Publishing History > Midland Books (Indiana University Press) - Book Series List
Midland Books
Publisher: Indiana University Press. Country: United States. Date: c. 1957- .

The Gift of a Cow by Premchand.
A Translation of the Hindi Novel Godaan by Gordon C. Roadarmel.
Bloomington, IN, Indiana University Press, 1968. 2nd printing 1968.
(Midland Books)
Paperback. Octavo. xiv, 442 pages.
"Premchand is the most famous name in modern Hindi fiction, and 'Godaan' is Premchand's most celebrated novel. Economic and social conflict in a North Indian village are graphically portrayed in the story of Hori, a typical Indian farmer, and his family's struggle for survival and self-respect. Grinding poverty is the Indian farmer's greatest enemy, and Hori fights it to the bitter end of his life. As does every Hindu, Hori cherishes the desire to make the gift of a cow to a Brahman at the time of his death, for it is common belief that this gift enables him to enter heaven." -- Cover text.
Series Note: _______
Arranged alphabetically by author and title
MB-1. Metamorphoses. Ovid. Rolfe Humphries, tr.
MB-2. The Art of Love. Ovid. Rolfe Humphries, tr.
MB-3. The Love Ethic of D. H. Lawrence. Mark Spilka.
MB-4. Santayana and the Sense of Beauty. Willard Arnett.
MB-5. The Examined Life. Warner Fite.
MB-6. The Diplomacy of the American Revolution. Samuel Flagg Bemis.
MB-7. The Literary Symbol. William York Tindall.
MB-8. Geoffrey Chaucer. John Livingstone Lowes.
MB-9. The Emperor's Clothes. Kathleen Nott.
MB-10. In the Spirit of William James. Ralph Barton Perry.
MB-11. Sketch for a Self-Portrait. Bernard Berenson.
MB-12. The Double - F. M. Dostoyevsky.
MB-13. Paul Gauguin's Intimate Journals. Paul Gauguin.
MB-14. African Notebook. Alfred Schweitzer.
MB-15. The Moral Decision. Edmond Cahn.
MB-16. Forms of Modern Fiction. William Van O'Connor, ed.
MB-17. Five Masters. Joseph Wood Krutch.
MB-18. A Book About Bees. Edwin Way Teale.
MB-19. The Esthetic Basis of Greek Art. Rhys Carpenter.
MB-20. The Satires of Juvenal. Rolfe Humphries, tr.
MB-21. Freedom and Civlization. Bronislaw Malinowski.
MB-22. John Dryden: A Study of His Poetry. Mark Van Doren.
MB-23. The Managerial Revolution. James Burnham.
MB-24. Age of Surrealism. Wallace Fowlie.
MB-25. Coleridge on Imagination. I. A. Richards.
MB-26. James Joyce and the Making of Ulysses. Frank Bugden.
MB-27. The Life of Science. George Sarton.
MB-28. Our American Weather. George H. T. Kimble.
MB-29. The Three Worlds of Albert Schweitzer. Robert Payne.
MB-30. Oxford Lectures on Poetry. A. C. Bradley.
MB-31. Aspects of Form. Lancelot Law Whyte, ed.
MB-32. Art and Industry. Herbert Read.
MB-33. The Tales of Rabbi Nachman. Martin Buber.
MB-34. Magic and Schizophrenia. Géza Róheim.
MB-35. The History of Science and the New Humanism. George Sarton.
MB-36. The Golden Ass. Apuleius. Jack Lindsay, tr.
MB-37. Music in American Life. Jacques Barzun.
MB-38. Dante's La Vita Nuova. Mark Musa, tr.
MB-39. Nehru on World History. Jawaharlal Nehru. Saul K. Padover, ed.
MB-40. The Discovery of Language: Linguistic Science in the Nineteenth Century. Holger Pedersen.
MB-41. The Paradox of Tragedy. D. D. Raphael.
MB-42. An Introduction to the Greek Theatre. Peter D. Arnott.
MB-43. Reflections on the Death of a Porcupine. D. H. Lawrence.
MB-44. The Three Worlds of Boris Pasternak. Robert Payne.
MB-45. Vergil's Aeneid. L. R. Lind, tr.
MB-46. Essays on the Odyssey: Selected Modern Criticism. Charles H. Taylor, Jr., ed.
