Publishing History > Modern School Classics (Macmillan and St Martin's Press) - Book Series List
Modern School Classics
Publisher: Macmillan & Co. Country: United Kingdom. Date: c. 1943 - 1980s.
Joint Publisher: St Martin's Press. Country: United States. Date: c. 1959 - c. 1973.

The Roman Army: Selections from Various Latin Authors
Edited by C. M. H. Millar [Charles Michael Hepburn Millar]
London: Macmillan & Co., 1955 (Modern School Classics series)
Hardback. Issued without dust wrapper. 183 pages.
Series Note: This series of small hardback secondary school textbooks for Latin and Greek students offered selections of intermediate level passages written by the great authors of the Classical world. Each volume included the text in Latin or Greek and (in English) an introduction, notes and vocabulary (most often by a British scholar).
The aim of the series was to present classical texts in their original languages accompanied with appropriate notes and vocabulary to assist students in translating the texts and understanding their historical and literary background.
Each volume also featured some black and white photograph (plates) and drawing and in some cases with a frontispiece and maps.
In the 1950s the volumes were bound with red cloth with black text on the front panel and on the spine. For an example, see the image of The Roman Army above.
In the 1960s the volumes were bound with terracotta or olive cloth with pictorial covers (a black and white roundel on the front panel) and black and white text on the front panel and on the spine. For an example, see the image of Four Greek Authors below.
Each volume contained between 110 and 245 pages. The volume size was 12mo. (approx. 7 x 5 inches).
Caesar: Gallic War, Book Two. C. Iuli Caesaris Commentariorum De Bello Gallico: Liber Secundus.
Edited by H. E. Gould & J. L. Whiteley. 1959, 1968. 126 pages. Illustrated frontispiece photographic plate with the caption "Gaius Julius Caesar, from the bust in the British Museum".
Caesar: Gallic War, Book Three. Iuli Caesaris Commentariorum de Bello Civili Liber Tertius. Julius Caesar.
Edited by H E Gould and J L Whiteley. 1956.
Pages: xxxiii, 101.
Gallic War: Book Four. Julius Caesar. 1961.
Caesar: Gallic War VII. Julius Caesar.
1981. 241 pages.
Republished as:
Gallic War: Book 7.
Julius Caesar.
Macmillan Education, 1998.
Caesar: The Helvetian War - Chapters 1-29 of Caesar's De Bello Gallico, Book 1. Julius Caesar. Edited with introduction, notes and vocabulary by H. E. Gould & J. L. Whiteley. 1953, 1967. 118 pages.
Cicero: Speeches Against Antony: Philippics IV, Part of V and VI Cicero.
Edited by J. H. Terry and D. G. S. Upton. 1970.
M. Tulli Ciceronis de Imperio Cn. Pompei ad quirites oratio pro lege Manilia
Edited by C. Macdonald 1966.
Cicero: Pro Murena
Macmillan, 1969.
Pages: xl ,180.
Cicero: Laelius Sive De Amicitia Dialogus
[Short title: De Amicitia]
Edited with Introduction, Notes and Vocabulary by H. E. Gould and J. L. Whiteley
1962, 1965.
182 pages.
Rhesus and Helen
Dt: ?
Scenes From Euripides' Iphigenia In Aulis' and 'Iphigenia In Tauris'
E. C. Kennedy, ed.
Scenes from Euripides' Trojan Women: With an Introduction, Notes and Vocabulary
F. Kinchin Smith & B. J. Hodge, eds.
83 pages.
Horace: Odes, Book One
Horace [Q. Horatius Flaccus]
H. E. Gould and J. L. Whiteley, eds.
1951, 1953
Pages: xx, 179.
Titus Livius: Book One [Livy: Book I]
Edited with Introduction, Notes and Vocabulary by H. E. Gould & J. L. Whiteley.
271 pages.
Titus Livius: Book Thirty [Livy: Book XXX]
Edited with Introduction, Notes and Vocabulary by J. L. Whiteley.
1957, 1960.
173 pages.
Hannibal Triumphant: Selections from Nepos and Livy XXI-XXIII.
