Methuen Playscripts
Publisher: Methuen & Co. Ltd. Country: U.K. Date: 1960s- .

Little brother: little sister and Out of the frying pan by David Campton
Methuen, 1966 (Methuen Playscripts)
Paperback containing two playscripts.
"These are two one-act plays taken from our group of short plays entitled FOUR MINUTE WARNING which have as their background the apparatus of modern warfare.
The first is a macabre fairy tale set in a deep shelter where two adolescent children have spent their entire lives. The play concerns the day when they finally challenge the only authority they know: an ancient cook armed with a mincing machine. 'A most beguiling and touching tale of Carrollian fantasy and a nice ear for irony.' " -- Financial Times
"The second play has been described by John Russell Taylor as 'a brief and bitter picture of international conferences written largely in a series of cunning gibberish variations on the routine formulas of diplomacy.' "
Series Note: "The Methuen Playscripts series exists to publish scripts of plays which have not yet become widely known, but which have already earned themselves a place in the acting repertoire of the modern theatre." -- Publisher's blurb.
Paul Ableman. Tests.
Edward Bond. Saved.
Kenneth H. Brown. The Brig.
David Campton. Little Brother: Little Sister and Out of the Frying Pan.
Henry Chapman. You Won't Always Be On Top.
David Cregan. Three Men for Colverton.
David Cregan. Transcending and The Dancers.
John McGrath. Events While Guarding the Bofors Gun.
Source: List in The Caretaker by Harold Pinter. 2nd Edition. Methuen & Co., 1962. (Methuen Modern Plays.)
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Author: David Paul Wagner
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