Publishing History > The Muirhead Library of Philosophy (George Allen & Unwin; Humanities Press) - Book Series List

The Muirhead Library of Philosophy
Publisher: George Allen & Unwin. Country: United Kingdom. Date: 1921-2003.
Also published in U.S. by: The Macmillan Company. Date: 1951-1962.
and by: Humanities Press. Date: 1962-2009.
Originally published by: Swan Sonnenschein and Co., London. Date: 1890-1910.
Currently published in U.K. by: Routledge.

Analysis of Mind - Russell (Muirhead Library of Philosophy) (Allen & Unwin/Macmillan) (image)

The Analysis Of Mind
by Bertrand Russell
London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd. and New York: The Macmillan Company, 1951
(The Muirhead Library of Philosophy).
Hardback with dust wrapper. 310 pages plus 6 pages of publisher's advertisements. Size: 15 cm x 22.5 cm.

Some Main Problems of Philosophy - Moore (Muirhead Library of Philosophy/Allen & Unwin/Macmillan ) (image)

Some Main Problems of Philosophy
by G. E. Moore
London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd. and New York: The Macmillan Company, 1962 (The Muirhead Library of Philosophy).
Hardback with dust wrapper.

In Contact with the Physical World - Pennycuick (Muirhead Library of Philosophy/Allen & Unwin/Humanities) (image)

In Contact With the Physical World
by John Pennycuick
London: George Allen & Unwin and New York: Humanity Press, 1971 (The Muirhead Library of Philosophy). ISBN 10: 0391001752; ISBN 13: 9780391001756.
Hardback with dust wrapper. 150 pages.


An admirable statement of the aims of the Library of Philosophy was provided by the first editor, the late Professor J. H. Muirhead, in his description of the original programme printed in Erdmann's History of Philosophy under the date 1890. This was slightly modified in subsequent volumes to take the form of the following statement:

'The Muirhead Library of Philosophy was designed as a contribution to the History of Modern Philosophy under the heads: first of Different Schools of Thought — Sensationalist, Realist, Idealist, Intuitivist; secondly of different Subjects — Psychology, Ethics, Aesthetics, Political Philosophy, Theology. While much had been done in England in tracing the course of evolution in nature, history, economics, morals and religion, little had been done in tracing the development of thought on these subjects. Yet "the evolution of opinion is part of the whole evolution".'

'By the co-operation of different writers in carrying out this plan it was hoped that a thoroughness and completeness of treatment, otherwise unobtainable, might be secured. It was believed also that from writers mainly British and American fuller considerations of English Philosophy than it had hitherto received might be looked for. In the earlier series of books containing among other, Bosanquet's History of Aesthetic, Pfleiderer's Rational Theology since Kant, Albee's History of English Utilitarianism, Bonar's Philosophy and Political Economy, Brett's History of Psychology, Ritchie's Natural Rights, these objects were to a large extent effected.

'In the meantime original work of a high order was being produced both in England and America by such writers as Bradley, Stout, Bertrand Russell, Baldwin, Urban, Montague, and others, and a new interest in foreign works, German, French and Italian, which had either become classical or were attracting wide attention had developed. The scope of the Library thus became extended into something more international, and is entering on the fifth decade of its existence in the hope that it may contribute to that mutual understanding between countries which is so pressing a need at the present time.'

The need which Professor Muirhead stressed is no less pressing today, and few will deny that philosophy has much to do with enabling us to meet it, although no one, least of all Muirhead himself, would regard that as the sole, or even the main, object of philosophy. As Professor Muirhead continues to lend the distinction of his name to the Library of Philosophy, it seemed not inappropriate to allow him to recall us to these aims in his own words. The emphasis on the history on the history of thought also seemed to me very timely; and the number of important works promised for the Library in the near future augur well for the continued fulfillment, in this and other ways, of the expectations of the original editor.

-- H. D. LEWIS

Publisher's advertisement in final page of:
George Edward Moore, Commonplace Book, 1919-1953, Vol. 16, London: Routledge, 2002 (reprint) (Muirhead Library of Philosophy).

Author / Title

Ernest Albee, A History of English Utilitarianism.
Alice Ambrose, Essays in Analysis.
Alice Ambrose and Morris Lazerowitz, eds., Ludwig Wittgenstein: Philosophy and Language.

