Publishing History > I-SPY (Daily Mail; News Chronicle; Michelin; etc.) - Book Series List
Publisher: Daily Mail; News Chronicle; Michelin; etc.
Country: United Kingdom. Date: 1948- .

I-Spy on a Train Journey. London, News Chronicle Book Department, 1958 (I-SPY Books).
Paperback booklet.
Images of front cover, pages 24 and 25, and back cover.
Series Note: I-SPY was a series of small booklets published in the United Kingdom for children. Each booklet was published on a different subject (e.g. I-SPY at the Seaside, I-SPY on a Train Journey, I-SPY Cars) and children were encouraged to spot and tick off the objects listed in the booklet and thereby gain points. Children would send in completed booklets to the Big Chief I-Spy (the pseudonym of the writer and headmaster Charles Warrell) or the award of a feather and an order of merit.
Children participating in this game were known as The I-SPY Tribe. By 1953 there were half a million members of the Tribe. By 2010 sales of the I-SPY booklets totalled 25 million.
Charles Warrell retired in 1956 and was succeeded in turn by several other Big Chiefs : Arnold Cawthrow, Robin Tucek and David Bellamy.
Publishers of this series (in chronological order):
- Originally self-published as I-SPY Spotterbook, no. 1-5, by Charles Warrell under the aegis of Warrell Way Publishers, of Ruislip, Middlesex, - 1948-49
- Daily Mail
- News Chronicle/News Chronicle Book Department - 1950s
- The Dickens Press - 1963
- Ravette Publishing - 1983-84
- Polystyle Publications
- Harrap
- Michelin Travel Publications - 1998; 2009-11
This series is not to be confused with I SPY series published by Popular Books, Inc., New York.
Further Reading
-- Wikipedia article: Charles Warrell
-- Wikipedia article: I-Spy (Michelin)
-- Big Chief I-Spy's legacy in 2010 (BBC, 19 January 2010) -- David Norris, "On the Trail with Big Chief I-SPY", in: This England's Annual 2018, This England Publishing Ltd., 2017, pp. 32-33.
-- Nicholas Tucker, "Obituary: Charles Warrell", The Independent, 30 November 1995.
-- Rex Walford, Geography in British Schools, 1850-2000: Making a World of Difference, London, UK/Portland, OR: Woburn Press, 2001. p. 154. See Google Books here.
-- Ted Wragg, The Cubic Curriculum, London: Routledge, 1997. See Google Books here.
(A) I-SPY Books published by "News Chronicle" Book Department
Date: 1950s- .
1. I-Spy at the Seaside. London: News Chronicle, 1950; London: News Chronicle Book Department, 1960.
2. I-Spy on the Farm.
3. I-Spy History.
4. I-Spy on a Train Journey.
5. I-Spy Dogs.
6. I-Spy in the Country.
7. I-Spy at the Zoo - Animals.
8. I-Spy at the Zoo - Birds and Reptiles.
9. I-Spy in the Street. London: News Chronicle Book Department, 1955.
10. I-Spy on the Road.
11. I-Spy The Sights of London.
12. I-Spy Horses and Ponies.
13. I-Spy Ships and Harbours. London: News Chronicle Book Department, 1955.
14. I-Spy Ships and Waterways.
15. I-Spy Aircraft.
16. I-Spy Cars.
17. I-Spy The Army.
18. I-Spy The Wheel.
19. I-Spy Sport.
20. I-Spy People and Places.
21. I-Spy Musical Instruments.
22. I-Spy Men at Work - Building.
23. I-Spy Antique Furniture.
24. I-Spy The Unusual.
25. I-Spy Road Transport.
26. I-Spy Town Crafts.
27. I-Spy Country Crafts.
28. I-Spy The Sky.
29. I-Spy People in Uniform. London: News Chronicle Book Department, 1955.
30. I-Spy Motorcycles and Cycles.
31. I-Spy Bridges.
32. I-Spy Sports Cars.
33. I-Spy Roadmaking.
34. I-Spy The Land.
35. I-Spy Everyday Machines.
(B) I-Spy Colour Books published by "News Chronicle" Book Department
Date: 1950s- .
Butterflies and Moths.
Wild Fruits and Fungi.
In Pond and Stream.
In the Garden.
Horses and Ponies.
Zoo Animals.
Fish and Fishing.
(C) I-SPY Books and Boxed Sets published by Michelin Travel Publications
Date: 1998- .
Michelin Travel Publications acquired the I-SPY series in 1998.
In 2009-11 the following titles were added to the series:
I-Spy Ancient Britain
I-Spy At the Airport
I-Spy Bath
I-Spy Birds
I-Spy Camping
I-Spy Car Badges
I-Spy Cars
I-Spy Classic Cars
I-Spy Cotswolds
I-Spy Creepy Crawlies
I-Spy Edinburgh
I-Spy Every Vehicle on the Road
I-Spy Explore London (126 page edition)
I-Spy Flags
I-Spy Green Britain
I-Spy History
I-Spy In the Countryside
I-Spy In the Garden
I-Spy In the Street
I-Spy Lake District
I-Spy London
I-Spy London's Transport
I-Spy Modern Britain
I-Spy Nature
I-Spy On a Car Journey
I-Spy On a Car Journey in France
I-Spy On a Ferry
I-Spy On a Road Trip
I-Spy On a Train Journey
I-Spy On the Motorway
I-Spy Oxford
I-Spy Scottish Nature
I-Spy Sports and Games
I-Spy Trees
I-Spy Wild Flowers
I-Spy Working Vehicles
In addition the following boxed sets were added:
I-Spy Car Collection - 4 books
I-Spy Nature Collection - 4 books
I-Spy Out and About Car set - 70 cards
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Author: David Paul Wagner
(David Paul Wagner on Google+)