Publishing History > Monarch Notes and Study Guides - Book Series List

Monarch Notes and Study Guides
(commonly known as: Monarch Notes)
Publisher: Monarch Press, Inc. Country: United States. Date: 1960s- .

Poetry of John Keats (Monarch Notes) (image)

The Poetry of John Keats
by Elliot Gilbert
New York, Monarch Press, Inc., 1965 (Monarch Notes and Study Guides). 77 pages.

Series Note:
"The most comprehensive series of study guides ever published - nearly 500 - different titles for practically every important college or high school course including:|
- 319 literature study guides
- 68 college study guides
- 34 high school study guides."

"A critical guide providing complete understanding of the great works of literature - an in-depth examination of the form, meaning and style by means of:
• complete background on the work
• thematic analysis
• comprehensive character analysis
• critical commentary
• essay questions and answers
• a guide to further research.

Supervised by Monarch's Editorial Board of Consultants.

Price: $1.00 (In Canada: $1.25)."

-- Back and front covers of Scott: Ivanhoe and Other Works by Ricahrd Dunlavey. New York, Monarch Press, Inc., 1966 (Monarch Notes and Study Guides). 138 pages. Octavo size.

List of Monarch Guides available in 1966

Monarch Literature Study Guides

800-3 Adams, Henry - The Education of
801-1 Aeschylus - The Plays
802-9 American Political Documents (Franklin, Jefferson, Lincoln, Thomas, Wilson, Roosevelt)
803-7 Anderson, Sherwood - Winesberg, Ohio
805.-2 Aristophanes - The Plays
506-6 Aristotle - The Philosophy ($1.50)
793-0 Arnold - The Poems
791-4 Auden, W. H. - The Poems
704-7 Austen - Emma & Mansfield Park
601-5 Austen - Pride and Prejudice

806-0 Bacon, Francis - The Writings (Essays, Magna Instauratio, Advancement of Learning)
807-8 Baldwin - The Major Works (Go Tell It On the Mountain, Another Country, and others)
808-6 Balzac - Eugenie Grandet and Pere Goriot
809-4 Beat Literature (Kerouac, Corso, Ginsberg, Burroughs, & others)
810-2 Bellow - The Major Novels (Adventures of Augie March, Herzog, & others)
525-5 Berkeley - The Philosophy
550-4 Beowulf
775-7 Blake - The Poems
811-0 Boswell - Life of Johnson
551-2 Brecht - The Major Plays
602-3 Bronte - Jane Eyre
603-1 Bronte - Wuthering Heights
776-5 Browning, Robert - The Poems
657-7 Buck - The Good Earth
812-8 Burdick & Lederer - The Ugly AmericaN

352-0 Camus - Stranger, Plague, Myth of Sisyphus & other works
604-9 Cather My Antonia and other novels
553-8 Cervantes - Don Quixote
511-6 Chaucer - Canterbury Tales
554-6 Chekhov - The Plays
815-1 Clark - The Ox-Bow Incident
526-4 Classical Economists (Smith, Ricardo and Malthus)
778-1 Coleridge - Ancient Mariner, Kubla Khan & other poems
522-3 Commnist Theory from Marx to Mao. Outline & Criticism of
816-9 Connelly - Green Pastures
817-7 Conrad - Heart of Darkness and Secret Sharer
805-6 Conrad - Lord Jim and other works
606-4 Conrad - Victory, Nostromo, N*** of the Narcissus & other works
884-7 Constitution - Leading Cases ($1.50)
658-5 Cooper - The Deerslayer
659-3 Cooper - The Last of the Mohicans
818-5 Cooper - The Pathfinder
813-6 Cooper - The Pioneers
779-9 Crane, Hart - The Poems
660-1 Crane - Red Badge of Courage
819-3 Cummings - The Poems

