Series Note: This series was edited by Sir A. T. Quiller-Couch. His full name was Sir Arthur Thomas Quiller-Couch and he often wrote and edited using the pseudonyn "Q". Quiller-Cocuh also authored some of the volumes (including Fort Amity and The Adventures of Harry Revel) in this series.
The series was published from c. 1920 until at least 1959 by J. M. Dent & Sons Ltd. of London and Toronto and co-published by E. P. Dutton of New York.
J. M. Dent's address in 1937 was 10-13 Bedford Street, London W.C.2. and in 1954 was Aldine House, Bedford House, London.
In 1937 the volumes books in this series were being printed at The Temple Press, Letchworth, Herts., England, and in 1954 they were being printed at: The Aldine House, Letchworth, Herts.
Each volume was a small-sized cloth-bound hardcover book (approximately 15cm tall x 11cm wide). Different titles were bound in different cloth colours (burgundy/brick red, maroon/brown, light blue, dark blue, light green, dark green). The cloth binding were lettered and decorated in gilt (that is, gold) on the spine. The lower section of the front cover featured a small blind stamped (that is, embossed) of a female head (classical Greek or Roman style) in profile.
Each volume had an illustrated frontispiece (often a portrait of the book's author) and a decorated title page. Both the frontispiece and the title pages featured wood engraved flower and leaf borders and sometimes included other decorated elements, such as a globe of the world.
The left side front endpaper featured a cartouche (decorative box) with the words "This Book Belongs To ___". The right side front endpaper featured another cartouche with the following quotation: "A Good Book is the Precious Life-Blood of a Master Spirit - Milton".
Many volumes included, in addition to the main text, an introduction, commentaries, a short biography, and questions and exercises for students. Some also had a glossary, publisher's advertisements (included a selective listing of other volumes in the series) and black and white illustrations throughout the text.
Arranged by serial number
1. Sesame and Lillies - John Ruskin. Edited by Sybil Wragge. 1920 1937.
2. The Lore of the Wanderer. - George Goodchild, ed. "With notes & commentary by F. W. Tickner".
3. Modern Poetry. Edited by Guy N. Pocock, M.A. 1920. 1928. 1937.
4. King Richard II. - William Shakespeare. [alternative title: Shakepeare's Richard II.] Edited by Richard Wilson. 1931.
5. Tales From Tolstoy With A Short Life Of The Author And Literary Exercises - Tolstoy [ Tolstoi ], Leo. 1928. 1936.
6. Prose and Poetry from the Works of Henry Newbolt: Selected by the Author - Henry Newbolt. 1922.
7. "Alpha of the Plough" - Series I. From "Pebbles on the Shore" and "Leaves in the Wind". With Epilogue by S. E. Maltby, M.A. 1920 1921 1924. 1925. 1928. 1949.
8. Youth and Gaspar Ruiz - Joseph Conrad. 1920. 1954.
9. Essay on Clive - Macaulay.
10. The Adventures of Odysseus - Homer. Retold by F. S. Marvin, R. J. G. Mayor and F. M.Stawell.
11. The Chemical History of a Candle.
12. Form-Room Plays: Junior Book - Evelyn Smith, ed. 1933.
13. A Shakespeare Progress.
14. A Wonder Book - Nathaniel Hawthorne. 1920.
15. Bee: The Princess of the Dwarfs - Anatole France. Translated by Peter Wright.
16. Paradise Lost - John Milton.
17. Evergreen Stories.
18. Sir Walter Scott's Lay of the Last Minstrel - H. J. Findlay, ed. 1928.
19. Lamb and Shakespeare: Selected Tales with Extracts from the Plays - William Shakespeare; Charles Lamb and Mary Lamb. 1920. 1931.
