Publishing History > Laurel Language Library (Dell) book series list
Laurel Language Library
Publisher: Dell. Country: United States. Date: 1960s-.
Series Note: "[The Laurel Language Library - French Series] "offers in clear readable format the classics of French literature edited according to best critical and scholarly methods complete with new critical and biographical introductions, nots, chronologies of the authors' lives and works [and] selected bibliographies, prepared in English by distinguished scholars."
The general editor was Germaine Brée, Professor of French Literature, University of Wisconsin, and author of such noted studies as Camus, Marcel Proust, and André Gide.
Serial No./Title
Chrétien de Troyes. Yvain ou Le Chevalier au Lion. Introduction and notes by Julian Harris.
Cyrano de Bergerac / Voltaire. Three Philosophical Voyages: Les etats et empires de la lune; Candide; and Micromegas. IIntroduction and notes by Julian Eugene White, Jr. Dell, 1965
Pierre Corneille / Jean Racine / Moliere. Three Classical Plays: Le Cid;Andromaque; and Le Misanthrope Introduction and notes by Vincent Guilloton. Dell, 1968. (The Laurel Language Library: French Series, No. 8837).
Molière. Tartuffe et Le Médicin Malgé Lui. Introduction and notes by Jacques Guicharnaud.
Jean Racine. Britannicus and Phèdre. Introduction and notes by George B. Daniel, Jr.
Jean Racine. Polyeucte and Le Menteur. Introduction and notes by Georges May.
Denis Diderot. Jacques le Fataliste. Introduction and notes by J. Robert Loy.
Honoré de Balzac. Le Peau de Chagrin. Introduction and notes by Victor Brombert.
Stendhal. Le Rouge et le Noir. Introduction and notes by Alvin A. Eustis, Jr.
Gustave Flaubert. Madame Bovary. Introduction and notes by Iris Friederich.
French Poetry from Baudelaire to the Present. Edited, with an introduction by Elaine Marks.
19th Century French Short Stories in the Original French. Edited by Germaine Bree
Dell, 1966. Cover blurb: "This distinguished collection presents the work of eleven major writers: Nodier, Balzac, Nerval, Merimee, Flaubert, Maupassant, Daudet, Barbey d'Aurevilly, Villiers de L'Isle-Adam, France, and Barres."
Albert Camus. De "L'envers et l'endroit" à ""Exil et le royaume". Introduction and notes by Germaine Brée. 1963.
Jean Giraudoux. L'Apollon de Bellac and La Folle de Chaillot. Introduction and notes by Thomas Bishop.
André Gide, Oedipe; Jean Cocteau, La Machine Infernale. Introduction and notes by William S. Bell. Dell, 1968

Series Note: "This foreign language series offers in clear readable format the classics of Spanish literature edited according to the best critical and scholarly methods complete with new critical and biographical introductions, notes, and selected bibliographies. It is prepared in English by distinguished scholars."
Spanish Series - General Editor: Vincente Llorens.
Serial No./Title
Renaissance and Baroque Poetry of Spain with English prose translations. Introduced and edited by Ellas L. Rivers. Dell, 1966
Lazarillo de Tormes, and El Abencerraje. Introduction and notes by Claudio Guillen. Dell, 1966
Miguel de Cervantes. Three exemplary novels in the original Spanish: El licenciado Vidriera; El casamiento enganoso, and El coloquio de los perros. Introduction and notes by Juan Bautista Avalle-Arce. Dell, 1964
Lope de Vega. Fuente Ovejuna and La dama boba. Introduction and notes by E. W. Hesse. Dell, 1964
Tirso de Molina. El Burlador de Sevilla y convidado de piedra; and La prudencia en la mujer. Introduction and notes by Raymond R. MacCurdy. Dell, 1965.
Pedro Calderón de la Barca. La vida es sueño and El Alcalde de Zalamea. Introd. and notes by Sturgis E. Leavitt. Dell, 1964.
Benito Perez Galdos. Dona Perfecta. Introduction and notes by Rodolfo Cardona. Dell, 1965
Gabriel Miro. El Humo Dormido. Introduction and notes by Edmund L. King. Dell, 1967
Federico Garcia Lorca. Obras Escogidas: An Anthology in the Original Spanish. 1965. Introduction and notes by Eugenio Florit. Dell, 1965. 208 pp. Cover blurb: "This original anthology of the works of Spain's most popular and beloved literary figure includes the whole of "Llanto por Ignacio Sánchez Mejías", poetry selected from 'Poeta en Nueva York', 'Romancero Gitano', 'Poema del cante jondo' and other volumes, as well as his play, 'Doña Rosita', and excerpts from his prose work 'Impresiones y paisajes'. " Contents: From Libro de poemas -- From Poema del cante jondo -- From Canciones -- From Romancero gitano -- From Poeta en Nueva York -- Llanto por Ignacio Sa_nchez Meji_as -- From Diva_n del Tamarit -- Dona_ Rosita la soltera o el lengueje de las flores -- From Impresiones y paisajes -- Bibliography (p. [206]-208).
Juan Goytisolo, Fiestas. Introduction and notes by Kessel Schwartz. Dell, 1964 Cover blurb: "Goytisolo's poignant novel, banned in his own country, unfolds against the background of a Spain where poverty-stricken people suffer, lose their homes, and die, while unconcerned authorities plan costly religious celebrations. Men have become brutalized and have lost their capacity to rebel in the static and meaningless society that has trapped Goytisolo's characters. The strange mixture of savagery and tenderness in the mysterious Gorila; the pathos and tragedy of pretty Pira; and the unwitting betrayal and loss of innocence by young Pipo make this story an unforgettable commentary on contemporary man. The introduction and notes have been specially prepared by Kessel Schwartz, Professor of Modern Languages at the University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida."
