Publishing History > Meridian Books (The Noonday Press; The World Publishing Company; Meridian Books) - Book Series List
Meridian Books
Publisher: The Noonday Press; The World Publishing Company; Meridian Books.
Country: United States. Date: 1955- .

Rousseau and Romanticism by Irving Babbitt,
New York, The Noonday Press, 1955 (Meridian Books, M 3)
Hardback. Dust wrapper printed in yellow, grey and black ink. Cover design by Alvin Lustig. Size: 21.6 x 26.7 cm (8 1/2 x 10 1/2 in.).
About This Series: "The series was originally designed by the late Alvin Lustig; covers of dull finish, heavy paper, with sometimes striking abstract designs and colors; the books are Smyth-sewn, of good paperstock and are pricedat $1.25 to $1.95. Titles are reprints and originals, stressing philosophy, psychology, the social sciences and literary criticism."
-- Frank L. Schick, The Paperbound Book in America: The History of Paperbacks and their European Background. New York: R. R. Bowker Company, 1958, pp. 192.
Numerous book covers in the series were designed by the great American book designer, graphic designer and typeface designer, Alvin Lustig (1915-55), and many other covers were designed by Elaine Lustig Cohen (1927-2016), a celebrated American graphic designer, artist and archivist.
Images of many of the book covers in this series can be viewed on the following pages:
Alvin Lustig, Modern American Design Pioneer - Books & Periodicals - Noonday/Meridian
Meridian Books Archives - Elaine Lustig Cohen
Serial Number / Title / Author
M1. Abinger Harvest - E. M. Forster. 1955.
M2. Force and Freedom - Jacob Burkhardt. 1955.
M3. Rousseau and Romanticism - Irving Babbitt. 1955.
M4. Imperialism and Social Classes - Joseph Schumpeter. 1955.
M5. Wayward Youth: A Psychoanalytic Study of Delinquent Children, Illustrated by Actual Case Histories - August Aichhorn. Introduction by Sigmund Freud. 1955.
M6. The Playwright as Thinker: A Study of the Modern Theatre - Eric Bentley. 1955. [Re: Shaw, Ibsen, Strindberg, Pirandello, Cocteau, Sartre.]
M7. The Philosophy of Modern Art - Herbert Read. 1955.
M8. Creative Intuition in Art and Poetry. The A. W. Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts - Jacques Maritain. 1955.
M9. Outlines of the History of Greek Philosophy - Edouard Zeller. 1955.
M10. The Language and Thought of the Child - Jean Piaget. 1955.
M11. 7 Types of Ambiguity: A Study of its Effects in English Verse. 1955.
M12. Essays on Freedom and Power - Lord Acton. 1955.
M13. The Man of Letters in the Modern World. Selected Essays, 1928-1955. - Allen Tate. 1955.
M14. The Ordeal of Mark Twain - Van Wyk Brooks. Introduction by Malcolm Cowley. 1955.
M15. Sex and Repression in Savage Society - Bronislaw Malinowski. 1955.
M16. Pragmatism and Four Essays from The Meaning of Truth - William James. 1955.
M17. History as the Story of Liberty - Benedetto Croce. 1955.
M18. New Directions 15: An Anthology of New Directions in Prose and Poetry. International Issue. 1955.
M19. Matthew Arnold - Lionel Trilling. 1955
M20. Shakespearean Tragedy: Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth. 1955.
M21. The Devil's Share: An Essay on the Diabolic in Modern Society - Denis de Rougemont. 1955.
M22. The Hero with a Thousand Faces - Joseph Campbell. 1955.
M23. Byzantine Civilization - Steven Runciman. 1955.
M24. Essays and Sketches in Biography - John Maynard Keynes. [Re: Winston Churchill; Alfred Marshall; Isaac Newton; Robert Malthus; Trotsky; Lloyd George.] M25. Nietzsche: Philosopher, Psychologist, Antichrist - Walter Kaufmann.
M26. The Mind and Heart of Love: Lion and Unicorn, A Study in Eros and Agape - Martin Cyril D'Arcy.
M27. A Study in American Politics - Woodrow Wilson. Introduction by Walter Lippmann.
M28. Two Essays on Analytical Psychology - C. J. Jung.
M29. The Writings of Martin Buber. Selected, Edited, and Introduced by Will Herberg. 1956.
M30. Berlioz and his Century: An Introduction to the Age of Romanticism - Jacques Barzun.