MB-47. The Living Thoughts of Kierkegaard. Presented by W. H. Auden.
MB-48. The Question of Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Ernst Cassirer.
MB-49. The New Apologists for Poetry. Murray Krieger.
MB-50. Speech: Its Function and Development. Grace A. de Laguna.
MB-51. Ariosto's Orlando Furioso. Rudolf Gottfried, tr.
MB-52. The Enchiridon of Erasmus. Raymond Himelick, tr.
MB-53. Martial: Selected Epigrams. Martial. Rolf Humphries, tr.
MB-54. The Idiom of Poetry. Frederick A. Pottle.
MB-55. The Sense of Injustice. Edmond Cahn.
MB-56. Mankind, Nation and Individual: From a Linguistic Point of View. Otto Jespersen.
MB-58. D. H. Lawrence: The Failure and the Triumph of Art. Eliseo Vivas.
MB-59. The Challenge of Existentialism. John Wild.
MB-60. Three Greek Plays for the Theatre. Peter D. Arnott, tr.
MB-61. The American Negro. Melville J. Herskovits.
MB-62. The Chinese Eye: An Interpretation of Chinese Painting. Chiang Yee.
MB-63. Perspectives by Incongruity. Kenneth Burke.
MB-64. Terms for Order. Kenneth Burke.
MB-65. Early Medieval Art. Ernst Kitzinger.
MB-66. The Rampaging Frontier. Thomas D. Clark.
MB-67. A Style Manual for Students. Rev. Ed. Edward D. Seeber.
MB-68. Essays in the Philosophy of Art. R. G. Collingwood.
MB-69. Essays on Dante. Mark Musa, ed.
MB-70. The Influence of Darwin on Philosophy. John Dewey.
MB-71. Rational Man: A Modern Interpretation of Aristotelian Ethics. Henry B. Veatch.
MB-72. The Stature of Theodore Dreiser: A Critical Survey of the Man and his Work. Alfred Kazin and Charles Shapiro, eds.
MB-73. Beowulf. Lucien Dean Pearson, tr.
MB-74. Love in Literature: Studies in Symbolic Expression. Wallace Fowlie.
MB-75. The Population Crisis: Implications and Plans for Action. Larry K. Y. Ng, tr.
MB-76. A Style Manual for Authors. Edward D. Seeber.
MB-77. The Well-Tempered Critic. Northrop Frye.
MB-78. The Inclusive Flame: Studies in Modern American Poetry. Glauco Cambon.
MB-79. The Poems of Propertius. Constance Carrier, tr.
MB-80. A Dialogue of Comfort Against Tribulation. St. Thomas More.
MB-81. The Etruscans in the Ancient World. Otto-Wilhelm von Vacano.
MB-82. Essays on the Eighteenth-Century Novel. Robert D. Spector, ed.
MB-83. Myth: A Symposium. Thomas A. Sebeok, ed.
MB-84. The Good City. Lawrence Haworth.
MB-85. Kant and the Problem of Metaphysics. Martin Heidigger.
MB-86. The Language of Tragedy. Moody E. Prior.
MB-87. Shakespeare's World of Images: The Development of His Moral Ideas. Donald A. Stauffer.
MB-88. The Educated Imagination. Northrop Frye.
MB-89. Faulkner: The Major Years. A Critical Study. Melvin Buckman.
MB-90. The WIthering Away of the City. York Willbern.
MB-91. Tales of the North American Indians. Stith Thompson.
MB-92. Tragedy, Myth and Mystery. Richmond Y. Hathorn.
MB-93. Sir Gawain and Pearl: Critical Essays. Robert J. Blanch, ed.
MB-94. Leopardi: Poems and Prose. Angel Flores, ed.
MB-95. Dionysius: Myth and Cult. Walter F. Otto.
MB-96. Introduction to Russian Realism: Pushkin, Gogol, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Chekhov, Sholokhov. Ernest J. Simmons.
MB-97. The Phenomenology of Internal Time-Consciousness. Edmund Husserl.
MB-98. The Troubadours. Robert Briffault.
MB-99. The Diplomacy of a New Age: Major Issues in U. S. Policy since 1945. Dexter Perkins.
MB-100. The First Modern Comedies: The SIgnificance of Etherege, Wycherley, and Congreve. Norman N. Holland.
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Author: David Paul Wagner
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