Henri Bergson, Matter and Memory.
Henri Bergson, Time and Free Will.
Peter Anthony Bertocci, The Person God Is.
Max Black, ed., Philosophy in America.
Brand Blanshard, The Nature of Thought. 2 vols.
Brand Blanshard, Reason and Analysis.
Brand Blanshard, Reason and Goodness.
Bernard Bosanquet, A History of Aesthetic.
G. S. Brett [George Sidney Brett], A History of Psychology (3 vols.)
G. S. Brett, Brett's History of Psychology. Edited and abridged by R.S.Peters. 1 vol.
Robert Brown, Contemporary Philosophy in Australia.

C. A. Campbell [Charles Arthur Campbell], In Defence of Free Will, with Other Philosophical Essays.
C. A. Campbell [Charles Arthur Campbell], On Selfhood and Godhood.
H. W. Cassirer, Kant's First Critique: An Appraisal of the Permanent Significance of Kant's Critique of Pure Reason.
Margaret Chatterjee, ed., Contemporary Indian Philosophy: Series Two.
David R. Cheney, ed., Broad's Critical Essays in Moral Philosophy. [C. D. Broad.]
Roderick Chisholm, Person and Object: A Metaphysical Study.

C. O. Evans {Cedric Oliver Evans], The Subject of Consciousness.
A. C. Ewing, Nonlinguistic Philosophy.
A. C. Ewing, Value and Reality: The Philosophical Case for Theism.

J. N. Findlay [John Niemeyer Findlay], Ascent to the Absolute: Metaphysical Papers and Lectures.
J. N. Findlay [John Niemeyer Findlay], The Discipline of the Cave: Gifford Lectures Given at the University of St. Andrews December 1964-February 1965.
J. N. Findlay [John Niemeyer Findlay], Hegel: A Re-Examination.
J. N. Findlay [John Niemeyer Findlay], Language, Mind and Value.
J. N. Findlay [John Niemeyer Findlay], The Transcendence of the Cave. (Sequel to The Discipline of the Cave.) Gifford Lectures , December 1965-January 1966.
J. N. Findlay [John Niemeyer Findlay], Values and Intentions: A Study in Value-Theory and Philosophy of Mind.
Edmund James Furlong, Imagination.

Axel Hägerström, Philosophy and Religion. Robert T. Sandin, tr.
Alastair Hannay, Mental Images: A Defence.
Errol E. Harris, Foundations of Metaphysics in Science.
Errol E. Harris, Hypothesis and Perception: The Roots of Scientific Method.
Jonathan Harrison, Our Knowledge of Right and Wrong.
Nicolai Hartmann, Ethics. Vol. I: Moral Phenomena.
Nicolai Hartmann, Ethics. Vol. II: Moral Values.
Nicolai Hartmann, Ethics. Vol. III: Moral Freedom.
G. W. F. Hegel, Hegel's Science of Logic. A. V. Miller, tr. Foreword by J. N. Findlay.
G. W. F. Hegel, The Phenomenology of The Mind.
G. W. F. Hegel, The Philosophy of Nature.
G. W. F. Hegel, The Science of Logic. W. H. Johnston and L. G. Struthers, tr. 2 vols.
Paul Helm, The Varieties of Belief.
Thomas E. Hill [Thomas English Hill, Jr.], The Concept of Meaning.
R. J. Hirst, Problems of Perception.
Edmund Husserl, Ideas: General Introduction to Pure Phenomenology. W. R. Boyce Gibson, tr.

Ronald Jager, The Development of Bertrand Russell's Philosophy.
A. H. Johnson [Allison Heartz Johnson], Experiential Realism.

Malcolm Knox, Action.
Sir Malcolm Knox, A Layman's Quest.
J. J. Kuppermann [Joel J. Kupperman], Ethical Knowledge.