M31. Freedom, Education and the Fund: Essays and Addresses, 1946-1956 - Robert Maynard Hutchins. 1956.
M32. A Preface to Logic - Morris Raphael Cohen.
M33. Vision and Design - Roger Fry. 1956.
M34. Freud or Jung - Edward Glover. 1957.
M35. The Making of Europe - Christopher Dawson. 1957.
M36. The Forms of Music - Donald Francis Tovey.
M37. The Varieties of History from Voltaire to the Present. Edited, Selected and Introduced by Fritz Stern. 1957.
M38. The Essence of Laughter, and Other Essays, Journals, and Letters - Charles Baudelaire.1956.
M39. Existentialism from Dostoevsky to Sartre - Walter Arnold Kaufmann. Edited, with an introduction, prefaces, and new translations. 1956.
M40. Italian Painters of the Renaissance - Bernard Berenson. 1957.
M41. Sights and Spectacles: Theatre Chronicles, 1937-1956 - Mary McCarthy. 1957.
M42. Mohammed and Charlemagne - Henri Pirenne.
M43. The Wheel of Fire: Interpretations of Shakespearean Tragedy - G. Wilson Knight. Introduction by T. S. Eliot.
M44. Gothic Architecture and Scholasticism: An Inquiry into the Analogy of the Arts, Philosophy, and Religion in the Middle Ages - Erwin Panofsky. 1959.
M45. Freud and the 20th Century. Edited by Benjamin Nelson. 1957.
M46. Politics and the Novel - Irving Howe. [Re: Hawthorne, Stendhal, Orwell, Malraux, Silone.] 1958.
M48. A Guide to Contemporary French Literature from Valéry to Sartre - Wallace Fowlie. 1957.
M49. The Renaissance of the 12th Century - Charles Homer Haskins. 1957.
M50. The New Poets of England and America: An Anthology. Edited by Donald Hall, Robert Pack and Louis Simpson. Introduction by Robert Frost. 1957.
M51. St. Augustine: His Age, Life, and Thought. Essays - M. C. D'Arcy, Maurice Blondel, Christopher Dawson, Etienne Gilson, Jacques Maritain, C. C. Martindale, Erich Przywara, John-Baptist Reeves, B. Roland Gosselin, and E. I. Watkin. 1958.
M52. Civilization On Trial and the World and the West - Arnold J. Toynbee. 1958. "Both unabridged volumes are supplemented by the Somervell summation of A Study of History."
M53. Religion and Culture: The Gifford Lectures, 1953 - Christopher Dawson. 1957.
M54. Proust: A Biography - André Maurois. 1957.
M55. St. Thomas Aquinas - Jacques Maritain. 1958.
M56. Memoirs of a Revolutionist - Dwight Macdonald. 1958.
M57. Debates with Historians - Pieter Geyl [Re: Ranke, Carlyle, Michelet, Macaulay, Sorokin, Berlin, Toynbee.] 1958.
M58. Politics: Who Gets What, When, How - Harold Lasswell. 1958.
M59. Gods & Heroes of the Greeks: An Introduction to Greek Mythology - H. R. Rose. 1958.
M60. Religion in America: Original Essays on Religion in a Free Society - John Cogley.
M61. Men and Ideas: History, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance. Essays by Johan Huizinga. 1958. Translated by James S. Holmes and Hans van Marle.
M62. Witchcraft - Charles Williams. 1958.
M63. Scenes from the Drama of European Literature. 6 Essays by Erich Auerbach. 1959.
M64. The Human Meaning of the Social Sciences. Edited by Daniel Lerner. "Original Essays on the History and Application of the Social Sciences." 1959. [Margaret Mead; Edward Shils; Daniel Lerner; Paul Samuelson; Clyde Kluckhohn; Harry Alpert; Nathan Glazer; Harold Lasswell; Max Millikan.]
M65. Aristotle: A Complete Exposition of his Works and Thought - W. D. Ross. 1958.
M66. The Disinherited Mind: Essays in Modern German Literature and Thought - Erich Heller. [Re: Goethe, Burckhardt, Nietzsche, Rilke, Spengler, Kafka, Kraus.] 1958.
M67. The Book of Jazz - Leonard Feather. Foreword by John "Dizzy" Gillespie. 1958.
M68. The World of Odysseus: Homer and his Age in Archaeology, Literature and History - M. I. Finley. Preface by Mark Van Doren. 1958.