820-1 Dana - Two Years Before the Mast
510-8 Dante - The Divine Comedy
555-3 Darwin and Spencer
705-4 Defoe - Moll Flanders
821-8 Defoe - Robinson Crusoe
527-2 Descartes - The Philosophy
607-2 Dewey, John - On His Writings and Ideas
608-0 Dickens - Bleak House
622-7 Dickens - A Christmas Carol and The Chimes
609-8 Dickens - David Copperfield
610-6 Dickens - Great Expectations
823-5 Dickens - Hard Times
824-3 Dickens - Oliver Twist
706-2 Dickens - Pickwick Papers
611-4 Dickens - Tale of Two Cities
780-7 Dickinson - The Poems
731-0 Donne - The Poems and the Metaphysical poets
825-0 Dos Passos - U.S.A. and other works
556-1 Dostoyevsky - Brothers Karamazov
517-3 Dostoyevsky - Crime and Punishment
557-9 Dostoyevsky - The Idiot
558-7 Dostoyevsky - Notes from Underground
661-9 Dreiser - An American Tragedy
662-7 Dreiser - Sister Carrie
781-5 Dryden - The Poems

826-8 Early Church Fathers - The Writings ($1.50)
707-0 Eighteenth-Century Restoration Plays ($1.95)
708-8 Eliot - Adam Bede
709-6 Eliot - Middlemarch
710-4 Eliot - Mill on the Floss
612-2 Eliot - Silas Marner
782-3 Eliot, T. S. - Murder in the Cathedral and Selected Poems
663-5 Emerson - The Writings
829-2 Euripides - The Plays
508-2 Euripides, Aeschylus, Aristophanes - The Plays
830-0 European Literature - Part I ($1.95)

664-3 Faulkner - Absolom, Absalom!
685-0 Faulkner - As Lay Dying
666-8 Faulkner - Light in August
613-0 Faulkner - The Sound and the Fury & other novels
559-5 Federalist Papers
711-2 Fielding - Joseph Andrews
614-8 Fielding - Tom Jones
667-6 Fitzgerald - The Great Gatsby
668-4 Fitzgerald - Tender is the Night
560-3 Flaubert - Madame Bovary and The Three Tales
831-8 Forbes - Johnny Tremain
712-0 Forster - Passage to India and Howard's End
561-1 Frank - Diary of a Young Girl
832-6 Franklin - Autobiography
833-4 French Literature ($1.95)
615-5 Freud - On His Writings and Ideas
783-1 Frost - The Poems

835-9 Gide - The Immoralist and Strait is the Gate
521-5 Goethe - Faust
836-7 Goethe - Sorrows of Young Werther
893-8 Golding - The Inheritors and Free Fall
616-3 Golding - Lord of the Flies
892-0 Golding - Pincher Martin
837-5 Goldsmith - She Stoops to Conquer and other works
755-9 Goldsmith - Vicar of Wakefield
500-9 Greek and Roman Classics ($2.25)
838-3 Greene - The Major Novels (Power and the Glory, Brighton Rock, Heart of the Matter and others

669-2 Hale - Man Without a Country
890-4 Hardy - Far from the Madding Crowd
713-8 Hardy - Jude the Obscure
617-1 Hardy - Mayor of Casterbridge
618-9 Hardy - Return of the Native
619-7 Hardy - Tess of the D'Urbevilles
670-0 Hawthorne - House of Seven Gables & Marble Faun
620-5 Hawthorne - The Scarlet Letter
520-0 Hegel - The Philosophy
621-3 Hemingway - The Major Novels
671-8 Hemingway - Farewell to Arms
672-6 Hemingway - For Whom the Bell Tolls
673-4 Hemingway - The Old Man and the Sea
639-1 Hemingway - Snows of Kilimanjaro
674-2 Hemingway - The Sun Also Rises
503-3 Herodotus - The Persian Wars
840-9 Hersey - Bell for Adano, Hiroshima and other works
841-7 Heyerdahl - Kon-Tiki and Aku-Aku
842-7 Hilton - Goodbye, Mr. Chips and Lost Horizon
896-1 Hitler - Concise Biography
501-7 Homer - Iliad
502-5 Homer - Odyssey
784-9 Hopkins - The Poems
884-4 How to Analyze Drama ($1.50)
886-2 How to Analyze Fiction ($1.50)
887-0 How to Analyze Poetry ($1.50)
834-2 How to Write Themes ($1.50)
888-8 How to Write Theses ($1.50)
675-9 Howells - Rise of Silas Lapham
844-1 Hugo - Les Miserables
529-8 Hume - The Philosophy
714-6 Huxley - The Major Novels (Brave New World, Point Counterpoint and others)