Louis Lavelle, The Dilemma of Narcissus.
Morris Lazerowitz, Philosophy and illusion.
Ivor Leclerc, The Nature of Physical Existence.
Ivor Leclerc, ed., The Relevance of Whitehead: Philosophical Essays in Commemoration of the Centenary of the Birth of Alfred North Whitehead.
H. D. Lewis [Hywel David Lewis], ed., Clarity is Not Enough.
H. D. Lewis [Hywel David Lewis], Contemporary British Philosophy: Personal Statements. Third Series.
H. D. Lewis [Hywel David Lewis], Contemporary British Philosophy: Personal Statements. Fourth Series.
H. D. Lewis [Hywel David Lewis], The Elusive Mind: Based on the First Series of the Gifford Lectures Delivered in the University of Edinburgh, 1966-1968.
H. D. Lewis [Hywel David Lewis], Freedom and History.
H. D. Lewis [Hywel David Lewis], Our Experience of God.
Don C. Locke, Perception and Our Knowledge of the External World.

W. G. Maclagan, The Theological Frontier of Ethics: An Essay.
Nicholas Malebranche, Dialogues on Metaphysics.
W. Mays, The Philosophy of Whitehead.
Rudolf Metz, A Hundred Years of British Philosophy.
Emile Meyerson, Identity and Reality. K. Loewenberg, tr.
William Pepperell Montague, The Ways of Knowing; or, The Methods of Philosophy.
G. E. Moore [George Edward Moore], Commonplace Book, 1919-1953.
G. E. Moore [George Edward Moore], Essays in Retrospect. Alice Ambrose and Morris Lazerowitz, eds.
G. E. Moore [George Edward Moore], Lectures on Philosophy.
G. E. Moore [George Edward Moore], Philosophical Papers. H. D. Lewis., ed.
G. E. Moore [George Edward Moore], Some Main Problems in Philosophy.
John H. Muirhead, Coleridge as Philosopher.
J. H. Muirhead, ed., Contemporary British Philosophy. First and Second Series in One Volume.
John H. Muirhead, The Platonic Tradition in Anglo-Saxon Philosophy: Studies in the History of Idealism in England and America.

H. J. Paton, The Good Will: A Study in the Coherence Theory of Goodness.
H. J. Paton, Kant's Metaphysic of Experience: A Commentary on the First Half of the Kritik Der Reinen Vernunft. 2 vols.
H. J. Paton, The Modern Predicament: A Study in the Philosophy of Religion Based on Gifford Lectures Delivered in the University of St. Andrews.
John Pennycuick, In Contact with the Physical World.
Michael John Petry, tr./intro., Hegel's Philosophy of Nature.
Edmund L. Pincoffs, The Rationale of Legal Punishment.
H. H. Price [Henry Habberley Price], Belief: The Gifford Lectures Delivered at the University of Aberdeen in 1960.

S. Radhakrishnan and J. H. Muirhead, eds., Contemporary Indian Philosophy.
S. Radhakrishnan, Indian Philosophy. 2 vols.
Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, The Principal Upanisads.
Louis Arnaud Reid, Meaning in the Arts.
George W. Roberts, ed., Bertrand Russell: Memorial Volume.
Bertrand Russell, The Analysis of Mind.
Bertrand Russell, Human Knowledge: Its Scope and Limits.
Bertrand Russell, Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy.
Bertrand Russell, Logic and Knowledge: Essays 1901-1950. Robert C. Marsh, ed.

Sushill Kumar Saxena, Studies in the Metaphysics of Bradley.
Michael A. Slote, Reason and Scepticism.
Ninian Smart, Doctrine and Argument in Indian Philosophy.
Brian Smith, Memory.
J. E. Smith [John Edwin Smith], ed., Contemporary American Philosophy: Second Series.
G. F. Stout, Analytic Psychology.

Shivesh C. Thakur, Philosophy and Psychical Research.
Irving Thalberg, Enigmas of Agency: Studies in the Philosophy of Human Action.
Illtyd Trethowan, Absolute and the Atonement.
Illtyd Trethowan, Absolute Value: Study in Christian Theism.

Wilbur Marshall Urban, The Intelligible World: Metaphysics and Value.
Wilbur Marshall Urban, Language and Reality: The Philosophy of Language and the Principles of Symbolism.
Wilbur Marshall Urban, Valuation: Its Nature and Laws, Being an Introduction to the General Theory of Value.

Keith Ward, Ethics and Christianity.
Michael Whiteman, Philosophy Of Space And Time and the Inner Constitution of Nature: A Phenomenological Study.

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Author: David Paul Wagner
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