Leisure Moment Series
Publisher: Henry Holt and Company.
Place: New York, United States. Series Dates: c. 1886-87.

The History of a Week by L. B. Walford
New York, Henry Holt & Co., 1886 (Leisure Moments Series, No. 59).
Paperback with light brown wrappers with a spider in its web, a butterfly, oak leaves and the Henry Holt owl logo printed in dark brown on front panel.

Victims by Theo. Gift.
New York, Henry Holt & Co., 1887 (Leisure Moments Series).
Hardback bound in mustard yellow cloth. Titles and illustrations (tree branches with butterflies and strands of grass) printed in black on front panel. Further titles and illustrations printed in black on spine.
Series Note:
Publisher: Henry Holt & Co., Publishers, 29 W. 23rd St., New York.
Format: "16mo. Paper."
Arranged by serial number
1. Democracy. An American Novel.
2. Gideon Fleyce. By Henry W. Lucy.
3. The Admiral's Ward. By Mrs. Alexander.
4. A Story of Carnival. By Mary Mary A. M. Hoppus.
5. A Chelsea Householder.
6. Her Dearest Foe. By Mrs. Alexander.
7. Cecil Dreeme. By Theo. Winthrop.
8. Beyond Recall. By Adeline Sergeant.
9. Matrimony. By W. E. Norris.
10. In the Olden Time. By Miss Roberts.
11. John Brent. By Theo. Winthrop.
12. Noblesse Oblige. By Miss Roberts.
13. Ralph Winton's Weird. By Mrs. Alexander.
14. Christine. By Louis Enault.
15. My Little Lady. By E. F. Poynter.
16. New Arabian Nights. By R. L. Stevenson.
17. Master Bieland. By Berthold Auerbach.
18. The Invisible Lodge. By J. P. F. Richter.
19. Far from the Madding Crowd. By Thomas Hardy.
Source of the above list: The Publishers' Trade List Annual, Volume 11 - August 1883.
Author of this page:
David Paul Wagner