Publishing History > Minerva Library of Famous Books (Ward, Lock & Co.) - Book Series List
The Minerva Library of Famous Books
Publisher: Ward, Lock & Company. Country: United Kingdom. Date: 1880s- .

Select Poems and Tragedies (Hernani, The King's Amusement)
By Victor Hugo. Edited by G. T. Bettany, M.A.
London, Ward Lock, 1892 (Minerva Library of Famous Books)
Series Note:
Edited by G. T. BETTANY, M.A., B.Sc, F.L.S.
An Illustrated Series of first-class books, averaging from 400 to 600 pages,
strongly and attractively bound in cloth,
In Half Morocco, marbled sides, gilt top, Price Five Shillings Each Volume.
The Design and Plan of the MINERVA LIBRARY OF FAMOUS BOOKS have been amply justified by the remarkable favour with which it has been received by the press and the public. The design is to provide at the lowest possible cost books which every intelligent reader will wish to possess, in a form readable, attractive, and lasting. The issue at monthly intervals, not so frequent as to distract, not so intermittent as to lose the advantage of regularity, enables readers to add to their library at an almost imperceptible cost. Thus for about one pound a year, every man may form a library which will afford an ever-increasing source of gratification and cultivation to himself and his family. There will be no doubt, as in biding the novelties of the day, as to whether the new volume will prove to be of permanent value and interest. It will have already stood the test of time and of good critics, though frequently it may have been unattainable except at a heavy cost. THE MINERVA LIBRARY will only include works of widespread popularity, which have proved themselves worthy of a permanent place in literature.
Variety will he studied in the selection of books, so that all classes of the best literature of all nations may be represented. The adoption of the name "Minerva" will'be justified by the abundant wisdom, thought, and imaginative and inventive power which the books will be found to contain.
Each volume contains an introduction by the Editor, in which a biography of the author, or critical or explanatory notes, place the reader in sympathy with the author and his work. In some of the books additional elucidations and illustrations of the text are given, and in others side-notes indicate the subjects of the paragraphs.
The number of separate Plates as well as illustrations in the text forms a marked feature of the series. As far as possible an authentic portrait of every author will be given. An inspection of the books only is needed to make their attractiveness evident.
Every Englishman who reads and thinks, and wishes to possess the BEST BOOKS, should have every book in the Minerva library.
The Youth beginning to form a Library of books for lifelong companionship cannot do better than subscribe to the Minerva Library.
Schools, Mechanics, and Village Libraries, and literary institutions of all kinds, should provide themselves with a number of copies of this inexpensive library of indispensable books.
The Artisan and the Shop-assistant will find their means and opportunities consulted in this series. They cannot buy the best books in the English language in a better and cheaper form combined.
Naturally every Englishman wants to possess the choice works of the greatest Englishmen; and to complete his ideas as a citizen of the world, he needs a selection of the greatest writings of the geniuses of other countries. Both these wants it is the object of the Minerva Library to supply."
The first eight volumes of the books in this series (arranged by serial number):
CHARLES DARWIN'S JOURNAL During the Voyage of H.M.S. " Beagle " Round the World. With a Biographical Introduction by the Editor, Portrait of Darwin, and Illustrations.
"The Minerva Library,'the new venture of Messrs. Ward & Lock, has made an excellent start. . . . No better volumes could be chosen for popular reading of a healthy sort than 'Darwin's Journal of Researches during the Voyage ot the Beagle,' and 'Borrows Bible in Spain.' The paper is good, the type is tolerable, the binding is in excellent taste, and the price is extremely low."Athenaeum.
THE INGOLDSBY LEGENDS. With a Critical Introduction by the Editor, Portrait of the Author, and reproductions of the celebrated Illustrations by PHIZ and CRUIKSHANK.
"This series, which is edited by Mr. G. T. Bettany, is neatly bound, well illustrated, and nicely printed."Graphic.
"The determination of the publishers of the ' Minerva Library to render the series attractive and representative of English literature of all kinds, is strikingly displayed in this volume. . . . The book is well printed and bound, and will be eagerly welcomed by all desiring to obtain at a small cost a good edition of tne works of the famous humourist.' Liverpool Courier.
BORROW'S BIBLE IN SPAIN: The Journeys/Adventures, and Imprisonments of an Englishman, in an attempt to circulate the Scriptures in the Peninsula. By GEORGE BORROW, Author of " The Gipsies of Spain." With a Biographical Introduction by the Editor, and Illustrations.
"Lovers of good literature and cheap may be commended to the 'Minerva Library* edition of 'The Bible in Spain,' edited by Mr. G. T. Bettany. This is an excellent reprint, with neat binding, good type, and iair woodcuts. Saturday Review.
EMERSON'S PROSE WORKS: The complete Prose Works of RALPH WALDO EMERSON. With a Critical introduction by the Editor, and Portrait of the Author.
"The series, judging by the initial volumes, will be endowed with everything that makes reading pleasant and agreeable. . . . The printing is a marvel ol clearness, the slurs that too often characterise cheap volumes being conspicuous by their absence. . . . The binding is both elegant and durable. . . . lithe excellence of the first volumes is maintained in the future, the series will enjoy a success both widespread and prolonged."City Press.
GALTON'S SOUTH AFRICA: The Narrative of an Explorer in Tropical South Africa : being an Account of a Visit to Damaraland in 1851. By FRANCIS GALTON, F.R.S. With a New Map and Appendix, together with a Biographical Introduction by the Editor, Portrait of Mr. Galton, and Illustrations. Containing also Vacation Tours in 1860 and 1861, by SIR GEORGE GROVE, FRANCIS GALTON, F.R.S., and W. G. CLARK, M.A.
"Be it understood the 'Minerva Library' presents itself in a form that even the lover of luxurious books could scarcely find fault with."Warrington Guardian.
"The 'Minerva Library' will be hailed with delight, we are sure, by all readers."The Weekly Times.
THE BETROTHED LOVERS (I Promessi Sposi). By ALESSANDRO MANZONI. With a Biographical Introduction by the Editor, and Portrait of the Author.
Of this great Work GOETHE wrote :" Manzoni's romance transcends all that we have knowledge of in this kind. 1 need only say that the internal part, all that comes from the core of the poet, is thoroughly perfect, and that the external part, all the notes of localities and so forth, is not a whit behind its great inner qualities. . . . The work gives us the pleasure of an absolutely ripe fruit."
GOETHE'S FAUST (Complete). Translated in the Original Metres, with copious Critical and Explanatory Notes by BAYARD TAYLOR. With a Critical Introduction by the Editor, Portrait of GOETHE, and RETZSCH'S Illustrations.
*** This is a full and complete reprint of BAYARD TAYLOR'S unrivalled rendering of GOETHE'S masterpiece. It is published by special arrangement with MRS. BAYARD TAYLOR, and contains the whole of the Translator's copious and extremely valuable Notes, Introductions, and Appendices.
WALLACE'S TRAVELS ON THE AMAZON. Travels on the Amazon and Rio Negro. By ALFRED RUSSEL WALLACE, Author of "The Malay Archipelago," "Darwinism," etc. Giving an account of the Native Tribes, and Observations on the Climate, Geology, and Natural History of the Amazon Valley. With a Biographical Introduction, Portrait of the Author, and Illustrations.
"It would be impossible to overrate the service which Mr. Wallace, the co-discoverer of Darwinism, has done."Times, September 11th, 1889.
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Author: David Paul Wagner
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