20. The De Coverley Papers from The Spectator. 1928. 1937. 1949.
21. Tales from Andersen - Hans Christian Andersen.
22. A Tale of Two Cities - Charles Dickens. 1939. Edited by Grace Todhunter.
23. Selections from a Child's Book of Saints - William Canton. 1925.
25. Black Beauty - Anna Sewell. Illustrated by Lucy Kemp-Welch.
26. Under the Greenwood Tree - Thomas Hardy. 1925. 1931.
27. Some Animal Stories - C. D. G. Roberts [Chas. G. D. Roberts].
28. The Song of Hiawatha - H. W. Longfellow.
29. Coriolanus - William Shakespeare.
30. Macaulay's Lays of Ancient Rome, Ivry and Armada - Edited By A. E. Roberts.
31. London in Literature - Arranged by Alfred H. Headley. 1927. Pp 299;
32. A Christmas Carol - Charles Dickens. 1943. Illustrated by C. E. Brock.
33. The Wreck of the Golden Mary and Other Stories - Charles Dickens. 1930.
34. Cranford - Elizabeth Gaskell. 1926.
35. Unto This Last - Ruskin.
36. Selections from Burns.
37. The Story of the Iliad - Homer. Retold by F. S. Marvin, R. J. G. Mayor and F. M.Stawell. 1924.
38. Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress. - John Bunyan.
39. Henry V. - William Shakespeare.
40. Selections from Wordsworth - William Wordsworth. D. C Somervell, ed.
41. Selections from Tennyson - J. Hubert Jagger, ed. 1933.
42. Lamb's Essays.
42. The Essays of Elia - Charles Lamb. Edited by Athelstan Ridgway. 1925. 1940.
43. Julius Caesar - William Shakespeare. E. F. Horsley, ed. 1926. 1931.
44. Macaulay's History. Chapter III.
45. Stories from History (Henry III to. to Edward IV.).
46. Birds in a Village - W. H. Hudson. 1938.
47. The Story of a Short Life and Jackanapes - Juliana Horatia Ewing. 1933.
48. Selected English Essays.
49. Selected English Letters - John Wishart, ed.
50. Stories from Le Morte D'Arthur and the Mabinogion. Retold By Beatrice Clay. 1920. 1930. 1954.
51. The Ancient Mariner, & Other Poems & Prose - Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Edited by W. B. Henderson. 1925.
52. Book of Ships and Seamen - Richard Wilson, ed. 1930.
53. Macaulay's Essay on John Hampden: With Bulwer Lytton's essay on Lord Falkland. [Short title: Essay on Hampden.] R. T. Rees, ed..