562-9 Ibsen - The Major Plays
676-7 Irving - Legend of Sleepy Hollow

677-5 James - The Ambassadors
678-3 James - The American
845-8 James - The Aspern Papers
679-1 James - Portrait of a Lady
680-9 James - Turn of the Screw & Daisy Miller
846-6 James - Washington Square
563-7 Joyce - Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man & Dubliners
564-5 Joyce - Ulysses

847-4 Kafka - The Trial, The Castle and oher works
530-6 Kant - The Philosophy
785-6 Keats - The Poems
715-3 Kipling - Captains Courageous & other works
848-2 Kipling - Kim & The Jungle Books
889-6 Knowles - A Separate Peace
849-0 Koestler - Darkness at Noon

716-1 Lawrence - Sons and Lovers & other works
681-7 Lee - To Kill a Mockingbird
682-5 Lewis - Arrowsmith
683-3 Lewis - Babbitt
684-1 Lewis - Main Street
531-4 Locke and Hobbes - The Philosophies
850-8 Logic - Deductive ($1.50)
685-8 London - Call of the Wild
786-4 Longfellow - Evangeline & other poems

565-2 Machiavelli - The Prince
566-0 Mann - The Major Works
717-9 Marlowe - Dr Faustus and other works
544-7 Marxist & Utopian Socialists (Marx, Engels, Owen, Lenin, & others)
851-6 Maugham - Moon and Sixpence and Razor's Edge
622-1 Maugham - Of Human Bondage
686-6 Melville - Billy Budd
623-9 Melville - Moby Dick and other works
852-4 Meredith - The Ordeal of Richard Feverel
532-2 Mill, Bentham and the Utilitarian School
687-4 Miller - The Crucible and View From the Bridge
688-2 Miller - Death of a Salesman
513-2 Milton - Paradise Lost and other works
787-2 The Poems (exclusive of Paradise Lost)
854-0 Modern American Drama ($1.95)
624-7 Modern British and Irish Drama
533-0 Modern Economists (George, Keynes, Hayek, Schumpeter, Galbraith and others)
567-8 Modern European Drama
568-6 Moliere -The Plays
855-7 Montaigne - Essays of
856-5 More - Utopia
895-3 Mussolini - Concise Biography
523-1 Mythology

625-4 New Testament ($1.50)
534-8 Nietzsche - The Major Works
535-5 Nineteenth-Century Sociologists (Durkheim, Comte, Spencer, Weber and others)
857-3 Nrodhoff & Hall - Mutiny in the Bounty
891-2 Norris - The Octopus

626-8 Old Testament ($1.50)
627-0 O'Neill - The Major Plays
750-0 O'Neill - Desire Under the Elms
751-8 O'Neill - Iceman Cometh
752-6 O'Neill - Long Day's Journey into Night
753-4 O'Neill - Mourning Becomes Electra
754-2 O'Neill - Strange Interlude
718-7 Orwell - Animal Farm
719-5 Orwell - 1984

720-3 Paton - Cry, Beloved Country & Too Late the Phalarope
505-8 Plato - The Republic and Selected Dialogues
689-0 Poe - Tales and Poems
788-0 Pope - Rape of the Lock and other poems
789-8 Pound - The Poems
735-1 Pre-Twentieth Century American Poets, Survey of

858-1 Racine and Corneille - The Plays
859-9 Rawlings - The Yearling
861-5 Remarque - All Quiet on the Western Front
862-3 Richter - Light in the Forest and The Sea of Grass
860-7 Riesman - The Lonely Crowd
690-8 Rolvaag - Giants in the Earth
518-1 Romantic Poets, Survey of (Byron, Shelley, Keats & many others) ($1.95)
865-6 Roman Literature ($1.95)
863-1 Rostand - Cyrano de Bergerac
536-3 Rousseeau and the 18th Century Political Philosophers
864-9 Russell - The Philosophy

546-2 St. Thomas Aquinas - The Philosophy
537-1 St. Augustine - The Works
691-6 Salinger - Catcher in the Rye
866-3 Salinger - Franny and Zooey and Nine Stories
867-2 Sandburg - Lincoln, The Prairie Years
567-4 Sartre - No Exit, The Flies and other works
538-9 Schopenhauer - The Philosophy
868-0 Science - The Philosophy of ($1.95)
628-8 Scott - Ivanhoe & other works