M69. The Scrolls from the Dead Sea - Edmund Wilson. 1958.
M70. Grey Eminence: A Biographical Study of Religion and Politics in Cardinal Richelieu's France - Aldous Huxley. 1959.
M71. The Logic of the Sciences and the Humanities - F. S. C. Northrop. 1959.
M72. History 1. "A Meridian Books Periodical." 1959.
Contents: "From Reed Hut to Brick Palace (Leonard Woolley); The Parthenon (Donald Nicol); "Richard Coeur de Lion" (Steven Runciman); "When the White Man Came" (Oliver La Farge); "Formosa: Historical Background" (Burnard Selby); "Lincoln and Public Morality" (John Hope Franklin); "The Myth of the Commune" (John Roberts); "New Light on Hitler's Youth" (D. C. Watt); "Byways in History" (Earl Schenck Miers).
M73. On Modern Poets -Yvor Winters. 1959. [Re: Stevens, Eliot, Ransom, Crane, Hopkins, Frost].
M74. The Main Stream of Music and Other Essays - Donald Francis Tovey. 1959.
M75. Jonathan Edwards - Perry Miller. 1959.
M76. The Confederacy - Albert Dennis Kirwan. 1959.
M77. Talents & Geniuses - Gilbert Highet. 1959. [Re: Bach, Socrates, Bosch, Colette, Brueghel, Picasso, Jefferson, Corvo.]
M78. Apes, Angels, and Victorians: Darwin, Huxley and Evolution - William Irvine. 1959.
M79. Painting and Reality - Etienne Gilson. 1959.
M80. Mozarts Librettos. Translated by Robert Pack and Marjorie Lelash. With the original German and Italian texts of The Abduction from the Seraglio, The Marriage of Figaro, Don Giovanni, Cosi fan tutte, The Magic Flute. 1959.
M81. Philosophy in the Middle Ages: An Introduction - Paul Vignaux. 1959.
M82. The Recollections of Alexis de Tocqueville. Translated by Alexander Teixeira de Mattos. Edited and introduced by J. P. Mayer. 1959.
M83. History 2.
M84. On Love: Aspects of a Single Theme - Ortega y Gasset. 1957.
M85. The Romantic Enlightenment: Ambiguity and Paradox in the Western Mind (1750-1920) - Geoffrey Clive. 1959.
M86. Answer to Job. The Problem of Evil: Its Psychological and Religious Origins - C. G. Jung. 1959.
M87. Newman: His Life and Spirituality - Louis Bouyer. 1959.
M88. The Noble Savage 3. Edited by Saul Bellow, Kevin Botsford and Jack Ludwig.
M89. America and the Image of Europe: Reflections on American Thought - Daniel J. Boorstin. 1960.
M90. Philosophy of Science. Edited by Arthur C. Danto and Sidney Morgenbesser. 1960.
M91. American Foreign Policy. Edited by Robert A. Divine.
M92. Dionysus In Paris: A Guide to Contemporary French Theater - Wallace Fowlie. 1960.
M93. The King and the Corpse: Tales of the Soul's Conquest of Evil. Edited by Joseph Campbell. 1960.
M94. The Bedbug: A Play and Selected Poetry - Vladimir Mayakovsky. Translated by Max Hayward and George Reavey. Edited by Patricia Blake.
M95. History 3.
M96. God and the Ways of Knowing - Jean Danielou. 1959.
M97. An Outline of Philosophy - Bertrand Russell.
M98. Senator Joe McCarthy - Richard Halworth Rovere.
M99. On Art and Artists: Literature, Painting, Architecture, Music - Aldous Huxley. Edited and introduced by Milton Philipson. 1960. [Art and the Obvious; Ben Jonson; Rimini and Alberti; Baudelaire; Sir Christopher Wren; Sincerity in Art; The Taj Mahal; Chaucer; On Handicraft; El Greco; Goya.]
M100. I Remember: Sketch for an Autobiography - Boris Pasternak. 1960.
M101. A History of the United States from the Age of Exploration to 1865. Edited by Hugh T. Lefler. Meridian Documents of American History - George F. Scheer, General Editor. 1959.
M103. The Ideal Reader. Selected Essays - Jacques Rivière. Edited, translated, and introduced by Blanche A. Price. 1960.