54. Stories from History (Patrick to Dunstan).
55. Selected Short Stories by "Q".
56. A Hugh Walpole Anthology. Selected By the Author. With a Note By Joseph Conrad.
57. Story and Rhyme: A Selection from the Writings of Walter de la Mare. Chosen by the Author. 1926. 1929.
58. A Book of Story Poems - George G. Loane, ed. 1927..
59. Shakespeare's Tragedy of Macbeth - William Shakespeare. N. Hepple, ed. 1944.
60. The Water Babies - Charles Kingsley.
61. Readings from George Borrow. 1934.
62. Gibbon's Story of Constantinople.
63. Ballads and Ballad Poems - Guy N. Pocock, ed. 1921 1929.
64. Adventures of Don Quixote - Miguel de Cervantes. Edited by E. Alec Woolf. 1943.
65. Form-Room Plays: Senior Book - Evelyn Smith, ed. 1953.
66. Tales of a Wayside Inn.
67. Plutarch and Shakespeare.
68. Stories from Hakluyt.
69. The Natural History of Selborne - Gilbert White. Abridged and edited by Edward Step.
70. The Merchant of Venice - William Shakespeare.
71. Robinson Crusoe - Part I - Daniel Defoe
72. Parables from Nature.
73. The Gospel Story of Jesus Christ.
74. Marmion - Sir Walter Scott. H. J. Findlay, ed. 1931.
75. Selections from Robert Browning.
76. Shakespeare's Twelfth Night: Or, What You Will - William Shakespeare. 1963.
77. Prose for Precis - Louisa J. Stewart, ed.
78. As You Like It - William Shakespeare.
79. A Midsummer Night's Dream - William Shakespeare. Edited with a commentary and acting appendix by H. B. Browne.
80. Modern Prose. Guy N. Pocock, ed. 1925. 1933.
81. Fort Amity: A Story of French Canadian Life in the Time of Wolf and Montcalm - Sir A. T. Quiller-Couch. 1922.
82. Junior Modern Poetry.
83. Tales of Travel and Exploration - Richard Wilson, ed. 1933.
84. Atalanta's Race and two other tales from the Earthly Paradise - William Morris. 1925. 1941.
85. A Bible Anthology: Chosen from the Authorised Version.
86. Literature and Labour: An Anthology of Effort - Richard Wilson, ed. 1922.
87. Rip Van Winkle and Other Stories - Washington Irving. 1938.
89. The Old Post & Other Nature Stories - Carl Ewald. 1932.
90. Selected Essays of Lynd - Robert Lynd. 1940.
91. Junior Modern Prose.
92. Historie of the Life and Death of King John - William Shakespeare.
93. Standard English Prose from Fisher to Galsworthy. Edited by B. L. K. Henderson, D.Lit. With questions and exercises. n.d. [Alternative title: Standard Prose.]
94. The Canterbury Pilgrims, being Canterbury Tales Retold for Children - M. Sturt, M.A. and E.C. Oakden, M.A.. 1937.
95. Silas Marner - George Eliot. 1923.
96. Henry IV. - Part I. - William Shakespeare.
97. A Gallery of Master Historians.
98. The English Admirals - Stevenson.
99. Lighter English Prose: An Anthology Of Humour. 1934.
100. Shakespeare's Comedy of The Tempest - William Shakespeare. 1940..
101. Hamlet - William Shakespeare.
102. The Song of Beowulf - Prof. R. K. Gordon.
103. More Animal Stories - C. D. G. Roberts.
104. Modern Essays - Brett-James, Norman, ed.
105. Plays Before Shakespeare: Selected and Arranged for Acting - Evelyn Smith, ed.
106. Bacon's Essays.
107. The Eye-Witness - Hilaire Belloc. 1939.
107. The Eye-Witness - Hilaire Belloc. 1939.
108. Selections from Keats and Shelley.
109. Some English Diarists.
110. The Beau of Bath.
111. Richard III. - William Shakespeare.
112. A Book of Lighter Verse: Selected from English Poetry Since the Fifteenth Century. 1929.
113. Little Sidsel Longskirt - Hans Aanrud. Translated by Anna Barwell. 1931.
114. Pages from Latin Authors.
115. Spenser's Faery [Fairie] Queene Book I. - Edmund Spenser. Guy N. Pocock, ed. 1945.
116. Henry the Eighth - William Shakespeare.
117. Tales of a Grandfather.
118. A Book of English Odes - F. W. Tickner, ed. c. 1957.
119. The King of the Golden River and Other Stories - John Ruskin. Black and white illustrations by Richard Doyle. 1956.
120. Goldsmith's Poems and Prose - Oliver Goldsmith. Selected By Athelstan Ridgway.
121. Essays of Hazlitt. Selected and edited by C. Calvert, B.A.
122. The Poems of Matthew Arnold - B. L. K. Henderson, ed. 1939. 1958.
123. The Adventures of a Younger Son - Edward John Trelawny. Introduction by E. Collins. 1910.
124. In the Morning of Time - Chas. G. D. Roberts. 1930.
125. Theras: The Story of an Athenian Boy - C. D. Snedeker [Caroline Dale Snedeker]. 1928.
126. The Rivals - Richard Brinsley Sheridan. Edited by John Hampden for Use in Schools, with Introduction and Full Acting Appendix. 1956.