* * *

Shakespeare Series

869-8 Shakespeare - All's Well That Ends Well
630-4 Shakespeare - Antony and Cleopatra
870-6 Shakespeare - Comedy of Errors
652-8 Shakespeare - Coriolanus
514-0 Shakespeare - Hamlet
632-0 Shakespeare - Julius Caesar
633-8 Shakespeare - Henry IV, Part 1
634-6 Shakespeare - Henry IV, Part 2
635-3 Shakespeare - Henry V
515-7 Shakespeare - King Lear
516-5 Shakespeare - Macbeth
636-1 Shakespeare - Measure for Measure
637-9 Shakespeare - Merchant of Venice
638-7 Shakespeare - Midsummer Night's Dream
639-5 Shakespeare - Much Ado About Nothing
640-3 Shakespeare - Othello
641-1 Shakespeare - Richard II
642-9 Shakespeare - Richard III
643-7 Shakespeare - Romeo and Juliet
653-6 Shakespeare - Sonnets
654-4 Shakespeare - Taming of the Shrew
644-5 Shakespeare - The Tempest
655-1 Shakespeare - Troilus and Cressida & other selected tragedies
645-2 Shakespeare - Twelfth Night
671-4 Shakespeare - Two Gentlemen of Verona
656-9 Shakespeare - The Winter's Tale
629-6 Shakespeare - Selected Comedies including: All's Well That Ends Well, Taming of the Shrew, The Winter's Tale, The Comedy of Errors, Two Gentlemen of Verona, The Merry Wives of Windsor, & Love's Labour Lost

* * *

646-0 Shaw - Major Plays
872-2 Shaw - Arms and the Man
721-1 Shaw - Caesar and Cleopatra
873-0 Shaw - Candida
722-9 Shaw - Major Barbara
723-7 Shaw - Man and Superman
724-5 Shaw - Pygmalion
725-2 Shaw - Saint Joan
732-8 Shelley - The Poems
874-8 Sherwood - Abe Lincoln in Illinois
507-4 Sophocles - The Plays
512-4 Spenser - The Faerie Queene and other works
539-7 Spinoza - The Philosophy
647-8 Steinbeck - The Major Novels
692-4 Steinbeck - Grapes of Wrath
693-2 Steinbeck - Of Mice and Men
694-0 Steinbeck - The Red Pony and The Pearl
570-2 Stendhal - Red and the Black and Charterhouse of Parma
875-5 Sterne - Tristram Shandy
790-6 Stevens, Wallace - The Poems
876-3 Stevenson - Kidnapped
726-0 Stevenson - Treasure Island
648-6 Swift - Gulliver's Travels

734-4 Tennyson - Idylls of the King and other poems
727-8 Thackeray - Vanity Fair and Henry Esmond
730-2 Thomas, Dylan - The Poems
695-7 Thoreau - Walden and other works
504-1 Thucydides - Peloponnesian Wars
571-0 Tolstoy - Anna Karenina
572-8 Tolstoy - War and Peace
894-6 Truman - Concise Biography
877-1 Turgenev - Fathers and Sons
879-7 Twain - Connecticut Yankee and others
649-4 Twain - Huckleberry Finn and other novels
878-9 Twain - Prince and the Pauper
696-5 Twain - Tom Sawyer
520-7 Twentieth Century British and American Poets, Survey of
540-5 20th Century Educators
541-3 Twentieth Century Fascism
542-1 Twentieth Century Philosophers
543-9 Twentieth Century Sociologists (Lerner, Riesman, and many others)

880-5 United Nations ($1.95)

519-9 Victorian Poets, Survey of (Arnold, Browning, Tennyson and many others)
509-0 Virgil - The Aeneid and other works
545-4 Voltaire - Candide (and the Philosophes)

687-3 Warren - All the King's Men
698-1 Wharton - Ethan Frome
736-9 Whitman - Leaves of Grass
881-3 Wilde, Oscar - The Plays
699-9 Wilder - Our Town, Bridge of San Luis Rey & other works
650-2 Wiliams - Major Plays
700-5 Williams - Glass Menagerie
701-3 williams - Streetcar Named Desire
737-7 Williams, W. C. - The Poems
882-1 Wister - The Virginian
702-1 Wolfe - Look Homeward, Angel & Of Time and the River
703-9 Wolfe - You Can't Go Home Again & The Web and the Rock
883-9 Woolf - Mrs. Dalloway and To the Lighthouse
729-4 Wordsworth - The Poems