M104. The Persian Letters [of] Montesquieu: A New Translation. Edited, translated and introduced by J. Robert Loy,. 1960.
M105. The American Pragmatists: Selected Writings. Edited and introduced by Milton R. Konvitz and Gail Kennedy. (Re: Ralph Waldo Emerson; Henry James; Charles S. Pierce; Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.; John Dewey; George Herbert Mead; Percy W. Bridgman; C. I. Lewis; Horace M. Kallen; Sidney Hook.]
M106. Jerusalem and Rome: The Writings of Josephus. Selected and introduced by Nathum N. Glatzer. 1960.
M107. Lord Weary's Castle and The Mills of the Kavanaughs: Two Volumes of Poems - Robert Lowell.
M108. The Grass Roots of Art: Lectures on the Social Aspects of Art in an Industrial Age - Herbert Read. 1960.
M109. Lectures on Modern History - Lord Acton. With an introduction by Hugh Trevor-Roper.
M110. The Meaning of History: A Christian View - M. C. D'Arcy, S.J.
M111. The Autobiography of Edward Gibbon. Edited by Dero A. Saunders.
M112. Aesthetics Today: Readings. Selected, edited, and introduced by Morris Philipson. 1960.
M113. The Noble Savage 3. Edited by Saul Bellow, Kevin Botsford and Jack Ludwig. "A Meridian Periodical." 1959.
M114. Encounters in History - Pieter Geyl. 1960.
M115. A History of the United States from 1865 to the Present. Edited by Frank W. Klingberg.
M116. The Complete Plays of Christopher Marlow. Edited by Leo Kirschbaum.
M117. History 4.
M118. Thomas Mann: The Ironic German - Erich Heller. 1961.
M119. Outlines of Classical Literature - H. J. Rose.
M120. God and the Unconscious - Victor White.
M121. Hellenistic Civilisation - W. W. Tarn. Revised by the author and G. T. Griffith. 1961.
M122. A Guide to Contemporary Italian Literature - Sergio Pacifici. Preface by Thomas G. Bergin. 1961.
M123. The Supreme Court of the United States: Its Business, Purposes, and Performance - Paul Abraham Freund.
M124. The Renaissance - Walter Peter. With an introduction by Kenneth Clark. An illustrated edition. 1961.
M125. The Noble Savage #4. Edited by Edited by Saul Bellow and Kevin Botsford.
M126. The Meridian Compact Atlas of the World. 1960.
M127. America in the World: Twentieth-Century History in Documents - Oscar Theodore Barck, Jr., ed.
M128. The Decline of the Intellectual - Thomas Steven Molnar.
M129. Years of Conscience: The Muckrakers: An anthology of Reform Journalism. Edited by Harvey Swados and Frank Norris.
M130. Essays on Faith and Morals - William James. 1961.
M131. Stephen Crane - John Berryman.
M132. The Romantics: An Anthology of English Prose and Poetry. Chosen by Gregory Grigson. 1961.
M133. Anarchism: A History of Libertarian Ideas and Movements - George Woodcock.
M134. Hereditary Genius: An Inquiry into its Laws and Consequences - Francis Galton. 1962.
M135. New Poets of England and America: Second Selection. English Poets. Edited by Donald Hall. American Poets Edited by Robert Pack.
M136. The Noble Savage 5. Edited by Saul Bellow, Keith Botsford and Aaron Asher. 1962.
M137. In Praise of Enlightenment: Essays in the History of Ideas - Albert Salomon. 1963.
M138. The Death of Socrates: An Interpretation of the Platonic Dialogues: Euthyphro, Apology, Crito and Phaedo - Romano Guardini. Translated by Basil Wrighton.
M139. A Treatise of Human Nature, Being an Attempt to Introduce the Experimental Method of Reasoning into Moral Subjects - David Hume. 1968.
M140. Utilitarianism: On Liberty, Essay on Bentham. Together with Selected Writings of Jeremy Bentham and John Austin. - John Stuart Mill.
M141. The Mark of Oppression: Explorations in the Personality of the American Negro - Abram Kardiner and Lionel Ovesey. 1972.
M142. The Poem Itself. Edited and with an Introduction by Stanley Burnshaw. Associate Editors: Dudley Fitts, Henri Peyre and John Frederick Nims.
M143. A Grammar of Motives and A Rhetoric of Motives - Kenneth Burke.
M144. The Perennial Philosophy - Aldous Huxley.