127. Further Prose for Precis.
128. Cymbeline - William Shakespeare.
129. Four Stories - Joseph Conrad. Edited by S. F. Moscrop. 1943.
130. Stories in Verse.
131. Form-Room Plays: Intermediate - Evelyn Smith, ed. 1926, 1929, 1934.
132. Great Fights in Literature.
133. The Younger Characters of Dickens - J. C. Stobart and B. C. Gibson. 1927.
134. Sir Walter Raleigh: Selections from His Writings in Prose & Verse.
135. Evangeline and the Courtship of Miles Standish - H. W. Longfellow. Louisa J. Stewart, ed. 1920.
136. Little Women - Louisa M. Alcott.
137. Bunyip Told Me - W. M. Fleming. Edited by Geoffrey E. Green. 1926.
138. Solve Suntrap.
139. Old Gold.
140. Uncle Remus.
141. The Rose and the Ring - W. M. Thackeray. 1920. 1940.
142. Much Ado About Nothing - William Shakespeare.
143. Junior Modern Literature.
143 [sic]. Junior Modern Essays.
147. The Shoemaker's Holiday - Thomas Dekker. 1931. 1941.
151. "Alpha of the Plough" - Series II. - A. G. Gardiner.
152. Adventures Among Birds - W. H. Hudson.
153. Kinglake's Eothen - A. W. Kinglake. H. Gorvett Smith, ed. 1927.
155. Gulliver's Travels - Jonathan Swift. William Hadley, ed. 1920.
157. Later Modern Poetry: Chosen and edited by Guy N. Pocock, M.A.
158. Treasure Island - R. L. Stevenson.
159. Minstrel Tales - M. Sturt and E. C. Oakden. 1934.
160. A Book of St. George - W. P. Drury.
161. Ten Stories by Charles Dickens - Charles Dickens. Edited by Phyllis M Preston. 1931.
163. Under the Northern Lights - A. Sullivan.
165. The School for Scandal - Richard Sheridan. 1933. 1951.
166. Mountain Essays By Famous Climbers - E. F. Bozman, ed. 1928.
169. With Pipe And Tabor: Junior Class-Room Plays - Reed Moorhouse, ed. n.d.
172. Kidnapped - R. L. Stevenson.
175. Modern Short Stories - Guy N. Pocock, ed. 1934.
179. Exploration in Africa - Edwin W. Smith, ed. 1936.
180. Burning Gold: A Junior Poetry Book - Reed Moorhouse, ed. 1929 1931 1938.
182. Idylls of the King - Alfred Lord Tennyson. 1929.
183. The March of Poetry - Guy N. Pocock, ed. 1937.
184. Plays for Middle Forms - Reed Moorhouse, ed. 1935.
187. Adventure and Exploration in South America. 1930.
188. Poison Island - 'Q'. 1961.
189. Some English Diarists - Guy N. Pocock, ed. 1938. [CHK: or is serial number 109?]
191. Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde & Other Stories - Robert Louis Stevenson. Edited by W. F. Corpe. 1939. 1959.
