Publishing History > Noonday Press / Noonday Paperbacks (Farrar, Straus and Giroux) - Book Series List
The Noonday Press / Noonday Paperbacks
Publisher: Farrar, Straus and Giroux. Country: United States. Date: ---.

Strange News from Another Star and Other Tales.
New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1972 (Noonday Paperbacks, N 432).
Paperback. 145 pages. Translated from the German by Denver Lindley. Cover design by Milton Glaser.
The war is nobody's fault. It occurs by itself, like thunder and lightning. All of us who must fight wars are not the perpetrators. We are only their victims? " Strange News from Another Star" is a short fairy tale written by Hermann Hesse in April 1915, one year after the start of the 1st World War. In the fairy tale, two stars are juxtaposed. On one star, life is valued, beauty is appreciated, reason is respected, humane traditions are cultivated, love and happiness are experienced and peace prevails. On the other star, jealousy, hatred and despair are cultivated, wars are waged incessantly, battlefield murder is officially condoned, the countryside is left strewn with unattended cadavers and fear prevails. The latter is clearly our world as Hesse saw it, rendered mythical, and the former is an idealized world that ours could be. Unlike his earlier works, the story does not lend itself to rational interpretation. It is essentially a fairy tale dealing with the subconscious, magic and the dream world. The fairy tale represents an intermediate stage between Hesse's initial ambiguous stance to the war, as an internationalist who tolerated war and a pacifist who looked forward to a German victory, and his later active anti-war campaign. The story, which was titled "Merkwürdige Nachricht von einem anderen Stern" in German, was one of several that brought Hesse into conflict with supporters of the war, his country and its government.
Series Note: The hardback versions of the Noonday books were published under the series name of The Noonday Press and the paperback versions under the series name of Noonday Paperbacks.
* * Details to be added * *
Author / Title / Serial Number
William Alfred
Hogan's Goat
N 299
Gay William Allen
A Reader's Guide to Walt Whitman
N 367
Lucius Apuleius
The Golden Ass (translated by Robert Graves)
N 305
Karl Beckson and Arthur Ganz
A Reader's Guide to Literary Terms
N 203
John Berryman
Berryman's Sonnets
N 374
Homage to Mistress Broadstreet and Other Poems
N 337
77 Dream Songs
N 387
Elizabeth Bishop
Questions of Travel
N 323
Louise Bogan
The Blue Estuaries / Poems: 1923-1968
N 353
Muriel Bowden
A Reader's Guide to Geoffrey Chaucer
N 262
Jane Bowles
The Collected Works of Jane Bowles
N 335
Dino Buzatti
The Tartar Steppe
N 277
Camilo José Cela
The Hive
N 276
John Canaday
Culture Gulch: Notes on Art and its Public in the 1960's
N 366
Break of Day and The Blue Lantern
N 308
Ananda K. Coomaraswamy
Arts and Crafts of India and Ceylon
N 256
The Dance of Shiva
N 108
Benedetto Croce
N 102
Kevin Crossley-Holland, trans.
N 104
Mart Crowley
The Boys in the Band
N 359
M. C. D'Arcy, S.J.
The Meaning and Matter of History
N 330
Bernal Diaz del Castillo
Discovery and Conquest of Mexico
N 267
James Dickey
Babel to Byzantium
N 344
Owen Dodson
Powerful Long Ladder
N 393
John Gregory Dunne
Delano: The Story of the California Grape Strike
N 346
Marguerite Duras
The Sea Wall
N 312
Charles Eastman
Little Fauss and Big Haley
N 391
Lonne Elder III
Ceremonies in Dark Old Men
N 372
T. S. Eliot
On Poetry and Poets
N 214
Poems Written in Early Youth
N 349
To Criticize the Critic
N 322
Robert Erickson
The Structure of Music
N 116
Brian Friel
N 341
The Loves of Cass McGuire
N 309
Philadelphia, Here I Come!