M145. Themis: A Study of the Social Origins of Greek Religion - Jane Ellen Harrison.
M146. The Spanish Conquistadores - F. A. Kirkpatrick.
M147. The Catalogue: A Selection of Drawings Reprinted from The art of Living, The Passport, and The Labyrinth - Saul Steinberg.
M148. Ushant: An Essay - Conrad Aiken.
M149. Causality: The Place of the Causal Principle in Modern Science - Mario Bunge. 1970.
M150. The Principles of Human Knowledge and Three Dialogues Between Hylas and Philonous - George Berkeley. Edited by G. J. Warnock.
M151. Between Past and Future: Six Exercises in Political Thought - Hannah Arendt.
M152. The European mind, 1680-1715 - Paul Hazard.
M154. Nuclear Disaster - Tom Stonier.
M155. Patterns in Comparative Religion - Mircea Eliade. Translated by Rosemary Sheed.
M156. Shakespare in Europe - Oswald Le Winter.
M158. Leviathan - Thomas Hobbes.
M159. Social Evolution - V. Gordon Childe.
M160. Shakespeare's Festive Comedy: A Study of Dramatic Form and its Relation to Social Custom - C. L. Barber.
M161. Art and Psychoanalysis - William Phillips.
M162. The Philosophy of Art History - Arnold Hauser.
M163. Shores of Darkness - Edward Buell Hungerford.
M164. European Thought in the Eighteenth Century from Montesquieu to Lessing - Paul Hazard.
M165. The Drama of Atheist Humanism - Henri de Lubac, S.J.
M166. Ancient Society or Researches in the Lines of Human Progress from Savagery Through Barbarism to Civilization - Lewis Henry Morgan; Eleanor Burke Leacock. 1969.
M167. After Alienation: American Novels in Mid-Century - Marcus Klein.
M168. The Forms of Things Unknown: Essays Towards an Aesthetic Philosophy - Herbert Read.
M169. Hunger and Work in a Savage Tribe - Audrey L. Richards. Introduction by Bronislaw Malinowski.
M170. Black Reconstruction in America, 1860-1880 - W. E. B. Du Bois.
M171. Logic, Computing Machines, and Automation - Alice Mary Hilton.
M172. On Religion / The Natural History of Religion / Dialogues Concerning the Natural History of Religion - David Hume. Edited with an introduction by Richard Wollheim.
M173. The Idea of Catholicism: An Introduction to the Thought and Worship of the Church - Walter J. Burghardt and William F. Lynch.
M174. Reformation Europe, 1517-1559 - G. R. Elton.
M175. Wilson vs. Lenin: Political Origins of the New Diplomacy, 1917-1918 - Arno Joseph Mayer.
M176. The Evolution of British Historiography from Bacon to Namier - J. R. Hale.
M177. Selected Poems - Conrad Aiken.
M178. Quanta and Reality: A Symposium - British Broadcasting Corporation. Third Programme.
[Note: "for the non-scientist on the physical and philosophical implications of quantum mechanics".]
M182. An Essay Concerning Human Understanding - John Locke. Edited with an introduction by A. D. Woozley.
M183. The Explorers of North America 1492-1806 - John Bartlet Brebner.
M184. The Age of Drake: The Story of the Greatest Age in English Sea History - James A. Williamson.
M185. Primitive Art: Its Traditions and Styles - Paul S. Wingert.
M187. Myths of the Greek and Romans - Michael Grant.
M191. A Million Years of Man: The Story of Human Development as a Part of Nature - Richard Carrington.
M192. They Studied Man - Abram Kardiner and Edward Preble.
M193. The Lonely Voice: A Study of the Short Story - Frank O'Connor.
M198. The Face of Violence: An Essay with a Play - Jacob Bronowski.
M199. Israel: A History of the Jewish People - Rufus Learsi.
M201. Natural Law and Modern Society - John Cogley.
M202. Explorers of the Infinite: Shapers of Science Fiction - Sam Moskowitz.
M204. People in Families: Sociology, Psychoanalysis and the American Family - George Simpson.
M207. Hamlet and the Philosophy of Literary Criticism - Morris Weitz.
M211. Six Wings: Men of Science in the Renaissance - George Sarton.
M216. The Lamps Went Out in Europe - Ludwig Reiners. 1966.
M217. The Corrupt Judge: An Inquiry into Bribery and Other High Crimes and Misdemenaors in the Federal Courts - Joseph Borkin.
