Publishing History > Les Editions de minuit book series list
Les Editions de minuit
Publisher: Les Editions de minuit. Country: France. Date: 1942- .
Comment C'est by Samuel Beckett
Les Editions de minuit, 1961.
Series Note: _____
1. Resistance to Nazism: Second World War and afterwards
October 1942
Le Silence de la mer, by Vercors
April 1943
Chroniques interdites (I), by Jean Paulhan, Yvonne Desvignes, Julien Benda, Jacques Debû-Bridel, Vercors
July 1943
LHonneur des poètes (poems by 21 French poets)
August 1943
Le Cahier noir, by Forez (François Mauriac)
September 1943
Le Musée Grévin, by François La Colère (Louis Aragon)
Other works published in this period
Nuits noires, by John Steinbeck
La Pensée patiente, by Thimerais
Les Amants dAvignon, by Laurent Daniel (Elsa Triolet)
Angleterre, by Argonne (Jacques Debû-Bridel)
Contes dAuxois, by Auxois (Edith Thomas)
La Haute Fourche, by Vivarais (Pierre Bost)
Europe (poems by 35 French and foreign poets)
33 sonnets composés au secret, by Jean Noir (Jean Cassou)
La Marche à létoile, by Vercors
Le Temps mort, by Minervois (Claude Aveline)
La Marque de lhomme, by Mortagne (Claude Morgan)
Péguy-Péri. Deux voix françaises, by Jean Paulhan
Nouvelles chroniques (by Charles Morgan, André Gide, Raymond Mortimer, Gabriel Audisio, Claude Bellanger, André Chamson)
Dans la prison, by Cévennes (Jean Guehenno)
A lappel de la liberté, by Hainaut (Georges Adam)
Historique des Editions de Minuit (published in 1946)
After Second World War
Premier combat, by Jean Moulin (1947)
La Rose blanche, by Inge Scholl (1955)
Un camp très ordinaire, by Micheline Maurel (1957)
La Nuit, by Elie Wiesel (1958)
Republication of LUnivers concentrationnaire, by David Rousset (1965)
The series Auschwitz et après (in the collection «Documents»), by Charlotte Delbo (1970)
La Bataille du silence, by Vercors (celebrating 50 years of publishing by Ed. de minuit)
2. Early Years after Second World War
Works by Georges Bataille, François Boyer, Henri Calet, André Dhôtel, Arthur Miller, Dylan Thomas
Works by Karl Jaspers, Pierre Klossowski, Henri Thomas, etc.
Essays by Georges Bataille, Maurice Blanchot, Jean Cassou, Jean Fourastié, Jean Paulhan.
Three key publications which signalled three important strands in Editions de Minuit's publishing programme:
(1) the first work by Jacques Hillairet, Évocation du vieux Paris, which was to be the foundation volume of the Dictionnaire historique des rues de Paris
(2) Lettre aux directeurs de la Résistance, a pamphlet by Jean Paulhan, in the new series «Documents»
(3) Molloy, the first novel of a then unknown writer, Samuel Beckett..
3. Samuel Beckett
Malone meurt
En attendant Godot
Fin de partie
Comment C'est
Oh les beaux jours
4. Alain Robbe-Grillet: the birth of the Nouveau Roman
Les gommes
Le voyeur

Pour un nouveau roman by Alain Robbe-Grillet
Les Editions de minuit, 1963.
5. Le Nouveau Roman
Graal Flibuste, by Robert Pinget
La Jalousie, by Alain Robbe-Grillet
Le Vent, by Claude Simon
Tropismes, by Nathalie Sarraute
La Modification, by Michel Butor
Moderato cantabile, by Marguerite Duras
Pour un nouveau roman, by Alain Robbe-Grillet
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Author: David Paul Wagner
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