N 306
Two Plays: Crystal and Fox and The Mundey Scheme
N 373
Roger Fry
N 132
Carlos Fuentes
The Death of Artemio Cruz
N 307
The Good Conscience
John Fuller
A Reader's Guide to W. H. Auden
N 379
Paul Gauguin
Noa Noa
N 110
Sidney Goldfarb
Speech, for Instance
N 371
Robert Graves
The White Goddess
N 295
Wife to Mr. Milton
Leo Hamalian and Edmond L. Volpe, eds.
Great Essays by Nobel Prize Winners
N 157
Great Stories by Nobel Prize Winners
N 137
Knut Hamsun
N 302
N 104
N 356
Peter Handke
Kaspar and Other Plays
N 381
Alfred Harbage
Wm. Shakespeare: A Reader's Guide
N 243
Elizabeth Hardwick
A View of My Own
N 242
Abraham J. Heschel
The Insecurity of Freedom
N 324
Israel: An Echo of Eternity
N 358
Hermann Hesse
Beneath the Wheel
N 360
N 378
The Journey to the East
N 109
Narcissus and Goldmund
N 343
Peter Camenzind
N 369
N 386
Milton Hindus
A Reader's Guide to Marcel Proust
N 222
Paul Horgan
Things as They Are
N 296
Vyacheslav Ivanov
A Study in Dostoyevsky
N 107
Lewis Jacobs
Introduction to the Art of the Movies
N 149
Lewis Jacobs, ed.
The Movies as Medium
N 388
Randall Jarrell
Pictures from an Institution
N 338
Karl Jaspers
Reason and Existence
N 117
Karl Jaspers and Rudolf Bultmann
Myth and Christianity
N 126
Frederick R. Karl
A Reader's Guide to the Contemporary English Novel
N 229
A Reader's Guide to Joseph Conrad, rev. edition
N 164
A Reader's Guide to the 19th Century British Novel
N 272
Frederick R. Karl and Marvin Magalaner
A Reader's Guide to Great Twentieth Century English Novels
N 148
Dr. Lawrence S. Kubie
Neurotic Distortion of the Creative Process
N 213
P. Lal, tr.
The Dhammapada of Buddha
N 348
Camara Laye
The Dark Child
N 365
Nikolai Leskov
Selected Tales
N 220
Gotthold Lessing
N 105
Carlo Levi
Christ Stopped at Eboli
N 250
Ludwig Lewisohn
The Cae of Mr. Crump
N 284
Robert Lowell
N 233
Life Studies and For the Union Dead
N 329
Notebook 1967-68
N 402
The Old Glory
N 286
Prometheus Bound
N 363
Robert Lowell, Peter Taylor, and Robert Penn Warren, eds.
Randall Jarrell, 1914-1965
N 332
Jim McBride and L. M. Kit Carson
David Holzman's Diary
N 393
Mary McCarthy
On the Contrary
N 234
Theatre Chronicles, 1937-1962
N 249
Machado de Assis
Epitaph of a Small Winner
N 101
Charles Mackay
Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds
Forward by BernardM. Baruch
John Bach McMaster
History of the People of the United States, ed. Filler
N 265
The Political Depravity of the Founding Fathers, ed. Filler
N 263
The Assistant
N 293
Bernard Malamud
The Magic Barrel
N 275
The Natural
N 218
Emile Mâle
Religious Art: From XII to XVIII Century
N 214
Gabriel Marcel
Creative Fidelity
N 257
François Mauriac
The Lamb
N 216
The Loved and the Unloved
N 314
Questions of Precedence
N 339
N 254
Woman of the Pharisees
N 266
Mihajlo Mihajlov
Moscow Summer
N 294
Russian Themes
N 347
James E. Miller, Jr.
