Indian Railway Library
Publisher: A. H. Wheeler & Co. Country: India. Date: 1888- .
Publisher: Samson Low, Marston, Searle, & Rivington. Country: UK. Date: 1888- .

The Story of the Gadsbys: A Tale Without a Plot
by Rudyard Kipling
Allahabad: A. H. Wheeler & Co., [1890] (Indian Railway Library, No.2).
(3rd Indian edition.)
Series Note: "[A] series of pamphlets intended to catch the interest of railway passengers, and offer cheap 'throwaway' reading material..." -- Wikipedia
This series was launched in the years following the construction of the railways in British India. The publisher was A. H. Wheeler & Co., which "had the monopoly on bookstall sales on Indian railway stations" -- Andrew Lycett, Rudyard Kipling. London: Weidenfeld & Nicholson, 1999. p. 165.
Rudyard Kipling was involved with the launch of this series and at least seven of his works were published in the series (Serial Nos. 1-6 and 14).
Serial Number / Title / Author / First Year of Publication
No. 1. Soldiers Three: A Collection of Stories Setting Forth Certain Passages in the Lives and Adventures of Privates Terence Mulvaney, Stanley Ortheris and John Learoyd - Rudyard Kipling. 1888.
Catalogue annotation: "Stories of Barrack-Room Life."
No. 2. The Story of the Gadsbys: A Tale Without a Plot - Rudyard Kipling. [1888?].
No. 3. In Black and White - Rudyard Kipling. [1888?].
Catalogue annotation: "Stories of Native Life."
No. 4. Under the Deodars - Rudyard Kipling. 1888.
Catalogue annotation: "In Social Byeways."
No. 5. The Phantom 'Rickshaw and other Eerie Tales - Rudyard Kipling. 1889.
No. 6. Wee Willie Winkie and Other Child Stories - Rudyard Kipling. 1890.
No. 7. The Colonel's Crime: A Story of To-day; and, Jim's Wife - Ivan O'Beirne. 1889.
No. 8. The Heart of a Maid - Bernice Grange, pseud. [= Alice Kipling]. 1890.
No. 9. Closer than a Brother - G. B. Stuart; [and] Two Broken Hearts. 1890.
No. 10. The Subaltern, the Policeman and the Little Girl: An Anglo-Indian Sketch Written in English - Brownlow Fforde. 1890.
Catalogue annotation: "Illustrated."
No. 11. Doctor Victor: A Sketch - Ivan O'Beirne. 1891.
No. 12. The Trotter: A Poona Mystery - Arthur Brownlow Fforde. 1890.
No 13. Whiffs: Anglo-Indian and Indian - Lunkah. 1891.
No. 14. The City of Dreadful Night and Other Places - Rudyard Kipling. 1888.
No. 15. The Maid and the Idol: A Tangled Story of Poona - Arthur Brownlow Fforde. 1891.
No. 16: Dr. Rollison's Dilemma - L. E. Tiddeman. 1892.
No. 17: Major Craik's Craze - Ivan O'Beirne. 1892.
No. 18. Felix Holt Secundus, and A Tosa Monogatari of Modern Times - James Murdoch. [189-?].
No. 19. Cigarette Papers - S. Levett-Yeats [= Sidney Kilner Levett Yeats]. 1893.
No. 20. The Wooing of Webster. Faustus Junior, Ph. D. The Bear Hunt on Fuji-san. - A. M.
No. 21. The Widow Lamport - S. Levett-Yeats [= Sidney Kilner Levett Yeats]. 1893.
No. 22. A Yoshiwara Episode: Fred Wilson's Fate - James Murdoch
No. 23: A Romance of Bureaucracy - Alpha-Beta. 1893.
No. 24: That Little Owl: A Tale of a Lunatic, a Loafer, and a Lover - Arthur Brownlow Fforde.
No. 25. Bought to Bay - H. D. E. Forbes. 1894.
No. 26: Mr. & Mrs. John Brown at Home - John Brown. 1893.
Further Titles in this Series - Serial Numbers Unknown
The following title were announced. Letters of Marque was published as an unauthorised editon (but not, it seems, in the Indian Railway Library. The other two volumes do not appear to have been published.
Letters of Marque. Vol. 1 - Rudyard Kipling.
The One-Eyed Forger, and Other Detective Stories - R. Reid.
Under the Rose - Ivan O'Beirne.
Source of the lists above:
Lists in various print copies and online copies of certain books in this series (including a number digitalised at and].
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Author: David Paul Wagner
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