Little Golden Books
Publisher: Simon & Schuster;
then: Western Publishing/Golden Press;
then: Random House
Country: United States. Date: 1942- .

Bug Bunny's Birthday (1950)
Series Note: This series was originally published by Simon & Schuster (1942-58); then by Western Publishing/Golden Press (1958-2001); and then by Random House (2001-present).
The first twelve titles in the Little Golden Books series
Three Little Kittens
Bedtime Stories
Mother Goose
Prayers for Children
The Little Red Hen
Nursery Songs
The Alphabet from A to Z
The Poky Little Puppy
The Golden Book of Fairy Tales
Baby's Book of Objects
The Animals of Farmer Jones
This Little Piggy and Other Counting Rhymes

Walt Disney's Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
by Walt Disney (adapted from Brothers Grimm fairy tale)
(Simon & Schuster, 1948)