66. Archetypal Patterns in Poetry: Psychological Studies of Imagination - Maud Bodkin. 1963.
No. 111. Studies in History: British Academy Lectures. Selected and Introduced by Lucy S. Sutherland. 1966.
No. 142. Descartes - S. V. Keeling. 1968.
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