738-5 Yeats - The Poems

High School Level

81/2" x 11" $1.25-$1.50

115-6 Spanish - One Year Notes
107-2 Spanish - Two Years Notes
114-9 Spanish - Three Years Notes
113-1 French - One Year Notes
108-1 French - Two Years Notes ($1.50)
109-9 French - Three Years Notes ($1.50)
116-4 Latin - One Year Notes
117-2 Latin - Two Years Notes
132-1 Latin - Three Years Notes
128-9 German - One Year Notes
129-7 German - Two Years Notes

125-5 English - Two Years Notes
106-5 English - Three Years Notes
111-5 English - Four Years Notes

101-6 American History Notes
102-4 World History Notes ($1.50)
122-2 Geography Notes ($1.50)
131-3 American History and World Backgrounds (1.50)
133-9 American Government ($1.50)
134-7 Citizenship Education (Preliminary to Social Studies) ($1.50)

103-2 Elementary Biology Notes
104-0 Chemistry Notes ($1.50)
105-7 Physics Notes
112-3 Earth Science Notes ($1.50)
124-8 General Science Notes

123-0 7th 8th Grade Math Notes (with New Math)
118-0 Elementary Algebra Notes (9th Year Math)
119-8 Intermediate Algebra Notes (Second Year Algebra)
110-7 Geometry Notes (10th Year Math) ($1.50)
121-4 11th Year Math Notes ($1.50)
120-6 Trigonometry Notes
126-3 Advanced Algebra (12A Math) ($1.50)

Economics & Business
127-1 Business Arithmetic
135-4 Bookkeeping

81/2" x 11" $1.95-$2.50

History & Government
9000-1 World History, Part 1 (Western Civilization) ($1.95)
9020-9 World History, Part 2 (Western Civilization) ($1.95)
9040-7 American Government ($2.25)
9050-6 American History to 1865 ($1.95)
9060-5 American History from 1865 ($1.95)
9070-4 Medieval History ($1.95)
9080-3 Contemporary Civilization, Part 1 ($2.50)
9090-2 Contemporary Civilization, Part 2 ($2.50)
9100-9 Philosophy ($2.25)
9110-8 Ancient History ($2.25)
9120-7 History of England ($2.25)
9130-6 History of Russia ($2.25)
9140-5 World History Since 1914 ($2.25)
9150-4 Comparative Government ($2.25)
9500-0 Diplomatic History of the United States ($2.25)
9510-9 Asian Civilization ($2.25)
9520-8 Political Science (Government and the Political Process) ($2.25)
9530-7 International Affairs and World Politics ($2.25)

Economics & Business
9160-3 Economics ($1.95)
9170-2 Marketing ($2.25)
9180-1 Introductory Accounting ($2.25)
9190-0 Securities & Investments ($2.25)
9200-7 Corporate Finance ($2.25)
9210-6 Money and Banking ($2.25)
9220-5 Business Management ($2.25)
9230-4 Business Law ($2.25)
9550-5 Economic History of the United States ($2.25)
9560-4 Labor Economics ($2.25)
9570-3 Insurance ($2.25)
9590-1 Sales Management ($2.25)
9680-0 Elements of Business ($2.25)

Science & Mathematics
9240-3 Biology ($1.95)
9250-2 Zoology ($2.25)
9260-1 Botany ($1.95)
9270-1 Chemistry, Part 1 - with Solved Problems ($1.95)
9280-9 Chemistry, Part 2 - with Solved Problems ($1.95)
9290-8 College Geology ($2.25)
9300-5 Physical Science (Earth Science) ($2.25)
9310-4 College Geography ($2.25)
9320-3 Statistics ($2.25)
9600-8 Geology Lab Manual ($2.50)
9610-7 Physics Lab Manual($2.50)

Psychology, Sociology and Education
9330-2 Psychology ($1.95)
1340-1 Sociology ($1.95)
1350-0 Child Psychology ($1.95)
9370-8 Educational Psychology ($1.95)
9380-7 Anthropology ($2.25)
9630-5 History of Education ($2.25)
9360-9 Philosophy of Education ($2.25)
9640-4 The Principles of Contemporary Education ($2.25)
9690-9 Psychological Testing ($2.25)

Art and Music
9400-4 Art History ($2.25)
9390-6 History of Music ($2.25)
9410-2 Introduction to Music ($2.25)

