New Century Classics
Publisher: Appleton-Century-Crofts, Inc.. Country: United States. Date: 1946-62.

Selections from the Essays
by Michel de Montaigne.
Translated and edited by Donald Frame.
New York, Appleton-Century-Crofts, c. 1948.
Hardback. No dust wrapper. 120 pages. Size: Small octavo.
Series Note: The publisher of this series is listed on the verso page of Faust (Part One) as Appleton-Century-Crofts, Inc. of New York, but is referred to on the title page of the same volume simply as Appleton-Century.
Arranged alphabetically by author and title
1. Doctor Faustus - Christopher Marlowe
2. Four Essays on Life and Letters - Matthew Arnold
3. Candide - Voltaire
4. Oedipus the King and Antigone - Sophocles
5. Selected Poems - John Keats
6. The Would-Be Invalid - Moliere
7. Romeo and Juliet - William Shakespeare
8. Selected Poems - John Donne
9. The Prince - Niccolo Machiavelli
10. Prose and Poetry from the Old Testament
11. The Poetry of Pope - Alexander Pope
12. Inferno - Dante Alighieri
13. Canterbury Tales - Geoffrey Chaucer
14. Selections from the Essays of Montaigne - Michel de Montaigne
15. Hamlet - William Shakespeare
16. Selected Poems - Robert Browning
17. King Lear - William Shakespeare
18. Faust (Part 1) - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
19. Traditional British Ballads - Bartlett Jere Whiting
20. Selected Poems - William Wordsworth
Author of this page:
David Paul Wagner