Publishing History > NYRB Classics (New York Review Books) - Book Series List
NYRB Classics
Publisher: New York Review Books. Country: United States. Date: 1999- .

A High Wind in Jamaica by Richard Hughes.
Introduction by Francine Prose.
New York, New York Review Books, 1999 (NYRB Classics). Paperback.
Publisher's blurb:
"Richard Hughess celebrated short novel is a masterpiece of concentrated narrative. Its dreamlike action begins among the decayed plantation houses and overwhelming natural abundance of late nineteenth-century Jamaica, before moving out onto the high seas, as Hughes tells the story of a group of children thrown upon the mercy of a crew of down-at-the-heel pirates. A tale of seduction and betrayal, of accommodation and manipulation, of weird humor and unforeseen violence, this classic of twentieth-century literature is above all an extraordinary reckoning with the secret reasons and otherworldly realities of childhood."
Series Note: "The NYRB Classics series is dedicated to publishing an eclectic mix of fiction and non-fiction from different eras and times and of various sorts. The series includes nineteenth century novels and experimental novels, reportage and belles lettres, tell-all memoirs and learned studies, established classics and cult favorites, literature high, low, unsuspected, and unheard of. NYRB Classics are, to a large degree, discoveries, the kind of books that people typically run into outside of the classroom and then remember for life.
Literature in translation constitutes a major part of the NYRB Classics series, simply because so much great literature has been left untranslated into English, or translated poorly, or deserves to be translated again, much as any outstanding book asks to be read again.
The series started in 1999 with the publication of Richard Hughess A High Wind in Jamaica and by the end of 2015, over 400 titles will be in print. NYRB Classics includes new translations of canonical figures such as Euripides, Aeschylus, Dante, Balzac, Nietzsche, and Chekhov, as well fresh translations of Stefan Zweig, Robert Walser, Alberto Moravia, and Curzio Malaparte; fiction by modern and contemporary masters such as Vasily Grossman, Mavis Gallant, Daphne du Maurier, Kingsley Amis, Sigizmund Krzhizhanovsky, Wlliam H. Gass, John Williams, and Patrick Leigh Fermor; tales of crime and punishment by George Simenon, Kenneth Fearing, and Jean-Patrick Manchette; masterpieces of narrative history and literary criticism, poetry, travel writing, biography, cookbooks, and memoirs from such writers as Norman Mailer, Lionel Trilling, and Charles Simic; and unclassifiable classics on the order of J. R. Ackerleys My Dog Tulip and Robert Burtons The Anatomy of Melancholy. A few of our 2015 publishing highlights are Magda Szabós The Door, Eileen Changs Naked Earth, and Sybille Bedfords A Legacy.
Published in handsome uniform trade paperback editions, almost all NYRB Classics feature an introduction by an outstanding writer, scholar, or critic of our day. Taken as a whole, NYRB Classics may be considered a series of books of unrivaled variety and quality for discerning and adventurous readers.
-- About NYRB
A Selection Arranged by Broad Theme
European Masters
From postwar Budapest to remote Scandinavia, explore Europe through the work of these European writers.
Katalin Street by Magda Szabo
Tristana by Benito Pérez Galdós
Jakob von Gunten by Robert Walser
Melville: A Novel by Jean Giono
The Thousand Things by Maria Demoût
The True Deceiver by Tove Janssson
At War and Under Siege: Europe in World War II
Six novels depict the lives of ordinary soldiers and citizens in the grips of war.
Life and Fate by Vasily Grossman
The Gallery by John Horne Burns
The Stalin Front: A Novel of World War II by Gert Ledig
Balcony in the Forest by Julien Gracq
The Use of Man by Aleksandr Tisma
All for Nothing by Walter Kempowski
Novels of World War I
These three anti-war novels offer urgent and distinct visions of the Great War.
Schlump by Hans Herbert Grimm
Fear: A Novel of World War I by Gabriel Chevallier
Blood Dark by Louis Guilloux
Weimar Classics
Frenetic, innovative, unforgettable -- these essential Weimar Republic novels capture the spirit of the past and present
Berlin Alexanderplatz by Alfred Döblin
Grand Hotel by Vicki Baum
Going to the Dogs: The Story of a Moralist by Erich Kastner
Scary Stories
As temperatures rise, these spine-tingling, bone-chilling tales will keep you cool ... and riveted.
The Rim of Morning: Two Tales of Cosmic Horror by William Sloane
The Other by Thomas Tryon
The Black Spider by Jeremias Gotthelf
Noir and Forever
Pitch-dark page-turners, these noir classics deserve to be read time and again, now and forever.
In a Lonely Place by Dorothy B. Hughes
Fatale by Jean-Patrick Manchette
Black Wings Has My Angel by Elliott Chase
American Classics
From sea to shining sea, these novels are quintessentially American: audacious, far-reaching, and deeply human.
Stoner by John Williams
Blood on the Forge by William Attaway
Fat City by Leonard Gardner
Warlock by Oakley Hall
Speedboat by Renate Adler
Young Man with a Horn by Dorothy Baker
International Thrillers
Full of suspense, espionage, action and adventure, this collection of thrillers bring the genre to the global stage.
Rogue Male by Geoffrey Household
Sand by Wolfgang Herrndorf
That Awful Mess on the Via Merulana by Carlo Emilio Gadda
The Seventh Cross by Anna Seghers
The Mad and the Bad by Jean-Patrick Manchette
Equal Danger by Leonardo Sciascia
J. G. Farrell's Empire Trilogy
Whether read separately or in a sequence, each book presents a singular snapshot of the collapse of British colonial rule.
Troubles by J. G. Farrell
The Siege of Krishnapur by by J. G. Farrell
The Singapore Grip by by J. G. Farrell
Modern Philosophy
Get philosophical every day of the week with these thought-provoking essay collections.
Things That Bother Me: Death, Freedom, The Self, etc. by Galen Strawson
Existential Monday: Philosophical Essays by Benjamin Fondane
Love's Work by Gillian Rose
European Cities
Traveling across Europe with some of the best writers as guides.
Amsterdam Stories by Nescio
Berlin Stories by Robert Walser
Paris Stories by Mavis Gallant
Gardening Classics
Masterful works of gardening writing, sure to please everyone from the casual backyard tomato grower to the dedicated horticulturalist.
Onward and Upward in the Garden by Katharine S. White
The Education of a Gardener by Russell Page
The One-Straw Revolution by Masanobu Fukuoka
Source of the above list:
The New York Review of Books, Vol. LXV, No. 13, August 13 - September 2018, pp. 40-41, "Summer Sale" display advertisement.
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Author: David Paul Wagner
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