Series Note: _____
Around the Year in Japan - NHK International Planning and Broadcasting Dept.
Best of Totto-Chan: The Little Girl at the Window - Tetsuko Kuroyanagi and ____
A Bilingual Guide to the Japanese Economy - NHK Overseas Broadcasting
A Bilingual Guide to the World Economy - The Nikko Research Centre and Marc Schultz
The Book of Five Rings - Miyamoto Musashi, William Scott Wilson and Matsumoto Michihiro
The Book of Tea - Okahura Tenshin, Sen Sosbitsu XV and Asano Akira
Bushido - Nitobe, Inazo
The Complete Guide to Traditional Japanese Performing Arts - Kodama Shoko
The Complete Illustrated Guide to Japanese Systems: Politics, Economics, Law and Order - Abe Naobumi and Ted Takahatshi
The Constitution of Japan - Kodansha Encyclopedia of Japan
Discover Japan: Words, Customs and Concepts - Japan Culture Institute
Do as Americans Do - James M. Vardaman, Jr. and Michiko S. Vardaman
Do It Right: Japanese and American Social Etiquette - James M. Vardaman, Jr. and Michiko S. Vardaman
Everyday Customs Around the World - Ayako, Adachi
Frequently Asked Questions on Corporate Japan - Morimasa Yoneyama and Richard Nathan
Heisei Highs and Lows - Tom Reid
The Illustrated Handbook of American and Japanese Gestures - Stephen N. Williams
The Inscrutable Japanese - Meridian Resources Associates and Kagawa Hiroshi
Japan as I See It - NHK Overseas Broadcasting
Japan at a Glance - International Internship Programs
Japan Datalogue - NHK Planning and Broadcasting Department
Japanese History: 11 Experts Reflect on the Past - Japanese Illustrated Encyclopedia
Japan's Contribution to the World - Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, Overseas Public Relations Division
Japan Trivia - Simple Questions Research Association
Keys to the Japanese Heart and Soul - Japan Illustrated Encyclopedia
Key Words in the News - NHK International Planning and Broadcasting Dept.
Living in Two Countries - Donald Keene and Shioya Ko
Mother Goose: 70 Nursery Rhymes - Tanikawa Shunkaro and Watanabe Shingeru
Once Upon a Time in Ghostly Japan - Sayumi Kawauchi and Ralph F. McCarthy
Once Upon a Time in Japan - Sayumi Kawauchi and Ralph F. McCarthy
Once Upon a Time in Jolly Japan - Sayumi Kawauchi and Ralph F. McCarthy
100 Japanese You Should Know - Itasaka Gen
100 Recipes from Japanese Cooking - Hata Koichiro and Kondo Kazuki
100 Tough Questions for Japan - Itasaka Gen
Open Up, Japan - Andrew Horvat
Origami in English - Makoto, Yamaguchi
The Picture-Book of Happiness - Shimamoto, Kazundri
Proverbs for Business - Satoshi Sugita
Talking About Buddhism - Takada Yoshihito and James M. Vardaman, Jr.
Talking About Christianity - Ayako Adachi and John Bester
Talking About Japan: Q & A - Kodansha International
Talking About the USA - Kagawa, Hiroshi
The Tales of Miyazawa Kenji - Miyazawa, Kenji and John Bester
Ties with the Past: Japanese Customs, Traditions and Manners - ____
The Ultimate Guide to Etiquette in Japan - Sato Sanpei
Views of Japan from the "Washington Post" Newsroom - Togo, Shigehiko
Vox Populi, Vox Dei - Asahi Shimbun Editorial Board and Asahi Evening News
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Author: David Paul Wagner
(David Paul Wagner on Google+)