M219. Race Riot at East St. Louis, July 2, 1917 - Elliott M Rudwick and Oscar Handlin.
M220. Human Nature: The Marxian View - Vernon Venable.
M221. Southern Justice - Leon Friedman.
M222. The Petitioners: The Story of the Supreme Court of the United States and the Negro - Loren Miller.
M225. Africa's Search for Identity - Victor C. Ferkiss.
M237. Beyond Theology: The Art of Godmanship - Alan Watts.
M238. The Annotated Mother Goose: Nursery Rhymes Old and New - William Stuart Baring-Gould and Ceil Baring-Gould.
M240. The Annotated Ancient Mariner: The Rime of the Ancient Mariner - Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Edited by Martin Gardner. Illustrated by Gustave Doré.
M241. A History of Greek Political Thought - T. A. Sinclair.
[Note: 2nd ed., 1968, contains "an additional chapter on the Early Roman Empire".]
M242. The Chrysanthemum and the Sword: Patterns of Japanese Culture - Ruth Benedict.
M243. Epicurus and his Philosophy - Norman Wentworth De Witt.
M245. Freedom and Order: A Commentary on the American Political Scene - Henry Steele Commager.
M246. Poetic Process - George Whalley.
M248. Man the Measure: A New Approach to History - Erich Kahler.
M249. Abstraction and Empathy: A Contribution to the Psychology of Style - Wilhelm Worringer. Translated by Michael Bullock.
M250. The Conquest of the Material World - John U Nef.
M251. The Idea of Europe - Denis de Rougemont.
M252. Challenges and Renewals: Selected Readings - Jacques Maritain. Edited by Joseph W. Evans and Leo R. Ward.
M254. The Scope of Theology - Daniel Thomas Jenkins.
M256. The Meaning of History - Erich Kahler.
M258. The Communist Party Apparatus - Abdurakhman Avtorkhanov.
M261. The Difference of Man and the Difference It Makes - Mortimer Jerome Adler.
M262. The Lord of History: Reflections on the Inner Meaning of History - Jean Daniélou.
M265. The Living Tradition - Moses Hadas.
M268. Twelve Great American Novels - Arthur Mizener.
M269. Intervention and Revolution: The United States in the Third World - Richard J. Barnet.
[Note: "America's confrontation with insurgent movements around the world."]
M272. From the Ashes: Voices of Watts - Budd Schulberg / Watts Writers' Workshop.
M274. The Living U.S. Constitution - Saul Kussiel Padover.
M275. The Autobiography of a Runaway Slave - Esteban Montejo. Introduction by Miguel Barnet.
M278. Ancient India: A History of its Culture and Civilization - D. D. Kosambi.
M280. The Rite of Becoming: Stories and Studies of Adolescence - Arthur Waldhorn and Hilda K. Waldhorn.
M282. The Me Nobody Knows: Children's Voices from the Ghetto - Stephen M. Joseph. 1969.
M283. Dark as the Grave Wherein My Friend is Laid - Malcolm Lowry.
M292. Rebellion and Repression: Testimony by Tom Hayden before the National Commission on the Causes and Prevention of Violence and the House Un-American Activities Committee.
M295. One for the Devil - Etienne Leroux.
M296. The Third Eye - Etienne Leroux.
M297. The Myth of "Mau Mau" Nationalism in Kenya - Carl Gustav Rosberg and John Cato Nottingham.
M306. The Annotated Alice: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass - Lewis Carroll. Introduction and notes by Martin Gardner.

Display advert for Meridian Books
in the Daily Iowan newspaper
10 April 1962, page 8.
MG1. Mysticism: A Study in the Nature and Development of Man's Spiritual Consciousness - Evelyn Underhill. 1955.
MG2. Medieval Panorama: The English Scene from Conquest to Reformation - G. G. Coulton. 1955.
MG3. Prolegomena to the Study of Greek Religion - Jane Harrison. 1955.
Sources of above list:
(1) Germany's Stepchildren - Solomon Liptzin.
Cleveland and New York: Meridian Books/The World Publishing Company and Philadelphia: The Jewish Publication Society of America, 1961 (Meridian Books).
(2) Pragmatism, and Four Essays from The Meaning of Truth - William James
Cleveland and New York: The World Publishing Company, 1955 (1965 reprint ) (Meridian Books).
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