192. Birds of Wing and Other Wild Things: Selections from the Works of W. H. Hudson. H. F. B. Fox, ed.
194. Sandals of Pearl - Edith Howes. 1930. Illustrated by Audrey Chalmers.
197. The Little Blue Man - Guisseppe Fanciulli.
200. The Black Arrow - R. L. Stevenson.
205. Harry Revel [The Adventures of Harry Revel] - "Q" [Sir Arthur Quiller-Couch]. 1959.
207. An Intermediate Poetry Book. Reed Moorhouse, ed. 1935.
212. The Shadow Line - Joseph Conrad.
216. Mr. Pickwick: A Dickens Portrait - Charles Dickens. Selected by Guy N. Pocock. 1938.
218. Chang - E. Morse [Elizabeth Morse].
221. Nada the Lily - Sir H. Rider Haggard. 1949.
222. The Children's Life Of The Bee - Maurice Maeterlinck. Arranged by Alfred Sutro and Herschel Williams. 1949.
224. Northanger Abbey - Jane Austen. M. E. Day, ed. 1955 1957.
225. Shag - T. C. Hinkle.
228. David Copperfield as a Boy - Guy N. Pocock, ed. 1951.
231. Celtic Legends. Edited by J. B. Nelson and M. H. O'Grady. 1935.
232. Seventy Years a Showman - 'Lord' George Sander.
234. Modern Plays in One Act: Second Series - C. E. Eckersley, ed. 1957.
237. Nutcracker and Mouse King - E. T. A. Hoffmann. Denise Brown, illust. 1936.
239. Badger's Green - R. C. Sherriff.
240. Further Animal Stories - C. G. D. Roberts. 1935.
242. Bevis and Mark from Bevis - Richard Jefferies. 1956.
248. Sir John Constantine: An Abridgement of the Story - Sir A. T. Quiller-Couch. 1937.
250. King Richard's Land - L. A. G. Strong.
254. The Great Shadow - Arthur Conan Doyle. Edited by Guy Noel Pocock.
256. An Inland Voyage and Travels with a Donkey - R. L. Stevenson. 1956.
258. Familiar Fields - Peter McArthur.
- Selections from the Poems of John Keats and Percy Bysshe Shelley. Edited by Richard Wilson, D.Litt. 1924 1936. With Introduction and Literary Exercises.
- The Vicar of Wakefield - Oliver Goldsmith. 1931 1946.
- The Three Voyages of Captain James Cook from His Own Journals. Selected and edited by Guy N. Pockcock, M.A. With questions. n.d.
- Wild Folk at Home - Edwin Maribel. 1932.
- The Swords of the Vikings: Stories from the works of Saxo Grammaticus - J. D. 1932.
- The Adventures of Gil Blas of Santillane in Two Volumes. 1921.
- Class-Room Plays from Great Novels. Adapted by Dora M. Hollom.
- The Farmer's Life - L. S. Harris, ed.
- Treasure: An Anthology Of Treasure Quests World and Other Worldly - Tom Staveley, comp. 1929.
- Milton's Paradise Lost - John Milton. D. C. Somervell, ed. 1931.
- The Third Chapter of Macaulay's History. S. A. Williams, ed.
- Household Tales - The Brothers Grimm. Selected by Guy N. Pocock. 1934.
- The Knight of the Burning Pestle - Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher. 1941.
- The Good Natur'd Man - Oliver Goldsmith. 1929.
- Junior Short Stories - Guy N. Pocock, ed. 1938.
- She Stoops to Conquer - Oliver Goldsmith. 1939.
- The Merchant of Venice - William Shakespeare. S.E. Maltby, ed. 1931.
- Untold Tales of the Past. Beatrice Harraden.
- The Unending Conquest: Being an Anthology of Flight - R. De La Bere. 1938.
- When Canada was New France - George H. Locke. 1923.
- Naturalism in English Poetry - Stopford A. Brooke.
- Evergreen Stories: Second Series - W. M. L. Hutchinson, ed. 1948.
- Mystery - A. K. Barton, ed. 1937.
- The Heroes - Charles Kingsley. Edited by E. M. Wilmot-Buxton. 1926.
- Modern Plays in One Act - A. Mordaunt Shairp, ed.
- Class-Room Plays from Great Novels - Adapted by Dora M. Hollom. 1931.
- Crowded Hours - Alfred H. Body and Ronald Hook, eds. 1937.
- Badger's Green: A Play and The Cricketers of My Time - R. C. Sherriff and John Nyren. 1936.
- Norse Legends, retold from the Eddas by Rosa Hobhouse. 1930. 1932.
- The Whaling Story from Moby-Dick - Herman Melville. Abridged and edited by Rupert Clift and G. C. F. Mead. 1929. 1937. 1940.
- Bligh of the Bounty. Being the Narrative of The Mutiny of the Bounty and The Voyage in the Open Boat - Lieutenant William Bligh. E. A. Hughes, ed. 1936.
- The Gamekeeper at Home - R. Jefferies. 1932.
- More English Essays - George G Loane, ed.
- English Lyrical Verse.
- An Essay on Population (On the Principles of Popular) In Two Volumes - T. R. Malthus. n.d.
(possibly serial no. 693).
Sources of above series list:
(1) Serial numbers 1-141 listed in publisher's advert in back of
Bunyip Told Me - W. M. Fleming. Edited by Geoffrey E. Green.
New York: E. P. Dutton; London : J. M. Dent, [1926].
(2) Furher details found in other online and print resources
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