Series Note: Published by Doubleday & Company, Inc., Garden City, NY, in co-operation with The American Museum of Natural History. A subseries of Doubleday's Anchor Books series.
Serial number/Title/Author, editor, etc.
N1. Horses - George Gaylord Simpson.
N2. John and William Bartram's America - Helen Gere Cruikshank, ed.
N3. The Ocean Island (Inagua) - Gilbert C. Klingel.
N4. Shearwaters - R. M. Lockley.
N5. White Waters and Black - Gordon MacCreagh. Foreword by Dr. James A. Oliver.
N6. The Wandering Albatrosses (Revised Edition) - William Jameson.
N7. Adventures with a Texas Naturalist - Roy Bedichek. With a foreword by Dean Amadon.
N8. Modern Science and the Nature of Life - William S. Beck.
N9. Dwellers in Darkness - S. H. Skaife.
N10. From Fish to Philosopher - Homer W. Smith.
N11. The Exploration of the Colorado River - John Wesley Powell.
N12. The Mountains of California - John Muir.
N13. John Burrough's America: Selections from the Writings of the Hudson River Naturalist - Farida A. Wiley, ed.
N14. The Pacific Islands (revised edition) - Douglas L. Oliver.
N15. The Land of Little Rain - Mary Austin.
N16. The Voyage of the Beagle - Charles Darwin. Annotated with an introduction by Leonard Engel.
N17. Between the Planets (Revised edition) - Fletcher G. Watson.
N18. Puffins - R. M. Lockley.
N19. The Heathens: Primitive Man and His Religions - William Howells.
N20. Grand Canyon - Josopeh Wood Krutch.
N21. Observations and Experiments in Natural History - Alan Dale.
N22. Early Man in the New World (Revised edition) - Kenneth MacGowan and Joseph A. Jester, Jr.
N23. The Heritage of the Bounty - Harry L. Shapiro.
N24. Theodore Roosevelt's America: Selections from the Writings of the Oyster Bay Naturalist - Farida A. Wiley, ed.
N25. Cells: Their Structure and Function - E. H. Mercer.
N26. The Yosemite - John Muir. With notes and an introduction by Frederick R. Gunsky.
N27. The Forest People: A Study of the Pygmies of the Congo - Colin Turnbull.
N28. The Navaho - Clyde Kluckhohn and Dorothea Leighton. Revised by Richard Kluckhohn and Lucy H. Wales. Foreword by Stanley A. Freed.
N29. Animal Behavior - John Paul Scott.
N30. A Guide to Bird Watching - Joseph J. Hickey.
N31. How to Make a Telescope - Jean Texereau. Translated and adapted from the French by Allen Strickler.
N32. A Naturalist in Alaska - Adolph Murie.
N33. Snakes in Fact and Fiction - James A. Oliver.
N34. Back of History: The Story of Our Own Origins (Revised edition) - William W. Howells.
N35. A Herd of Red Deer: A Study in Animal Behavior - Frank Fraser Darling.
N36. Return to Laughter: An Anthropological Novel - Elenore Smith Bowen.
N37. The Australian Aborigines - A. P. Elkin [Adolphus Peter Elkin].
N38. Genetics (Revised edition) - H. Kalmus [Hans Kalmus]. Lettice M. Crump, ed.
N39. Markets in Africa: Eight Subsistence Economies in Transition. A new selection by Paul Bohannan and George Dalton.
N41. Charles Darwin: A Scientific Biography - Gavin De Beer.
N42. Indians of the United States - Clark Wissler; Lucy Wales Kluckhohn.
N43. Under the Ancestors' Shadow: Kinship, Personality, and Social Mobility in Village China - Francis L. K. Hsu.
N44. Curious Naturalists - Niko Tinbergen.
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Author: David Paul Wagner
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