Methuen's Twentieth Century Texts
Publisher: Methuen & Co. Ltd. Country: U.K. Date: 1960s- .

Fin de partie by Samuel Beckett
Edited by John Fletcher and Beryl S Fletcher.
Methuen Educational Ltd, London, 1970 (Methuen's Twentieth Century Texts)
Introduction (in English), pp. 1 - 20; French text of Fin de partie, pp. 21 - 76; notes, pp. 77 - 103.
Pictorial cloth covers. Size: 8vo.
(A) Methuen's Twentieth Century French Texts
Series Note: The General Editor of this series was W. J. Strachan, M.A. (Cantab.).
ALAIN-FOURNIER: Le Grand Meaulnes ed. Michael Sanouillct and Pierre Robert
ANOUILH: L'Alouette ed. Merlin Thomas and Simon Lee
BAZIN: Vipère au Poing ed. W. J. Strachan
DE BEAUVOIR: Le Sang des Autres ed. J. F. Davis
BECKETT: Fin de Partie ed. J. W. and B. S. Fletcher
BUTOR: La Modification ed. John Sturrock
CAMUS: Caligula ed. P. M. W. Thody
CAMUS: La Chute ed. B. G. Garnham
CAMUS: L'Etranger ed. Germaine Bree and Carlos Lynes
CAMUS: La Peste ed. W. J. Strachan
LE CLEZIO: La Fièvre ed. J. A. Slater
COCTEAU: Les Parents Terribles ed. R. K. Totton
DURAS: Des journées entières dans les arbres ed. George Craig
DURAS: Moderato Cantabile ed. W.J. Strachan
DURAS: Le Square ed. W.J. Strachan
GlRADOUX: Amphitryon 38 ed. R. K. Totton
GIRAUDOUX: Electre ed. Merlin Thomas and Simon Lee
GRACQ: Un Balcon en Forêt ed. P. Whyte
MICHEL: La Promenade du dimanche ed. C. Prendergast
PINGET: Autour de Mortin ed. A. C. Pugh
QUENEAU: Les fleurs bleues ed. Barbara Wright
ROBBE-GRILLET: La Jalousie ed. B. G. Garnham
ROMAINS: Donogoo ed. Geoffrey Brereton
SARRAUTE: Tropismes ed. Sheila Bell
SARTRE: Huis clos ed. Jacques Hardré and George Daniel
SARTRE: Les Jeux sont faits ed. M. R. Storer
SARTRE: Les Mains sales ed. Geoffrey Brereton
SARTRE: Le Diable et le bon Dieu ed. D. J. Conlon
SIMON: Le Palace ed. John Sturrock
CONLON (ed.): Anthologie de Contes et Nouvelles modernes
Source: List in Huis Clos, by Jean-Paul Sartre (L., Methuen Educational, 1964 1974 reprint)
(B) Methuen's Twentieth Century German Texts
Series Note: xxxxx
Source: List in ----
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Author: David Paul Wagner
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