Mayflower Books
Publisher: Dell Publishing Co., Inc; then: Granada Publishing Limited.
Country: United Kingdom. Date: 1962- .

Over to You: Ten Vivid Penetrating Stories of Flyers and Flying by Roald Dahl
London: Mayflower-Dell, 1963 (Mayflower Books, No. 6776-8.)
Paperback. 142 pages.
Series Note: ____
Serial Number / Title / Author
1168-8. A Century of Great Short Science Fiction Novels - Damon Knight, ed.
10268-9. The Best of Kuttner 1 - Henry Kuttner (Mayflower Science Fantasy)
11329X. A Trace of Memory - Keith Laumer
11385. The Mad God's Amulet - Michael Moorcock (Mayflower Science Fantasy)
114865. Stacked Deck - Frank Kane.
11612. Seetee Ship - John Williamson (Mayflower Science Fiction)
11613. Seetee Shock - John Williamson (Mayflower Science Fiction)
11640. The Black Corridor - Michael Moorcock
11745-7. The Eternal Champion - Michael Moorcock (Mayflower Science Fantasy)
11787. Behold the Man - Michael Moorcock (Mayflower Science Fantasy)
11800. Phoenix in Obsidian - Michael Moorcock (Mayflower Science Fantasy)
11917. The Time Dweller - Michael Moorcock (Mayflower Science Fantasy)
11925. Warlocks and Warriors - Douglas Hill, ed.
Content: "Brilliant fantasy from Michael Moorcock, Lin Carter and L. Sprague de Camp, Fritz Leiber, Martin Hillman, John Brunner, Keith Roberts."
12100-4. The Dragon Masters - Jack Vance
12104. The Hollow Lands - Michael Moorcock (Mayflower Science Fantasy)
Note: "The second volume in 'The Dancers at the End of Time' trilogy."
12198. Count Brass - Michael Moorcock (Mayflower Science Fantasy)
Note: "The first volume of 'The Chronicles of Count Brass' ."
12199. The Champion of Garathorm - Michael Moorcock (Mayflower Science Fantasy)
Note: "The second volume of 'The Chronicles of Count Brass' ."
12200. The Quest for Tanelorn - Michael Moorcock (Mayflower Science Fantasy)
Note: "The third and final volume of 'The Chronicles of Count Brass' ."
12322. The Taming Power: The First Qhe Adventure - W. W. [William Bloom].
12324. The Riches - W. W. [William Bloom].
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Author: David Paul Wagner
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