Publishing History > Naghuib Mahfouz Centennial Library (American University in Cairo Press) - Book Series List
The Naghuib Mahfouz Centennial Library
Publisher: American University in Cairo Press (AUC Press).
Country: Egypt. Date: 2011.

The Naguib Mahfouz Centennial Library
Naguib Mahfouz
Cairo, The American University in Cairo Press, 2011 (The Naguib Mahfouz Centennial Library). ISBN 10: 9774165039 / ISBN 13: 9789774165030.
Hardback. 20 volumes.
Publisher's blurb:
"To celebrate the centenary of the birth of the great Egyptian writer and Nobel laureate Naguib Mahfouz, the AUC Press, which has been publishing English translations of Mahfouz's work since 1978, presents all his novels, three collections of short stories, and his autobiographical writings in a single library of 20 hardbound volumes, including all 42 works translated into English. From Khufu's Wisdom, first published in Arabic in 1939, to his last work of extended fiction, The Coffeehouse (1988), all thirty-five of his novels are here, along with thirty-eight short stories. His Echoes of an Autobiography is included, as well as his exquisite late series of intensely short fictions known as The Dreams and the collection of his weekly newspaper columns, Naguib Mahfouz at Sidi Gaber. This unique library brings together all Naguib Mahfouz's translated work for the first time in a very special publishing event."
Series Note: The full name of this series is "The Naguib Mahfouz Centennial Library: Celebrating One Hundred Years of Egypt's Nobel Laureate".
It republishes (as a collected edition) English translations of the novels, short stories and autobiographical writing of the great Egyptian writer and winner of the 1988 Nobel Prize in Literature, Naghib Mahfouz.
Volume Number/Title
Volume 1: Khufu's Wisdom, Rhadopis of Nubia, Thebes at War.
Volume 2: Cairo Modern, Khan al-Khalili.
Volume 3: Midaq Alley.
Volume 4: The Mirage.
Volume 5: The Beginning and the End.
Volume 6: Palace Walk.
Volume 7: Palace of Desire.
Volume 8: Sugar Street.
Volume 9: Children of the Alley.
Volume 10: The Thief and the Dogs, Autumn Quail, The Search.
Volume 11: The Beggar, Adrift on the Nile, Miramar.
Volume 12: Mirrors, Love in the Rain, Karnak Caf.
Volume 13: Fountain and Tomb, Heart of the Night, Respected Sir.
Volume 14: The Harafish.
Volume 15: In the Time of Love, Wedding Song, Arabian Nights and Days.
Volume 16: The Final Hour, Before the Throne.
Volume 17: The Journey of Ibn Fattouma, Akhenaten: Dweller in Truth.
Volume 18: The Day the Leader Was Killed, Morning and Evening Talk, The Coffeehouse.
Volume 19: Echoes of an Autobiography, The Dreams, Dreams of Departure, Naguib Mahfouz at Sidi Gaber.
Volume 20: The Time and the Place, The Seventh Heaven, Voices from the Other World.
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Author: David Paul Wagner
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