A Reader's Guide to Herman Melville
N 221
Alberto Moravia
Man as an End
N 297
The Red Book and the Great Wall
N 362
John Middleton Murry
Jonathan Swift
N 313
R. K. Narayan
The Financial Expert
N 142
Pablo Neruda
The Heights of Macchu Picchu
N 334
Marjorie Hope Nicolson
John Milton: A Reader's Guide to his Poetry
N 251
Flannery O'Connor
Everything That Rises Must Converge
N 287
Mystery and Manners
N 375
The Violent Bear It Away
N 303
Wise Blood
N 318
Walter Percy
The Moviegoer
N 321
Performance Group
Dionysius in 69
N 382
Norman Podhoretz
Doings and Undoings
N 260
Giuseppe Prezzolini
N 331
James Purdy
N 246
The Nephew
N 315
Salvatore Quasimodo
The Selected Writings of Salvatore Quasimodo
N 207
Philip Rahv, ed.
Modern Occasions
N 300
Wilhelm Reich
Character Analysis
N 202
The Function of the Orgasm
N 219
Selected Writings
N 217
The Sexual Revolution
N 235
Listen, Little Man!
N 271
The Murder of Christ
N 290
Wilhelm Reich (Mary Higgins and Chester M. Raphael, eds.)
Reich Speaks of Freud
N 340
Theodor Reik
Curiosities of the Self
N 278
Of Love and Lust
N 245
The Many Faces of Sex
N 316
The Need to Be Loved
N 248
Sex in Man and Woman
N 200
Klara G. Roman
Handwriting: A Key to Personality
N 236
John Ruskin
The Seven Lamps of Architecture
N 215
Xavier Rynne
Vatican Council II
N 354
Jean-Paul Sartre
The Transcendence of the Ego
N 114
Max Scheler
Man's Place in Nature
N 231
Mark Schorer
The World We Imagine
N 350
Isaac Bashevis Singer
The Family Moskat
N 269
In My Father's Court
N 320
The Magician of Lublin
N 158
Short Friday
N 282
The Seance
N 383
The Slave
N 342
The Spinoza of Market Street
N 232
Alexander Solzhenitsyn
The Love-Girl and the Innocent
N 385
Susan Sontag
Duet for Cannibals
N 392
Trip to Hanoi
N 368
Francis Steegmuller
N 281
Flaubert and Madame Bovary
N 333
Karl Stern
The Flight from Woman
N 298
William York Tindall
A Reader's Guide to Finnegan's Wake
N 364
A Reader's Guide to James Joyce
N 147
A Reader's Guide to Dylan Thomas
N 223
Leo Tolstoy
The Kingdom of God Is Within You
N 206
John Unterbecker
A Reader's Guide to William Butler Yeats
N 138
Jean Valentine
N 380
Giorgio Vasari
Lives of the Artists
N 112
Edmond L. Volpe
A Reader's Guide to William Faulkner
N 255
Derek Walcott
The Gulf
N 389
Rex Warner
The Stories of the Greeks
N 355
Nathaniel West
The Dream Life of Balso Snell and A Cool Million
N 244
Leslie A. White
The Science of Culture
N 361
Jean T. Wilde and William Kimmel, eds.
The Search for Being
N 230
Charles Williams
The Greater Trumps
N 228
All Hallows Eve
N 247
George Williamson
The Donne Tradition
N 127
A Reader's Guide to T. S. Eliot, rev. ed.
N 106
Six Metaphysical Poets: A Reader's Guide
N 310
Edmund Wilson
Galahad and I Thought of Daisy
N 319
Memoirs of Hecate County
N 270
The Bit Between My Teeth: A Literary Chronicle of 1950-1965
N 328
Classics and Commercials: A Literary Chronicle of the Forties
N 327
Shores of Light: A Literary Chronicle of the Twenties and Thirties *
N 326
[* Banded with two companion volumes
N 336]
Europe Wirhout Baedeker
N 311
O Canada: An American's Notes on Canadian Culture
N 301
Harvey Wish, ed.
Reconstruction in the South 1865-1877
N 285
Slavery in the South
N 264
Tom Wolfe
The Kandy-Kolored Tangerine-Flake Streamline Baby
N 288
Marguerite Yourcenar
Memoirs of Hadrian
N 258
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Author: David Paul Wagner
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