English & Language
9420-1 Review of Basic English Grammar for College Students ($1.95)
9430-0 Spanish Grammar - College Level ($2.25)
9440-9 French Grammar - College Level ($2.25)
9650-3 German Grammar - College Level ($2.25)
9450-8 Speech ($1.95)
9660-2 Public Speaking ($1.95)
9670-1 Introduction to Journalism ($2.25)

Master Problem Guides

81/2" x 11" $2.25 Each

25-7 Master Spanish
26-5 Master French
27-3 Master Problem Solving in College Algebra
28-1 Master Problem Solving in Calculus
29-9 Master Problem Solving in Analytic Geometry
30-7 Master Problem Solving in Physics
31-5 Master Problem Solving in Chemistry

Official Trava Student Travel Guides

81/2" x 11" $1.00 Each

201-4 British Isles
202-2 France
203-0 Scandinavia
204-8 Russia and Eastern Europe
205-5 Italy and Greece
206-3 Germany, Austria and Switzerland
207-1 Mexico and the Caribbean
208-9 Israel
209-7 Spain and Portugal
210-5 Holland, Belgium and Luxemburg
211-3 New York
212-1 Jobs in Europe
213-9 Europe and Israel ($1.25)
214-7 Cooking Around the World

* * *

Great Idea Series

Series shown here for reference only. Titles in alphabetical lists above.

Philosophers and Political Philosophers

American Political Philosophy
Aristotle - The Philosophy of ($1.50)
Berkeley - The Philosophy
Communist Theory from Marx to Mao. Outline and Criticism of. ($1.50)
Constitution - Leading Cases ($1.50)
Darwin and Spencer
Descartes - The Philosophy
Early Church Fathers - The Writings ($1.50)
Federalist Papers
Freud - On His Writings and Ideas
Hegel - The Philosophy
Hume - The Philosophy
Kant - The Philosophy
Locke and Hobbes - The Philosophies
Logic - Deductive ($1.50)
Mill, Bentham and the Utilitarian School
Nietzsche - The Major Works
Plato - The Republic and Selected Dialogues
Rousseau and the 18th Century Political Philosophers
Russell - The Philosophy
St. Thomas Aquinas - The Philosophy
St. Augustine - The Works
Schopenhauer - The Philosophy
Science - The Philosophy of ($1.95)
Spinoza - The Philosophy
Twentieth-Century Fascism
Twentieth-Century Philosophers
United Nations ($1.95)
Voltaire - Candide (and the Philosophes)


Classical Economists (Smith, Ricardo and Malthus)
Marxist & Utopian Socialists (Marx, Engels, Owen, Lenin & others)
Modern Economists (George, Keynes, Hayek, Schumpeter, Galbraith & others)

Sociology & Education

Nineteenth-Century Sociologists (Durkheim, Comte, Spencer, Weber & others)
20th-Century Educators
Twentieth-Century Sociologists (Lerner, Riesman, and many others)

* * *

Poetry Series

Series shown here for reference only. Titles in alphabetical lists above.

Auden, W. H. - The Poems
Arnold - The Poems
Blake - The Poems
Browning, Robert - The Poems
Coleridge - Ancient Mariner, Kubla Khan and other poems
Crane, Hart - The Poems
Cummings - The Poems
Dickinson - The Poems
Donne - The Poems & The Metaphysical poets
Dryden - The Poems
Eliot, T. S. - Murder in the Cathedral and Selected Poems
Frost - The Poems
Hopkins - The Poems
How to Analyze Poetry ($1.50)
Keats - The Poems
Longfellow - Evangeline & other poems
Milton - The Poems (exclusive of Paradise Lost)
Pope - Rape of the Lock & other poems
Pound - The Poems
Pre-Twentieth Century American Poets, Survey of
Romantic Poets, Survey of (Byron, Shelley, Keats & others) ($1.95)
Shelley - The Poems
Stevens, Wallace - The Poems
Tennyson - Idylls of the King & other poems
Thomas, Dylan - The Poems
Twentieth-Century British and American Poets, Survey of
Victorian Poets, Survey of (Arnold, Browning, Tennyson & many others)
Whitman - Leaves of Grass
Williams, W. C. - The Poems
Wordsworth - The Poems
Yeats - The Poems

Author of this page: David Paul Wagner

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