Hippo Books / New Hippo Books
Publisher: Odhams Books; then Hamlyn. Country: United Kingdom. Date: 1962-71.

Passenger Trains of the World
by B. G. Wilson
London, Odhams Books Ltd., Longacre Press, 1962, reprinted 1967 (Hippo Books, No. 11).
Hardback. Laminated, illustrated board covers. 127 pages. Size: 125mm wide x 100mm high. Numerous B&W illustrations.

Passenger Trains
by Geoffrey Wilson
Feltham, Hamlyn Publishing Group Ltd., 1971 (New Hippo Books, No. 2).
Hardback. Laminated, illustrated board covers. No dustj wrapper as issued. 127 pages. Numerous B&W illustrations.Numerous B&W illustrations. Format: Small book.
Series Note: ____
1. Racing Cars of the World - Peter Roberts. 1966.
2. British Warships - Laurence Dunn. 1962.
3. Mammals of Great Britain - Maurice Burton. 1962.
4. Reptiles and Amphibians of the World - Maurice Burton. 1962.
5. Fighter Aircraft of the World - John W. R. Taylor. 1966.
6. Airliners of the World - John W. R. Taylor. 1965.
7. Bomber Aircraft of the World - John W. R. Taylor. 1965.
8. Rockets and Missiles - John W. R. Taylor. 1962.
9. Veteran and Vintage Cars - Peter Roberts. 1962.
10. British Tramps, Coasters and Colliers - Laurence Dunn. 1962.
11. Passenger Trains of the World - B. G. Wilson. 1965; 1967.
12. Birds of Britain - Michael Burton. 1962.
13. Aircraft of World War II - John William Ransom Taylor. 1965.
14. Famous Locomotives of the World - R. K. Evans and H. M. Dannatt. 1965.
15. Horses - Peter Roberts and Charles Stratton. 1963.
16. Aircraft of World War I - John W. R. Taylor. 1965.
17. Dogs - Edmund H. Burke. 1963.
18. Passenger Ships of the World - John W. R. Taylor. 1967.
19. Famous Footballers - Kenneth Wheeler. 1965.
20. Sailing Craft - Edward Delmar-Morgan and Peter Roberts. 1964; 1965.
21. Fishing - Bill Keal. 1966.
22. Animals of the World - C. Joyce. 1965.
23. Wonders of the World - James Stagg. 1965.
24. British Cars - Peter Roberts and Peter Hulbert. 1965.
1. Veteran and Vintage Cars - Peter Roberts. 1971.
2. Passenger Trains - Geoffrey Wilson. 1971.
3. Birds of Britain - Maurice Burton. 1971.
4. Reptiles and Amphibians - Maurice Burton. 1971.
5. Horses - Peter Roberts and Charles Stratton. 1971.
6. Airliners - John W. R. Taylor [John William Ransom Taylor]. 1971.
7. Dogs - Edmund H. Burke. 1971.
8. Rockets and Missiles - John W. R. Taylor. 1971.
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