Nash-Williams, A.H. (ed.)
1949. Pages: xxvii, 121.
1967, 1968. 123 pages.

Four Greek authors: Extracts from Homer, Antiphon, Euripides and Thucydides
Edited with introduction, notes and vocabulary by E. C. Kennedy Eberhard Christopher Kennedy.
Macmillan, 1968. (Modern School Classics series).
Hardback. Issued without dust wrapper. 301 pages
Greek Unprepared Translation.
A. McDonald, ed.
Latin Unseens from Roman History.
E. C. Kennedy [Eberhard Christopher Kennedy], ed.
Date: ?
The Roman Army: Selections from Various Latin Authors.
Charles Michael Hepburn Millar, ed.
183 pages.
Selections from Five Roman Authors: Nepos, Caesar, Sallust, Livy, Cicero
Edited by H. E. Gould and J. L. Whiteley.
142 pages.
Selections from Five Roman Poets: Catullus, Vergil, Horace, Tibullus, Ovid
Edited, with an introduction, notes and vocabulary, by H. E. Gould & J. L. Whiteley.
1951. 1967. 1970.
122 pages.
The Spirit of Greece.
A. H. Nash-Williams, ed.
160 pages.
Hannibal Triumphant: Selections from Nepos and Livy XXI-XXIII.
Nash-Williams, A.H. (ed.)
1949. Pages: xxvii, 121.
1967, 1968. 123 pages.
A Nepos Selection : Miltiades, Themistocles, Alcibiades, Atticus.
D. H. Bott, ed.
144 pages.
Metamorphoses: Book. 14.
Ovid [P. Ovidi Nasonis]
Dt: ?
Metamorphoses: Book 8 (Ovidi Nasonis: Metamorphoseon Liber Octavus)
Ovid [P. Ovidi Nasonis].
H. E. Gould and J. L. Whiteley, eds.
1966, 1973.
163 pages.
Cornelii Taciti: Annalium Liber XV [Tacitus: Annals, Book 15].
N. P. Miller, ed.
1973, 1986.
Pages; xxx + 173.
The Life and Times of an Historian.
The Language of Tacitus.
The Emperor Nero. Rome and Parthia.
Tacitus, Nero and the Christians.
Text.[Latin text of Book XV].
Abbreviations Used in the Notes.
Index to Notes.
Index of Proper Names. Vocabulary.
Some Julio-Claudians:
A Family Tree.
Maps - Armenia and its Neibours; Nero's Rome.
Thucydides: Brasidas in Thrace. Selections From Thucydides IV and V.
J. R. Hawthorn, ed.
Select Elegies of Tibullus.
W. Michael Wilson, ed.
P. Vergilius Maro: Aeneid: Book One. [Aeneid I.]
Edited with Introduction, Notes and Vocabulary by H. E. Gould and J. L. Whiteley.
Date: ___
Aeneid: Book Two [Aeneid II].
Edited with an Introduction, Notes and Vocabulary by H. E. Gould, M.A.and J. L. Whiteley, M.A., Ph.D.
1943, 1958, 1967.
136 pages.
Aeneid: Book Four [Aeneid IV].
Vergil (P. Vergilius Maro).
Edited with Introduction, Notes and Vocabulary by H. E. Gould & J. L. Whiteley.
1943, 1955, 1969.
Pages: xxviii +131.
P. Vergilius Maro: Aeneid: Book Five [Aeneid V].
Edited by J. L. Whiteley.
158 pages.
Aeneid: Book Six [Aeneid VI].
Maro, P Vergilius (Vergil)
Edited with Introduction, Notes and Vocabulary by H. E. Gould and J. L. Whiteley.
1945, 1969
175 pages. Black-and-white photographic frontispiece, depicting a monument to Vergil near Mantua. Further line drawings and some black and white photographic plates are located throughout the text.
P. Vergili Maronis : Eclogae
H. E. Gould, ed.
114 pages.
P. Vergilius Maro: The Georgics: Book Four.
J. L. Whiteley, ed.
1956, 1967.
119 pages.
The Fall of Athens: Selections from Xenophon's Hellenica Books I and II.
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